NR504-10921 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part II LT

NR504-10921 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part II LT
NR504-10921 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part II LT
Leading a culture of excellence
Health care is a very vast field with room for continuous improvement as it faces different challenges (Fitzgerald, 2021). The purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of a culture of excellence in health care, understand the role of mission, vision, and core values, demonstrating the relationship between them through a concept map, and analyzing the importance of leadership strategies to implement the culture of excellence. The paper is divided into two parts where the first part is the concept map and the second part includes an analysis of the culture of excellence, the relationship between vision, mission, and values, and the importance of leadership strategies.
Global health care leaders are striving towards empowering different aspects of its services, workers, and the public by integrating and embedding a culture of excellence in all the areas including patient care, safety, service quality, ease of care, cost containment, integrating evidence-based interventions (Moon, Van Dam & Kitsos, 2019), adopting effective and transformational leadership styles, and fostering sustainable development (Allen-Duck, Robinson & Stewart, 2017). Al this can be achieved by adopting and pursuing a culture of excellence. To do that, it is important to set goals, mission, vision, and core values of the organization as goals set destination, mission sets the path of goal and vision, vision creates dream and future goals, and values define how different aspects drive an organization’s work (Laurente, 2019).
NR504-10921 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part II LT
Culture of excellence
The concept of a culture of excellence is broad as it includes all aspects of health care. The concept can be defined as an approach to achieve the highest quality of care and service in health care by providing a high concentration of expertise (Fitzgerald, 2021), delivering comprehensive care, achieving affordable and easy to access care, demonstrating teamwork and collaboration (Allen-Duck, Robinson & Stewart, 2017), adopting standardized protocols and policies, integrate research and evidence-based practice, implement a culture of safety, ethics, trust, strong leadership, and communication to ensure high quality of life for employees and high-level patient satisfaction (Elrod & Fortenberry, 2017).
Characteristics or practices of the culture of excellence
To achieve a culture of excellence, a health care organization should clearly define its goals, objectives, mission, vision, and values to set a framework for its employees, administration, stakeholders, and the public to achieve all the goals at micro, macro, and mesa levels by adopting business and care strategies (Allen-Duck, Robinson & Stewart, 2017). Further, the organization should create a better work culture by integrating aspects of cultural sensitivity and humility, equal opportunities for all without discriminating based on gender race, religion, culture, age, or sexual orientation, setting organizational policies for misconduct, and understanding the needs of the employees to promote better work and life balance (Fitzgerald, 2021).
NR504-10921 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part II LT
The third key aspect is to promote interprofessional collaboration and clear and effective communication to solve problems, generate innovative ideas, and stay productive (Elrod & Fortenberry, 2017). This includes a consistent and continuous flow of communication between stakeholders from bottom to the top or top to the bottom. The fourth key characteristics are to demonstrate timely delivery of care to all the patient by empowering patients to make informed decisions about their health. This also includes ensuring patient safety, building trust, and promoting well-being even when they are not in health care (Allen-Duck, Robinson & Stewart, 2017). The fifth key characteristics are to provide affordable yet high-quality care for everyone by integrating government funding policies to increase ease of access. The sixth key characteristic is that health care should integrate leadership strategies to establish excellence in care and management (Moon, Van Dam & Kitsos, 2019). Other characteristics include research and development, EBP, technology-based care, talent hiring, and career growth opportunities to foster high-performance care and growth in the organization.
Significance of culture of excellence to family nurse practitioner
The concept of the culture of excellence as high significance to family nurse practitioners as it enables and empowers the nurses to adopt EBP and make use of leadership skills to progress both professionally and personally (Arthurs et al., 2017). It allows the nurses to balance thinking, plan the outcomes, and progress to provide the best quality care by collaborating with other health care professionals. The nurses can make use of advanced and tailored coaching and training programs and research to gain more knowledge regarding best health care practices (Elrod & Fortenberry, 2017). It further promotes decision-making, innovation, and awareness. This empowers nurses to build better relationships with patients and their families to make decisions (Arthurs et al., 2017).
Overview of the concept map
The concept map of the XYZ health care indicates that mission and values combined together will help in achieving the vision of the organization. The organization has a mission statement: to improve holistic health and promote the quality of life of communities, individuals, and families we serve. The mission statement identifies holistic health and high-quality life as key goals. To achieve this, the organization identified core values such as accountability (to increase responsibility, management, and governance), integrity (to practice ethically and behave professionally), excellence (in care, support, communication, innovation, practice, and research), trust (to build trust between health care, nurses, and community), teamwork (to achieve, progress, and increase productivity), diversity (to provide affordable and ease of access), and innovation (to implement EBP, advanced strategies, technology, and practice standards). The mission and values integrated towards promote and carry everyone toward achieving the vision to become a trusted health care leader inspiring hope and empowering quality of health through the holistic advancement of health. As all of the concepts in vision, mission, and core values reflect the key characteristics of a culture of excellence, the mission, vision, and values reflect a culture of excellence.
NR504-10921 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part II LT
Leading a culture of excellence
The first leadership strategy is to adopt a transformational leadership style to motivate the nurses to adopt EBP to solve nursing problems by actively practicing in decision-making and policy development. The second strategy is to promote effective interprofessional collaboration through communication to increase knowledge sharing, practice together to solve issues, and achieve goals by increasing productivity (Moon, Van Dam & Kitsos, 2019). Both the goals push the organization to provide high-quality care and support. The two leadership strategies reflect the Chamberlain Care Model as EBP and collaboration are an integral part of the care under care for patients, care for peers, communication, and civility (, 2021).
The importance of the culture of excellence is high as it drives an organization to set goals and vision to become a high-performance health care organization by achieving goals related to safety, security, care, health promotion, quality of life, cost of care, health care access, innovation, administration, and effective leadership. It can be achieved by achieving a transformational leadership style to motivate and empower the nurses to adopt EBP and collaborate with peers to work towards solving the problems and achieving mission and vision. The organization’s vision to become a leader in providing the best quality health care services by using core values such as integrity, accountability, innovation, teamwork, trust, excellence, and diversity reflects a culture of excellence. The assignment helped to understand the importance of creating a concept map, integrating characteristics of a culture of excellence, and leadership strategies and their relationship as health care is a vast field and its dynamic nature demands such process and planning. Also, the assignment will help me to develop individual and organizational goals for the MSN specialty track of family nurse practitioner.
Allen-Duck, A., Robinson, J., & Stewart, M. (2017). Healthcare quality: a concept analysis. Nursing Forum, 52(4), 377-386. doi: 10.1111/nuf.12207
Arthurs, K., Bell-Gordon, C., Chalupa, B., Rose, A., Martinez, D., Watson, J., & Bernard, D. (2017). A culture of nursing excellence: A community hospital’s journey from Pathway to Excellence® to Magnet® recognition. Journal Of Nursing Education And Practice, 8(5), 26. doi: 10.5430/jnep.v8n5p26 (2021). Chamberlain Care. Retrieved 23 January 2021, from
Elrod, J., & Fortenberry, J. (2017). Centers of excellence in healthcare institutions: what they are and how to assemble them. BMC Health Services Research, 17(S1). doi: 10.1186/s12913-017-2340-y
NR504-10921 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part II LT
Fitzgerald, J. (2021). Creating a culture of excellence: How healthcare leaders can build and sustain continuous improvement. A global report from KPMG International’s Healthcare Practice.
Laurente, M. (2019). The Stakeholders’ awareness and acceptability of the Leyte Normal University’s vision, mission, goal and objectives. International Journal Of Innovation Education And Research, 7(4), 108-117. doi: 10.31686/ijier.vol7.iss4.1392
Moon, S., Van Dam, P., & Kitsos, A. (2019). Measuring transformational leadership in establishing nursing care excellence. Healthcare, 7(4), 132. doi: 10.3390/healthcare7040132
NR504-10921 Week 5 Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper Part II LT