NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

Healthcare Concern

NR 506

December 2019

Importance of healthcare policy

Better policy knowledge leads to better policy implementation

High quality care and patient satisfaction 

NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

Collaborative policy work increases productivity and efficiency

Nurses can and should influence practice standards and processes to assure quality of care.

Advocacy leads to better policy planning and designing

To be influential, nurses must see themselves as professionals with the capacity and responsibility to influence current and future healthcare delivery systems. The nursing profession is based on the science of human health and the science of caring. It operates from a framework that values all people in a holistic way and seeks to foster and advance people’s health throughout their lifespans and across all levels of society.

The nursing profession has significant power to profoundly impact healthcare policy on a global scale

To achieve these objectives, it’s essential that policies exist that define and integrate appropriate standards for delivery of care and address conditions necessary for that care to occur. Through policy work, nurses can and should influence practice standards and processes to assure quality of care. Nurses who influence policy help shape the care that will be provided today and tomorrow. Policies also impact resource allocation to support delivery of healthcare.


Importance of healthcare policy

Nurses can and should influence practice standards and processes to assure quality of care.

Advocacy leads to better policy planning and designing

High quality health care services

NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

To achieve these objectives, it’s essential that policies exist that define and integrate appropriate standards for delivery of care and address conditions necessary for that care to occur. Through policy work, nurses can and should influence practice standards and processes to assure quality of care. Nurses who influence policy help shape the care that will be provided today and tomorrow. Policies also impact resource allocation to support delivery of healthcare.


Importance of Nursing Advocacy

Developing the nurse-patient relationship

Nurses advocating for health care issues

For Their Patients

For Their Communities

The Role of the Nurse” outline various factors that affect advocacy efforts, as well as specific ways nurses directly advocate for their patients within the health care setting. These include protecting patients from harm; communicating patient preferences; fostering collaboration; providing essential information to inform decision-making; and supporting the voice of the patient regarding choices and care.

In their communities, nurses advocate External link  for the needs of patients and their families by using their expertise to persuade those in positions of authority regarding economic matters, as well as issues in the educational and health care systems. Nurses also directly advocate for patients in specific instances where a need is apparent. Examples include sharing stories regarding health care costs with community leaders and elected officials; providing information regarding available community resources; improving access to care within the school system; and providing expertise in public forums related to the expansion of a community’s health care infrastructure.

NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

Many nurses who work at the microsocial level may feel intimidated by policy advocacy and may not know how to get involved. However, their expertise carries significant weight. PHN’s resource includes examples of how nurses are being effective advocates for policy change, including learning about the legislative process; participating in listservs and legislative action alerts; participating in coalitions; contacting or meeting with elected officials; and providing expert testimony to help inform policy decisions.

In addition to all of these efforts, nurses are learning to advocate more effectively for themselves External link . They’re doing this through a variety of activities to address concerns in the workplace, promote positive work environments, and advocate for the important role that nurses play within the health care system. Examples include membership on key practice committees; participating in activities that influence decision-making; participating in employee forums; mentoring new nurses; and collaborating with nursing leaders regarding decisions that directly affect the practice environment.

Every nurse has the opportunity to advocate for the nursing profession External link  in both formal and informal ways. By acting collectively, nurses advocate for improvements in their work settings and for the advancement of the profession as a whole — and one key for success is taking advantage of every opportunity to do it. Examples include describing the strengths of the profession and positive impact on patient outcomes; explaining the specific and independent practice responsibilities involved; supporting the important role of nurse educators; and obtaining advanced education and training External link  to help lead advocacy efforts within the nursing profession.


Importance of Nursing Advocacy

For Policy Change

For the Nursing Profession

For Themselves

NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

Many nurses who work at the microsocial level may feel intimidated by policy advocacy and may not know how to get involved. However, their expertise carries significant weight. PHN’s resource includes examples of how nurses are being effective advocates for policy change, including learning about the legislative process; participating in listservs and legislative action alerts; participating in coalitions; contacting or meeting with elected officials; and providing expert testimony to help inform policy decisions.

In addition to all of these efforts, nurses are learning to advocate more effectively for themselves External link . They’re doing this through a variety of activities to address concerns in the workplace, promote positive work environments, and advocate for the important role that nurses play within the health care system. Examples include membership on key practice committees; participating in activities that influence decision-making; participating in employee forums; mentoring new nurses; and collaborating with nursing leaders regarding decisions that directly affect the practice environment.

Every nurse has the opportunity to advocate for the nursing profession External link  in both formal and informal ways. By acting collectively, nurses advocate for improvements in their work settings and for the advancement of the profession as a whole — and one key for success is taking advantage of every opportunity to do it. Examples include describing the strengths of the profession and positive impact on patient outcomes; explaining the specific and independent practice responsibilities involved; supporting the important role of nurse educators; and obtaining advanced education and training External link  to help lead advocacy efforts within the nursing profession.


Impact of policy on population health

NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

Public policies can create, regulate, and maintain resources

Public policies can set requirements and mandates that protect citizens

Reduce barriers, create opportunities, or provide incentives

Public policies can create, regulate, and maintain public goods that foster supportive environments for good health.

Public policies can regulate natural resources to prevent harm

reduce barriers, create opportunities, or provide incentives that influence the choices that impact health.

Public health policies can operate on a number of different levels, which affects population health and health inequalities.


Impact of policy on population health

Identify health care concern

Develop and implement effective program

Promoting health and preventing diseases

Public policies can create, regulate, and maintain public goods that foster supportive environments for good health.

Public policies can regulate natural resources to prevent harm

reduce barriers, create opportunities, or provide incentives that influence the choices that impact health.

Public health policies can operate on a number of different levels, which affects population health and health inequalities.

NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation


Healthcare Policy Concern

Wildfire and smoke-related health care concerns are increasing

Airborne health risks of the chemicals are entering our homes

Health risks are asthma, respiratory issues, lung issues, dry throat, nasal issues, inflammation, coughing and other issues

Deaths Count from chronic inhalation of wildfire smoke will be at 40,000 per year by the end of the 21st century, up from around 15,000 per year today.

Wildfire smoke is composed of a mixture of gases and microscopic particles from burned material known as particulate matter. Particulate matter from wildfire smoke often reaches nearby communities and can irritate human eyes, exasperate respiratory systems and worsen chronic heart and lung diseases, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Researchers used global climate model simulations to estimate particulate matter’s impacts on air quality and human health in the contiguous United States in the early-, mid-, and late-21st century under different climate scenarios. 

From 2000 to 2010, approximately 140,000 deaths per year, or 5 percent of total deaths, were attributable to total particulate matter. Of those deaths, about 17,000, or 0.7 percent per year, were linked to particulate matter from wildfires.

If you smell smoke, you’ve already been exposed. You may have trouble breathing, your chest may tighten or you may feel dizzy if you are close to the fire and exposed to concentrated amounts of carbon monoxide.


NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

Healthcare Policy Concern

Construction sites, factory smokestacks and fires can all emit fine particulate matter. But wildfires release smaller particulates that are nearly invisible — about 30 times smaller than a strand of human hair. That means they “can be inhaled into the deepest recesses of the lung,” causing a variety of health issues, according to a 2016 wildfire smoke guide for public health officials produced by federal agencies and California officials. When you inhale concentrated amounts of these particulates, they can enter your lungs and bloodstream.

the National Center for Environmental Health, a part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in a statement, wildfire leads to


Trouble breathing normally

Stinging eyes

A scratchy throat

Runny nose

Irritated sinuses

Wheezing and shortness of breath

Chest pain


An asthma attack


Fast heartbeat


Solution To The Healthcare Policy

Supplying N95 or P100 respirator masks at school and health care centers

Training, educating and spreading awareness in children, nurses and community

Emergency hotline, treatment, telemedicine and smoke management services

N95 or P100 respirators can help protect your lungs from smoke or ash. Straps must go above and below the ears.

It blocks at least 95 percent of the hazardous and tiny particulate matter — known as PM2.5

Schools will provide education to children. It also includes the perfect way to use masks, staying away from smoke, precautions to take when there are wildfire and animated videos to highlight different problems associated with the smoke and air pollution

This will be added in community health promotion and disease prevention action plan of health care facilities. Community health workers will help in educating the people

NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation


Meeting with the elected official

Dr. Richard Pan is a pediatrician and a State Senator from Sacramento, California.

Face to face meeting with presentation

Day/time of meeting: 6th December 2019

Location: Senator office Sacramento, California

Printed report handouts are given to everyone in the room

As elected officials are keen to hear from public and health care institutions, the approach to meet and establish communication should effectively manage time, provide detailed analysis of health care issue, present the key information and strategies to overcome the issues and importance of the new policy or updating an existing policy (, 2019). My approach would be a linear approach. I prefer communicating through emails and then personal visit to present the information face to face. As the policymaking process takes a lot of time and elected officials have to manage their time, it is important to follow the schedule and activity of officials online and offline.

Face to face appointment is important as they allow officials to understand the problem, strategy and action plan in a better way. A presentation helps in establishing all the information in an effective way (, 2018). Officials can ask questions to the presenter and policymakers to understand the impact of current policy and possible outcomes of new policy. With a brief yet to the point presentation along with detailed printed report in CHALLENGES IN LOBBYING STRATEGIES 3 front of officials, information can be effectively delivered. The approach not only allows officials to get complete information on the issue but it also allows enough opportunities for nurses and health care workers to create policies.

Dr. Richard Pan himself is a pediatrician and has knowledge about health care, he is fit for the policy. Further, he has worked on health care policies relating to economic development, community, vaccine exemptions, Sacramento Health Improvement Project, access to primary health care and he was the chair of healthy kid’s healthy future (Pan, 2019). As he has worked to pass different policies relating to healthcare, his experiences help in passing the policy.


Response of the elected official

Cost analysis is needed

Time required to implement the policy

Any possible barriers

Alternative solutions

NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

As it is important to understand the cost of policy, source of funding and time required to implement the policy, senator advised us to work with his team and health care facilities and suppliers to find total cost, time, barriers to implement the policy and other possible solutions. 



Presentation was effective

All the points including health care concern and solution were explained

Cost analysis and funding for masks needs to be considered

Alternative solutions needs to be assesed

The presentation was good and I felt that I started off really well by introducing myself and my credentials. I made sure I keep it clear and concise. As soon as I introduced myself, I begin to introduce my topic. What I felt was I was not rushing at all and I made sure I provided brief background to the health care issue. I started off by identifying the issue of wildfire and smoke-related health concerns. Then I briefly explained about the impact of smoke and wildfire on children and community. The introduction part was pretty neat and my speech was very clear.


New insights

Wildfire and smoke-related issues are increasing

Involvement of environmental department is necessary

Quality control of masks and treatment needs to be maintained 

Quality control is essential to providing optimal staff and patient safety, as well as the best procedural outcomes possible. While it may seem tedious and mundane at times, high-caliber quality control is necessary to keep the lab operating at peak efficiency. Involving the whole staff in promoting quality control establishes a mindset that values performance, results and safety.


NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

New insights and revisions in proposed solution

Schools will buy and manage masks

Masks will be available only in health centers

By eliminating middle parties, cost can be reduced

Parents will pay for the masks

Telemedicine support for smoke-related issues


Future plans

Better smoke-management through environment control policies

Air quality policy and fire management

Improving Indoor Air Quality

Collaborating with California Air Resources Board to reduce air pollution

Wildland fire emissions degrade air quality and visibility, having adverse economic, health and visibility impacts at large spatial scales globally. Air quality regulations can constrain the goals of landscape resilience and management of fire-dependent ecosystems. 

Collaborating with California Air Resources Board to reduce air pollution, create guidelines to maintain health and manage self, and spread awareness in community



Smoke and wildfire-generated health care issues include asthma, cough, dry throat, irritation, lung diseases, inflammation, and other diseases. The proposed policy addresses the issues by including emergency plans, masks for protection, prevention mechanism, cost of health care, treatment, smoke management, education, training and creating helpline system. By collaborating with Dr. Richard Pan, his team and California Air Resources Board, a better cost-effective and reliable policy will be designed and implemented. 

NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation


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NR 506 Week 7 Summary of Healthcare Concern Presentation

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