NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus

NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Curriculum Plan
Academic Nurse Educators: School of Nursing
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Use the table below to develop the Curriculum Plan for the pre-licensure Baccalaureate program. Include all general education courses, science courses, and nursing courses. Identify the course by the prefix, number, and name of the course. Include the total credit hours for the course and then the breakdown of hours by theory (T), clinical (C), and laboratory (L). For example: NUR101 Fundamentals of Nursing, 6 credits (3T, 1L, 2C).
Academic Nurse Educators: Base your courses on the requirements from either the Florida State Board of Nursing: OR the California State Board of Nursing: § 1426. Required Curriculum. 16 CA ADC § 1426 BARCLAYS OFFICIAL CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS.
Indicate the state you have chosen on the template.
Reminder: Baccalaureate Degree Program = 120 credits
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Curriculum Plan—Baccalaureate Program Template
(Add additional lines, columns to the template as needed for your program)
Course Requirements from State of Florida | |||
Prerequisites: Prerequisite courses or the equivalent courses must be completed with at least “C” before gradeEnglish Reading and Composition (ENC201)General Microbiology with Lab (GECL108)Mathematics (MATH101)Medical Terminology (MID328)Human Body in Health and Disease I (GELL206) & II with Lab (GELL208)Nutrition in Health & Disease (GENH104)Introduction to Sociology (SOCY102)Public Speaking Basics of Effective Communication (ENC203)Critical Thinking (SOCY106)Ethics (EPHL1330)Social and behavioral science (PSYT224) Total Credit Hours: 120 | |||
First Year | First Semester | Second Semester | |
BSN101 Pathophysiology / Pharmacology I (2T, 2L) – 4 credits | BSN102 Professional Nursing Concepts (2T, 2L) – 4 credits | ||
BSN103 Transitional Nursing Concepts (2T, 2L) – 4 credits | BSN106 Fundamentals of Nursing (2T, 2L) – 4 credits | ||
BSN105L Anatomy and physiology, I & lab (2L, 10C) – 8 (4/4) credits | BSN106L Fundamentals of Nursing Clinical/lab (10C) – 6 credits | ||
Essay NR 537 Week 3 Test Construction | NUR109 Professional Nursing Leadership (2t, 2l) – 2 credits | ||
Total Credits = 16 | Total Credits = 16 | Total Credits for Year = 32 | |
Second Year | First Semester | Second Semester | |
NUR209 Fundamentals of Nursing (1T, 1L) | NURC346 Adult Nursing & Clinical (2T, 2L, 5C) – 8 Credits | ||
BSN508 Microbiology (2T, 4C) | NUR402 Health Assessment & Promotion (2T, 2L) – 4 credits | ||
NURC224 Family health nursing & Clinical (2T, 4C) | NUR402L Health Assessment & Promotion clinical (4C) – 4 credits | ||
Total Credits = 15 | Total Credits = 16 | Total Credits for Year = 31 | |
Third Year | First Semester | Second Semester | |
NUR380 Principles of Personalized Nursing Care I (3T, 3L) – 3 credits | NUR562 Research and Evidence-Based Nursing Practice (2T, 2L) – 3 credits | ||
NUR522 Legal & Ethical Issues in Nursing (2T, 1L) – 3 credits | NUR399 Policy and Change in Nursing (2T, 1L) – 3 credits | ||
NUR392L Clinical Reasoning: Adult Chronic Conditions (2T, 2L, 10C) – 8 credits | NUR498L Clinical Reasoning: Population health (2T, 2L, 10C) – 8 credits | ||
Total Credits = 15 | Total Credits = 15 | Total Credits for Year = 30 | |
Fourth Year | First Semester | Second Semester | |
NUR506L Clinical Reasoning: Women, Children and Families (2T, 2L, 10C) – 8 credits | Nur536L Childbearing Nursing Clinical (3T, 2L, 10C) – 6 credits | ||
NUR522 Nursing Leadership, innovation, and global health (2T, 2L) – 3 credits | NUR544 Nursing Care of Older Adults (3T, 3L) – 3 Credits | ||
NUR355 Genetics and Genomics (2T, 2L) – 2 Credits | NUR586 Professional Nursing Transformation from RN to BSN (2T, 2L) – 2 credits | ||
NUR594L Senior Clinical Practicum – 3 credits | |||
Total Credits = 13 | Total Credits = 14 | Total Credits for Year = 27 | |
Total Credits for Program = 120 | |||
Peer Collaboration Influence on Curriculum Development | Iterative and cyclic evaluation was possible as peer collaboration helped me to include general education courses, science courses, and nursing courses effectively. Further, identifying key courses and prerequisites was challenging, and discussions with peers allowed me to prioritize the courses based on modern nursing education. Further, distributing courses in six semesters need to show a logical flow. It was important to understand the priority, difficulty, and order of a course in the curriculum. Peer collaboration helped in arranging these courses one after another along with their clinicals in an effective way. Also, peer collaboration aided in analyzing different policies that can lead to better learning and teaching environment. For example, some preferred complete ban of mobile devices and some with restrictions. This allowed me to update policies related to mobile use in the class room. |
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Academic Nurse Educators
Name of School
Course Number and Name: BSN101 Pathophysiology / Pharmacology I (2T, 2L)
Course Credits: 4
Prerequisites: Human Body in Health and Disease I (GELL206) & II with Lab (GELL208)
General Microbiology with Lab (GECL108)
Faculty Information
Name: XYZ
E-mail: XYZ@ABC.COM Instructor will reply to e-mails within 48 hours excluding weekends. Holidays, and personal leaves.
Phone: (555) 555-1234 – Leave a message in case of emergency
Office Hours: Tuesday 10:30-12:00 pm and Friday 11-2:00 pm, or by Appointments. At least two hours per week and the office hours will be posted on the door of the faculty room.
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Course Description
This course combines pharmacology and pathophysiology nursing concepts. The development of diseases, etiology, symptoms, signs, functional changes in body systems caused by different diseases, and concepts related to the drugs, treatments. and therapies. The pharmacology focuses on basic pharmacological terminologies, drug classification, principles of pharmacology based on nursing, and nursing implications on use of treatment and drugs. The pathophysiology concentrates on manifestations of disease, associated risks, concepts of pathophysiology, pathology of underlying illnesses and nursing interventions.
Program Outcomes (use the outcomes developed in the Week 4 assignment)
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
- Demonstrate advanced understanding of nursing, humanities, health sciences, and community to improve nursing across the department (NLN Competency -1).
- Promote, improve, and exhibit quality care through advocacy, collaboration, and shared decision-making (NLN Competency -1).
- Implement evidence-based practice and translate research into sustainable practice (NLN Competency -3).
- Understand the nursing concept and demonstrate teaching effectiveness through lifelong learning (NLN Competency -4)
- Empower patient and their decision-making abilities through advocacy, communication, and support (NLN Competency -1).
- Demonstrate the ability of self-management and self-reflection to stay competent (NLN Competency -1)
- Resolve education, practice, and nursing problems by incorporating research and knowledge (NLN Competency -1, 3).
- Demonstrate effective inter and intra-professional collaboration relationship in the department to develop policies, influence health care process, and adopt innovative education practices (NLN Competency -4).
- Utilize technology to better learning-teaching process to deliver high quality care (NLN Competency -2, 4) (Skemp & Wyman, 2019).
- Promote and demonstrate high-level of ethical practices, fulfil responsibilities, and reflect integrity in nursing (NLN Competency -1, 3)
- Demonstrate community-based and patient-centred caring ability to improve quality of care, patient safety, and increase health (NLN Competency -2, 3, & 4).
- Create integrated and lifelong learning experience through cognitive, psychomotor, affective, and professional development (NLN Competency – 2).
- Approach nursing with innovation, critique, and evaluating the process to bring in better changes (NLN Competency -4) (NLN, 2020).
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the associate degree nursing students should be able to:
- Define and explain basic pharmacological and pathophysiological terminologies
- Analyze the signs, and symptoms of the diseases within the human body along with etiology
- Identify the occurrence, characteristics, and development of different diseases, disorders, and injuries in the human body
- Classify the drugs, treatments, and therapies
- Identify both medical and the surgical treatment processes
- Evaluate and identify appropriate treatment and drugs for each disease
- Analyze different medications utilized to treat the diseases
- Analyze the drug synthesis in the body and how it may impede the treatment
- Identify the methods of drug administration
- Calculate safe drug dosages
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Textbooks and Resources
Ackley, B., Ladwig, G., Makic Flynn, M., Martinez-Kratz, M., & Zanotti, M. (2019). Nursing diagnosis handbook: An evidence-based guide to planning care (12th ed.). Elsevier.
Adams, M., Holland, L., & Urban, C. (2009). Pharmacology for nurses (3rd ed.).
Barberio, J. (2012). Nurse’s pocket drug guide 2012. McGraw-Hill Publishing.
Pagana, K., & Pagana, T. (2018). Mosby’s manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests text (6th ed.). Mosby Inc.
Pearson. (2016). Disease processes and treatment protocols (2nd ed.). Pearson Publishing.
Taylor, V. (2015). Pathophysiology and pharmacology for nursing students (1st ed.). Sage Publications.
Vallerand, A. (2017). Davis’s drug guide for nurses (6th ed.). F A Davis.
Webster, C. (2001). Clinical pharmacology. Teton NewMedia.
Zelman, M. (2011). Introductory pathophysiology for nursing and healthcare professionals. Pearson.
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Course Schedule
August 24, 2020 | Classes Begin for Fall Semester |
8/20 to 8/25 | Chapter 1: Human Disease & Mechanisms of Disease, Scenario assignment |
8/26 to 9/3 | Chapter 2: Neoplasms & Final Test, Chapter Homework |
9/5 to 9/10 | Chapter 3: Inflammation & Infection, Final Test, Chapter Homework |
9/11 to 9/15 | Chapter 4: Immune System, Chapter Homework |
9/17 to 9/25 | Chapter 5: Cardiovascular, Final Test, Medical Report |
9/28 to 10/03 | Chapter 6: Musculoskeletal System, Final Test, course assignment |
10/04 to 10/08 | Chapter 7: Respiratory, Final Test |
10/09 to 10/18 | Chapter 08: Digestive, Lymphatic, Gallbladder, Pancreatic, & Liver, Final Test |
Fall break | |
10/20 to 10/24 | Chapter 09: Endocrine, Nervous, eye, and ear course Homework |
10/28 to 11/3 | Chapter 10: Reproductive & Integumentary, course assignment |
11/04 to 11/11 | Chapter 11: Childhood Diseases, Medical Report |
Thanksgiving break | |
11/25 to 12/1 | Chapter 12: Mental Health, course assignment |
12/2 to 12/8 | Review, assignment report submission |
12/9 to 12/15 | Final exam |
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
- Week 1: Discussions
- Week 2: Discussions, Quiz 1
- Week 3: Discussions, Chapter Homework
- Week 4: Discussions, Quiz 2
- Week 5: Discussions, course assignment 1
- Week 6: Discussions, Medical Report 1
- Week 7: Discussions, course assignment 2
- Week 8: Discussions, quiz 3
- Week 9: Discussions, Medical Report or paper on diseases
- Week 10: Discussions, quiz 4
- Week 11: Discussions, paper on pharmacology
- Week 12: Discussions
Grading Scale
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Grade Scale | Grade |
93 to 100 | A |
89 to 92.99 | A- |
85 to 88.99 | B+ |
81 to 84.99 | B |
77 to 80.99 | B- |
74 to 76.99 | C+ |
71 to 73.99 | C |
68 to 70.99 | C- |
65 to 67.99 | D+ |
62 to 64.99 | D |
60 to 61.99 | D- |
00 to 59.99 | F |
Attendance and Participation: it is required by students to participate in classroom discussions, online discussions, course activities, and assignments. Students needs to be present for classroom activities. Attendance will be taken in all classes. Failing to answer the attendance call or failing to sign the attendance sheet will be marked as absent. Proxy signing is prohibited. The 90% attendance is recommended and failing to maintain 90% attendance will be evaluated. Missing classes will reduce the grades. More than 6 absent might result in F grade.
Academic Integrity (including Plagiarism):
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Cheating: if a student uses any prohibited materials, uses external assistance in class, in takeaway exams, online paid course work, paper prepared by others, and collaborating with others in individual work is considered as cheating. Stealing in campus or stealing papers from others is prohibited. Altering or changing the grades through hacking or any other means without authorization is prohibited.
Violation of Department and Course Rules: students should follow all the rules laid out by the department and the course rules given to you either verbally or in the form of written instructions to maintain civility and show academic integrity.
Fabrication: if a student fabricates or invents the data by falsifying information in academic work, it is considered as fabrication. Submitting fabricated results, transcripts, and details is prohibited.
Interference & Academic Dishonesty: stealing, destroying property, creating chaos in classroom or campus, and bad behavior will result in strict actions. Bribe, creating problems in other student’s performance, and life will be subjected to actions. Encouraging other students to commit act of dishonesty knowingly or unknowingly will result in possible termination or disciplinary actions.
Plagiarism: presenting others work, copied ideas, graphics, codes, research, theories, opinions, copied work from peers, books, articles, and other materials is considered as plagiarism. Students should give credit to original author even when the content is paraphrased. Changing few words or rearranging content is plagiarism. Please follow the university guide on plagiarism to refrain from plagiarizing in your academic work. Plagiarism will lead to heavy penalties.
Use of Mobile Devices:
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Use of mobile phones in the class or during the classroom activity is prohibited. It is allowed only if does not create any problems to others and if the student is using it for academic purpose such as taking notes, and recording lectures after taking the permission from the instructor.
Civility in the Classroom: All the students should follow the code of conduct. It is prohibited to disrespect teachers, peers, and officials in the college to create disturbance. Any grievance should be reported in a clam manner to the administration. It is expected from the students to participate in the classroom activities. Unnecessary shouting, profanity, using mobile phones in class, texting, calling others, playing with projector, discriminating others based on race, gender, class, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or any other aspect will be considered as incivility.
Late Assignments:
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus
Late assignment submission will reduce 10% of the marks based on number of days delayed. After the submission deadlines, 10% marks will be deducted with every passing 24 hours. It is recommended for the students to submit the assignments before the deadline to safeguard themselves from network failure, power failure, or any other issues. It is also recommended for the students to take permission from the instructor to extend the date of deadline as soon as possible to reduce penalty.
NR 524 Week 6 Curriculum Plan and Course Syllabus