C228 Task 1 WGU

C228 Task 1 WGU
Community Assessment
(Student Name]
Western Governors University
9 May 2022
A. Community Assessment: [city/county name], SC
Located in the Foothills of South Carolina, the city of [city/county name], South Carolina is rapidly growing and has become an appealing destination for short-term and long-term visitors. [city/county name] has spectacular natural beauty, southern charm, and unanticipated contemporary sophistication making it alluring to multigenerational and multicultural groups.
[city/county name] City is located in the center of [city/county name] County. [city/county name] County is located in the northwest of South Carolina, with Western North Carolina bordering the north side of the county, Spartanburg County bordering to the east, and Pickens and Anderson Counties on the west side of the county. In addition to being the county seat for
[city/county name] County, the City of [city/county name] is the largest in county. Other cities in [city/county name] County include Mauldin, Simpsonville, Travelers Rest and Greer. Adults age twenty-five and up make up sixty-seven percent of the population of [city/county name] City
(U.S. Census Bureau, 2013). The leading cause of death in [city/county name] County is cancer, followed by heart disease and accidents (SCDHEC Vital Statistics, 2012). Two of the top three employers in [city/county name] are healthcare systems, employing twenty-nine percent of the population. The second highest employer in [city/county name] is the [city/county name]
County School System, employing fifteen percent of the population ([city/county name] Area
Development Corporation, 2015). The average wage is $40,793 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2015).
The percentage of individuals diagnosed with Prostate and Breast Cancers in [city/county name]
County is higher than any other county in South Carolina (City-Data, 2015). South Carolina ranks seventh in the nation in prostate cancer
References: American Cancer Society, (2015). Best Chance Network. Retrieved from http://www.cancer.org/myacs/southatlantic/programsandservices/best-chance-networkprovides-cancer-screening-for-south-carolina-women. American Lung Association, (2013). State of the Air, 2013, [city/county name] County, South Carolina City of [city/county name], SC, (2011). Department of Police Annual Report 2011. Retrieved from http://police.[city/county City of [city/county name], SC, (2015). [city/county name] Police Department. Retrieved from http://police.[city/county name]sc.gov/. City of [city/county name], SC, (2015a). Fire Suppression. Retrieved from http://[city/county name]sc.gov/FireDept/FireSuppression.aspx. City-Data, (2015). [city/county name], South Carolina. Retrieved from http://www.citydata.com/city/[city/county name]-South-Carolina.html. City-Data, (2015a) [city/county name] County, South Carolina (SC) Religion Statistics Profile. Curtis, W., (2012, April 17). Slideshow: America’s Greatest Main Streets. Retrieved from http://www.travelandleisure.com/slideshows/americas-greatest-main-streets/10. [city/county name] Area Development Corporation, (2015). [city/county name] County Major Employers by Facility (400+) [city/county name] County Office of Emergency Management, (2015). [city/county name] County Hazards [city/county name] County Office of Emergency Management, (2015a). Who We Are. Retrieved from http://www.gceoc.com/about-us.php. [city/county name] County Office of Emergency Management, (2015b). Mobile Command Post. [city/county name] County Office of Emergency Management, (2015c). Emergency Response Team [city/county name] Health System, (2013). 2013 Community Health Needs Assessment. Meals on Wheels, (2012). Meals on Wheels, [city/county name] County. Retrieved from http://www.mealsonwheels[city/county name].org/. Meals on Wheels, (2013). Impact, 2013 By the Numbers. Retrieved from http://www.mealsonwheels[city/county Meals on Wheels, (2014). Newsletter, Q4, 2014. Retrieved from http://www.mealsonwheels[city/county Neighborhood Scout, (2015). Crime Rates for [city/county name], South Carolina. Retrieved from http://www.neighborhoodscout.com/sc/[city/county name]/crime. Osby, L., (2014, September 24). The [city/county name] News. State Unveils Obesity Action Plan S.C. Department of Employment & Workforce, Business Intelligence Department, (2015, April 20) SCDHEC Vital Statistics, (2012). Top Ten Leading Causes of Death in [city/county name] County, 2012 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, (2014). DHEC Locations. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, (2014).. Coordinated Chronic Disease Fact Sheet: [city/county name] County 2012 South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, (November 2014). South Carolina Vital and Morbidity Statistics, 2013: Volume One, Annual Statistics Series. The American Red Cross, (2015). Upstate South Carolina General Information. Retrieved from http://www.redcross.org/sc/about-us/locations/upstate-sc. U.S. Census Bureau, (2013). Selected Economic Characteristics: 2009-2013 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates: [city/county name] City, South Carolina. U.S. Census Bureau, (2015, March 31) State and County QuickFacts. Retrieved from http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/45/4530850.html. USA Department of Health and Human Services, (2015, May 9). Cancer. Retrieved from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/cancer. USA Department of Health and Human Services, (2015a, May 9). Injury and Violence Prevention
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