Essay NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction
NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

Test construction for cardiovascular disease care for adults using a blueprint 

NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

Blueprint and Bloom’s revised taxonomy help in understanding the course outcomes, competencies, level of nursing students, and relevance of topics to the nursing to create tests with variable difficulty and discrimination index to provide a valid test. 

Description of the content area for the module/unit

The module or unit is cardiovascular disease care for adults. The unit is created for the BSN nursing students and students who are applying for certification programs. The course emphasizes on the cardiovascular disease assessment, identification of disease pattern, testing and lab result interpretation, applying evidence-based care, dosage calculation, and drug administration. The course includes four key content areas. They are heart failure, hypertension, angina-coronary artery disease, Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD), and Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD). All four content areas are interconnected as adverse cardiovascular conditions in the adult lead to these conditions. The course is important as cardiovascular conditions are prevalent chronic conditions. The nurse students should demonstrate their understanding in these areas to provide comfort adult care.

NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

Course outcomes

  • Describe different types of cardiovascular diseases, their symptoms, and diagnosis
  • Incorporate clinical and theoretical knowledge of cardiovascular diseases from biological, physical, and behavioral science to care for adults.
  • Identify and assess different diseases associated with cardiovascular conditions 
  • Identify and predict risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases
  • Demonstrate understanding of laboratory result to create a treatment plan
  • Demonstrate ability in dosage calculation and intervention
  • Apply knowledge to implement evidence-based care for adults by considering holistic care, culture-based care, and patient-centered care.

Test blueprint plan

Name of the Module/Unit:  Cardiovascular disease care 

Total Points for the test:    85

Points for each test question:  2

Content Areas for Module/UnitAdult Comfort Care Course Outcome #1 Verb:   ExplainsAdult Comfort Care Course Outcome #2 Verb:AppliesAdult Comfort Care Course Outcome #3 Verb:UtilizesAdult Comfort Care Course Outcome #4 Verb:AppraisesTotal Points
Content Area #1:   Heart Failure 



Content Area #2:  Hypertension




Content Area #3:  Angina-Coronary Artery Disease




Content Area #4:  PVD-PADPeripheral Vascular Disease (PVD), Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)




Total Points



85 or 100%

NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

Development of multiple-choice items

1. Which modifiable risk factor should be at the highest priority for a patient with prehypertension? (Cognitive Level – Apply)

a. Do not exercise

b. BMI index is on 20

c. Drinks wine daily

d. Has a high intake of sodium

e. Smokes one pack every day

2. Laboratory testing is ordered for a patient during a clinic visit for routine assessment of hypertension. When monitoring for target organ damage as a consequence of hypertension, the nurse will be most concerned about:   (Cognitive Level – Understand/apply)

a. Alanine aminotransferase or ALT 42 u/L

b. Blood urea nitrogen or BUN of 16 mg/dl

c. Serum creatinine of 1.75 mg/dl

d. Aspartate aminotransferase or AST 37 u/L

3. The_____________________ condition causes chest pain. (Cognitive Level – Apply)

a. Increased preload

b. Decreased contractility

c. Decreased afterload

d. Decrease in oxygen supply to the myocardium

4. Which sign of a poor organ perfusion should a nurse monitor when a client experienced a myocardial infarction and then develops left ventricular heart failure.  (Cognitive Level – Understand/apply)

NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

a. Serum creatinine value at 1.7 mg/dl

b. Alanine aminotransferase or ALT at 122 u/L 

c. Urine output lower than 30mL/hour

d.          a, b, & c

e. b & c

5. The body’s initial compensatory mechanism, which maintains cardiac output during heart failure condition is: (Cognitive Level – remember and understand)

a. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System

b. Increase in parasympathetic nervous system stimulations

c. Decrease in sympathetic nervous system stimulations

d. Increase in sympathetic nervous system stimulations

6. Peripheral arterial disease results in a reduction of delivery of rich oxygenated blood to the lower extremities and causes ischemia. (Cognitive Level – remember, understand, and apply)

a. false

b. true

7. A nurse would see _____________ in acute PVD. (Cognitive Level – remember and apply)

a. Collapsed arterial

b. Full arterial

c. Collapsed venous

d. Full venous

8. The majority of adults over 65 years of age have PVD? (Cognitive Level – remember)

NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

a. False

b. True

Development of alternative items

Outcome 1 

Item type – short answer

Content area – Heart Failure

Cognitive level – Remember

1. Which diagnosis should be considered as a priority when a client has left-sided heart failure?

a. Activity Intolerance

b. Anxiety

c. Fatigue

d. Impaired Gas Exchange

Outcome 2 

Item type – short answer

Content area – Heart Failure

Cognitive level – Analyze and evaluate

2. Which finding(s) of the assessment should indicate that a patient has a condition of biventricular heart failure?

NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

a. Crackles in the bases of the lungs bilaterally

b. 2+ pitting edema in the lower extremities

c. Pattern of labored respirations

d. a & c

e. b, & c

Outcome 3 

Item type – True or false

Content area – Angina – Coronary Artery Disease

Cognitive level – Remember

3. Coronary heart disease is commonly referred to as ischemic heart disease and coronary artery disease. True or false? 

a. true

b. false

NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

Outcome 3 

Item type – Blanks

Content area – Hypertension

Cognitive level – Apply

4. Hypertensive heart disease is a heart condition caused by _____________________

a. high blood pressure

b. low blood pressure

c. high blood sugar

d. low blood sugar

NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction

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