Essay NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development

NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development

NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development
NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development

NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development

Rubric development

Description of the learning activity 

NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development – Learning activities allow nurses to gain knowledge and skills. Written assignments provide a platform for nursing students to explore, research, synthesize, and write assignments to gain understanding and insights into the topic. One such written assignment is to write a health care policy paper. The purpose of the written assignment is to identify and analyze major health care policy concerns to build a comprehensive action plan with measurable solutions for health care concerns to implement an updated health care policy. In this assignment, MSN students in academic students will select a health care policy, identify its concerns relating to community-based care, public health concerns, and health care services by using scholarly evidence to provide student-oriented solutions. The two learning outcomes of the assignment are

NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development

  1. To select and appraise a public health care policy and its concerns
  2. To design and develop an action plan with solutions for health care policy concerns

Content and format criteria for the learning activity

The health care policy written assignment has three content criteria. The first criterion is the identification of health care policy and its concerns. This content criterion contributes to the first learning outcome as it includes the identification of a public health care policy and analyze the policy with respect to its effect on the population, its impact, and different issues present in the criteria. The second criterion is student-identified solutions, descriptions, and arguments for solutions for the selected health care policy concern. The criterion instructs students to identify different solutions that can help in mitigating health care policy concerns. The students will identify the solutions based on their understanding and evidence to develop and present arguments for and against solutions. The third criterion is developing an action plan to implement the selected health care policy solutions. This criterion prompts students to make use of the best solutions to build and propose a health care policy and also, design an action plan to implement the new or updated health care policy. As a result, all three criteria are in accordance with learning outcomes. 

NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development

There are two format criteria. The first criterion is argument logic, construction, and presentation. The paper demands a critical evaluation of health care policy. As a result, a set of well-developed arguments with clear presentation and argument construction is important. As a result, this criterion helps students to concentrate on developing clear arguments. The second criterion is APA 6th edition citation and format (last 5 years). As evidence are important and health care policies change frequently, recent research papers are important. Also, the use of APA 6th edition citations and paper format provides a better structure for thesis development, arguments, and conclusion. 

Performance levels for the learning activity

There are four performance levels. They are exceptional, good, satisfactory, and unsatisfactory. The numerical values of the performance levels vary for each content and format criterion. However, the percentage values are above 90%, 80% to 89%, 70% to 79%, and below 70% respectively for performance levels exceptional, good, satisfactory, and unsatisfactory. A student can score a maximum of 180 points (150 for content and 30 for format). 

Descriptors for each criterion

NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development

Identification of health care policy and its concerns is the first content criterion, which is measurable. In all criteria, descriptors under level exceptional and unsatisfactory are mutually exclusive. The descriptors are information was presented exceptionally and included all the aspects – effectively define health care policy with respect to nursing and its impact, identify all the major health care concerns, identification of the population impacted, and identification of at least 8 concerns related to health care policy (exceptional). Information presented was good and included most of the aspects – define health care policy in a general manner with respect to nursing and its impact, identify most of the major health care concerns, identification of the population impacted, and identification of 5-7 concerns related to health care policy (good). Information presented was satisfactory and included a few of the aspects – define health care policy in a general manner with respect to nursing and its impact, identify a few of the major health care concerns, improper identification of the population impacted, and identification of 3-4 concerns related to health care policy (satisfactory). Information presented was less than satisfactory and included very few to no aspects – poor definition of health care policy in a general manner with low relevance to nursing and its impact, identify very few of the major health care concerns, no identification of the population impacted, and identification of 0-2 concerns related to health care policy (unsatisfactory).

Student-identified solutions, descriptions, and arguments for solutions for the selected health care policy concern is the second content criterion. It is measurable. The descriptors are exceptional solutions, exceptional descriptions of solutions and arguments, and exceptional analysis of the role of nursing advocacy and policy-making (exceptional). Good solutions, good and detailed description of solutions and arguments, and comprehensive analysis of the role of nursing advocacy and policy-making (good). Decent solutions, lacking in the detailed description of solutions and arguments, and detailed but not effective analysis of the role of nursing advocacy and policy-making (satisfactory). Poor solutions, minimal description of solutions and arguments, and poor analysis of the role of nursing advocacy and policy-making (unsatisfactory).

NR 541 Interview with NI Practioner

NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development

Developing an action plan to implement the selected health care policy solutions is the third content criterion. The descriptors are outstanding development of action plan, detailed analysis of stakeholders involved, exceptional analysis of health care delivery model selected, and recommendations for policy changes (exceptional). Good development of action plan, detailed analysis of stakeholders involved, good analysis of health care delivery model selected, and recommendations for policy changes (good). Action plan lacked development process and analysis, a superficial analysis of stakeholders involved, improper analysis of health care delivery model selected, and satisfactory recommendations for policy changes (satisfactory). Poor development of action plan, poor analysis of stakeholders involved, poor analysis of health care delivery model selected, and unclear recommendations for policy changes (unsatisfactory).

Argument logic, construction, and presentation is the first format criterion. The descriptors are: clearly identified and constructed purpose, logic, arguments, and presentation. Most of the identified and constructed purpose, logic, arguments, and presentation are good (exceptional); most of the identified and constructed purpose, logic, arguments, and presentation is good (good); most identified and constructed purpose, logic, arguments, and presentation are satisfactory (satisfactory); and vaguely identified and constructed purpose, logic, arguments, and presentation (unsatisfactory).

NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development

APA 6th edition format (last 5 years) is the second criterion and it is measurable. The descriptors are 1-2 errors in APA formatting, reference, and usage in exceptional, 3-4 errors in APA formatting, reference, and usage in good, 5-6 errors in APA formatting, reference, and usage in satisfactory and more than 6 errors in APA formatting, reference, and usage in unsatisfactory.

Rubric Health care policy paper (Total 180 points)

Excellent (100%)Good (90%)Satisfactory (80%)Unsatisfactory (70%)
Written Assignment Content: Maximum of 150 points
Identification of health care policy and its concerns20 ptsInformation was presented exceptionally and included all the aspects – effectively define health care policy with respect to nursing and its impact, identify all the major health care concerns, identification of the population impacted, and identification of at least 8 concerns related to health care policy.18 ptsInformation presented was good and included most of the aspects – define health care policy in a general manner with respect to nursing and its impact, identify most of the major health care concerns, identification of the population impacted, and identification of 5-7 concerns related to health care policy.16 ptsInformation presented was satisfactory and included a few of the aspects – define health care policy in a general manner with respect to nursing and its impact, identify a few of the major health care concerns, improper identification of the population impacted, and identification of 3-4 concerns related to health care policy.14 ptsInformation presented was less than satisfactory and included very few to no aspects – poor definition of health care policy in a general manner with low relevance to nursing and its impact, identify very few of the major health care concerns, no identification of the population impacted, and identification of 0-2 concerns related to health care policy.
Student-identified solutions, descriptions, and argument for solutions for the selected health care policy concern60 ptsExceptional solutions, exceptional description of solutions and arguments, and exceptional analysis of the role of nursing advocacy and policy-making.53 ptsGood solutions, good and detailed description of solutions and arguments, and comprehensive analysis of the role of nursing advocacy and policy-making.48 ptsDecent solutions, lacking in a detailed description of solutions and arguments, and detailed but not effective analysis of the role of nursing advocacy and policy-making.41 ptsPoor solutions, minimal description of solutions and arguments, and poor analysis of the role of nursing advocacy and policy-making.
Developing an action plan to implement the selected health care policy solutions70 ptsAn outstanding development of action plan, detailed analysis of stakeholders involved, exceptional analysis of health care delivery model selected, and recommendations for policy changes.62 ptsGood development of action plan, detailed analysis of stakeholders involved, good analysis of health care delivery model selected, and recommendations for policy changes.56 ptsAction plan lacked development process and analysis, a superficial analysis of stakeholders involved, improper analysis of health care delivery model selected, and satisfactory recommendations for policy changes.49 ptsPoor development of action plan, poor analysis of stakeholders involved, poor analysis of health care delivery model selected, and unclear recommendations for policy changes.
Written Assignment Format: Maximum of 30 points  
Argument logic, construction, and presentation10 ptsClearly identified and constructed purpose, logic, arguments, and presentation. 9 ptsMost of the identified and constructed purpose, logic, arguments, and presentation are good.8 pts Most identified and constructed purpose, logic, arguments, and presentation are satisfactory.7 ptsVaguely identified and constructed purpose, logic, arguments, and presentation.
APA 6th edition citation and format (last 5 years)8 pts1-2 errors in APA formatting, reference, and usage.7 pts3-4 errors in APA formatting, reference, and usage.6 pts5-6 errors in APA formatting, reference, and usage.5 ptsMore than 6 errors in APA formatting, reference, and usage.
Writing mechanics (punctuation, word use, spelling, language, and grammar)6 pts
1-2 errors
5 pts
3-4 errors
4 pts
4-5 errors
3 pts
More than 6 errors
Thesis development, purpose, and conclusion6 ptsThe thesis of the paper is well-developed with exceptional relevance to purpose and conclusion5 ptsThe thesis is descriptive, clear, and have a direct connection to purpose and conclusion4 ptsPaper has an apparent connection between thesis, purpose, and conclusion3 ptsThe Paper lacks thesis development, purpose, and conclusion.

NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development


Abuatiq, A. (2019). E-learning in nursing: tool development for evaluating virtual patient learning systems. Teaching And Learning In Nursing14(4), 291-297. doi: 10.1016/j.teln.2019.06.010

Angra, A., & Gardner, S. (2018). The graph rubric: development of a teaching, learning, and research tool. CBE—Life Sciences Education17(4), ar65. doi: 10.1187/cbe.18-01-0007

NR 537 Week 5 Rubric Development

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