Essay Wgu C228 Task 1 Community And Population-Focused Nursing

Essay Wgu C228 Task 1 Community And Population-Focused Nursing
C228 Community and Population-Focused Nursing
Task 1
Western Governors University
Identification of Community With 10.4 million residents, Los Angeles County surpasses the other 57 counties in the state of California in population. In fact, it is a population larger than any other county in the entire nation. Los Angeles consists of 88 cities and some unincorporated areas, in which over 10 million people live (US Census Bureau, 2014). Los Angeles is a 4,084 square-mile county located in coastal and mountainous southern California (LA County, n.d.). Additionally, 500,000 residents of other counties in the “LA Metro area” such as Ventura, Riverside, and Orange counties commute to Los Angeles for work …show more content…
The 2013 US Census Bureau estimates that 10,017,068 people live in LA. Hispanics and Latinos make up 48.3% of the population, non-Hispanic Whites were 27.2%, Asians were 14.6%, and Blacks were 9.2% of the population. Additionally, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, and those who reported 2 or more races make up the remaining population. Females made up 50.7% of the population, while males made up 49.3%. The majority of the households are families with children at 67.5%, others are single householders and retired persons. Over 76% of adults are high-school graduates, while approximately 30% have bachelor degrees or higher. The majority of homes are valued at $300,000 to $499,999. Between 2008 and 2012, the median household income in Los Angeles was $56,241, and the unemployment rate was 10.8%. Of all families, 13.7% fell below the poverty level, of which 16.8% were households with children under 5 years old. Approximately 9% of the population receive food stamp assistance, 28.9% have public-assisted health insurance coverage, while 22.2% do not have insurance at all (US Census Bureau,
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Essay Wgu C228 Task 1 Community And Population-Focused Nursing