NR504-10921 Week 7 Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement Part II

NR504-10921 Week 7 Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement Part II
NR504-10921 Week 7 Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement Part II
Leadership Style and Cahnge Advocacy Statement
I am Ly Tran, and I have been working in Emergency Department for little over three years. I am currently in the Nurse Informatics MSN track at Chamberlain University. However, I am also considering the Family Nurse Practitioner track, it has always been my dream to specialize in family medicine. The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize insights I have gained through learning activities the past seven weeks and personal reflection on my personal leadership style and a change advocacy statement and rationale with challenge exists in my specialty track.
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Personal Leadership Style
The readings for week one provide an overview of leadership theories and styles, which emerged across the 20th century, and into the present day. The leadership style most congruent with my change advocacy is the authentic leadership. Authentic leadership centralized on self-awareness, unbiased perspective by being transparence with others, and ultimately cultivating integrity. Self-awareness involves reflective that is continued evolving. Authentic leaders aware of their communication patterns and methods of interaction to better understand and interact with others (Chamberlain University, 2020). Being transparence with their colleagues and patients are the best communication tool and ultimate foster trusted relationships and sustain change with integrity in the long run. I think this attribute most to my change advocacy and personal learship style.
NR504-10921 Week 7 Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement Part II
Change Advocacy Statement and Rationale
Over the past years, health care is becoming more of a centralized business, where hospital is not only a saved heaven but also a business sector where patients experience and satisfactions impact the growth of the organization. An increasing desire for improved service experience and greater engagement in their health care by patients puts more pressure on health care facilities to find ways to become more patient-centered. Improving patient experience has an intrinsic value to patients and families and is therefore an important outcome in its own rights (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2020). The rationale behinds improving patients satisfaction is very concise and simple. Happy customers bring referrals and return customers. Satisfied customers bring good reputation and more businesses. More business means to more revenues. More revenues mean happy bosses. All levels of operations are benefit from a simple change yet. However, to implement, execute, and maintain the change process, leadership approaches that facilitate achievement through interprofessional collaborative within micro-, meso-, and macro-levels have to participate fully. Wide-ranging requirements for the incorporation of patient engagement and patient interactions in Quality Improvement work in hospitals have been illustrated by government documents and legislation at the macro level (Wiig, Storm, & Aase , 2016). Any barriers from any level could shift the change in an adverse direction, and to mitigate any barriers clear communication and support could overcome any challenges the change imitative would encountered. Patients’ participation is detrimental to improve the patients’ satisfactions rates as well.
NR504-10921 Week 7 Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement Part II
Overall, to integrate my personal leadership style, which is authentic leadership into the change, the initiative of increasing patients’ satisfaction is a formal transition. Authentic leadership characteristics of self-awareness make oneself to be awared of their owns and others values and perspectives. Transparency is the best communication tool during the change process because it values diverse nature of individuals and cultivate healthful work environments when you empower someone to voice their concerns. A sustainable change requires integrity and rapport amongst care teams, patients, and their families. Support from the micro, meso, and macro levels could overcome any barriers. Any initiatives to make change won’t be an easy process. Perseverance and consistency would get through any hardship. Increasing patients’ satisfaction would benefit all levels of hospital and should be hospital priority as much as our safety standards.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2020, Feb). Section 2: Why Improve Patient Experience?. Retrived from
Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2020). NR-504 Week 3: Self-Care [Online lesson]. Downers Grove, IL: DeVry Education Group.
Wiig. S, Storm. M, & Aase. K, (2016). Investigating the use of patient involvement and patient experience in quality improvement in Norway: rhetoric or reality. BMC Health Serv Res. doi: 10.1187/1472-6963-13-206s
NR504-10921 Week 7 Leadership Style and Change Advocacy Statement Part II