NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation

NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation
NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation
Education Specialty Track
NR 500
Chamberlain University
June 2019
What is Evidence Base Practice (EBP) ?
NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation
EBP Conceptual Model
Area of Interest: Education Specialty Track
Clinical Nurse Preceptor
Recommendation For Change
Influencing Change
AACN Master’s Essentials
My introduction to my presentation includes:
What is EBP, and why is it important for Masters prepared nurses to conduct EBP.
John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-based practice Model as EBP conceptual model. I will further explain using a diagram.
Specialty track in education and the rationale behind choosing it.
Specific area of interest diving into the importance of clinical nurse preceptor training.
Current issue of lack of health care access, lack of funds and lack of education.
NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation
Recommendations for change in methods of clinical nurse preceptor training.
How to create and influence change in learning retention.
AACN Master’s essential to a Nurse Educator
Importance of Master’s – Prepared Nurse in EBP Projects
Why is EBP projects important?
– Improves quality of nursing practice
– Improve patient outcomes
EBP in Master’s prepared nurse Education
Nursing research as a foundation
Lead to create positive change
NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation
What is Evidence Based Practice? Evidence-based practice is an integral approach designed to provide nursing care. It integrates the best available evidence to guide nursing care and improve patient outcomes.
Why is Evidence Based Practice important? Evidenced Based Practiced helps to improve quality of practice, improves patient outcomes, and increases nurse satisfaction. Nurses can improve current care by translating evidence-based research (EBR) findings into practice (Limoges, Acorn, & Osborne , 2015). EBP also improves quality of nursing care and also provide nurses with skills and knowledge to competently care for patients and to ensure best possible patient care is produced for positive outcomes (Farokhzadian, Khajouei, & Ahmadian, 2015).
What is the Importance of Masters prepared nurses conducting EBP? For the profession of nursing to continue to advance nursing practice, the use of research must be the foundation of comprehensive, evidence based clinical practice. By using EBP in education, specifically in preceptorship training, critical thinking and using evidence-based inquiry leads to practice changes, quality improvements, delivery of care, and overall patient satisfaction.
Conceptual Model:
John Hopkins EBP Model
According to Loversidge (2016), evidence-based models is to addresses any clinical and health policy problems that may arise in the nursing profession. It is guided by translating research into practice to improved patient outcomes, quality care, and patient satisfaction
NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation
The Johns Hopkins EBP model is designed to meet the needs of the practicing nurse. It uses a three-step process called PET: practice question, evidence, and translation. The goal of the model is to ensure that the latest research findings and best practices are quickly and appropriately incorporated into patient care (“Center of Evidenced based practice”, 2017)
Explanation of the model – It begins with an inquiry, in which an individual or team seek to identify whether current practice reflects the best evidence for a specific problem, patient, or population. The second step looks at the on going cycle of inquiry, practice, and learning. The few steps in this process which begins with a practice question; this involves gathering team members, formulating, and refining EBP question. The second step looks at searching for evidence, evaluating the quality of evidence and developing practice recommendations. The final stage is translation, this involves planning, implementation, evaluation and concludes the end result, which leads to best practice and implementation or practice improvements.
Explanation of PET process – The PET process is a systematic approach to solving clinical questions, finding best published evidence, and translating the data into practice. Using this process means that new insight and knowledge into the subject is being produced and if the collected data supports a practice change, evidence translation is completed to a change in practice (Dang & Dearholt, 2018).
Area of Interest
Facilitate learning development
Emphasis in nursing education and research
Serve as a role model and mentor for nurse colleagues, students, and patients
SPECIATY TRACK Essay NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation
I have chosen the nurse educator role for my specialty program track. Learning is an ongoing process and a master’s in nursing education will guide me in learning instructional methods, program assessment and evaluation, and curriculum development. Nurse educators play a key role in the development of nursing students by teaching them critical thinking skills and clinical skill sets. A clinical nurse educator teaches nurses most up to date education on skills, procedures, treatment and protocols. They bring knowledge, skills and a deep understanding of contemporary nursing practice (Adelman-Mullally, Mulder, McCarter-Spalding, Hagler, Gaberson, Hanner, & Young, 2013).
Clinical Nurse Preceptor
Preceptorship is an effective teaching and learning model
Serve as a role model and mentor for patient safety
Preceptors inspires learning
A clinical nurse preceptor can be an effective medium for teaching and learning. They help bring out a different mode of thinking or response from the preceptee by engaging them with questions about nursing routines and different clinical situations. A preceptor engages students or preceptees focused on the plan of care, interventions and keeping them on track which promotes safety. Also, preceptors guide preceptees where to obtain sources of evidence- based guidelines (Lim, Weiss & Herrera-Capoziello, 2016).
Recommendation For Change
Need for retention of graduate clinical preceptors
Develop clear cut roles and responsibilities of clinical preceptors
Lack of ongoing social support
NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation
Need for intra-professional collaboration among nursing faculty, administrators, and clinicians to facilitate the recruitment, cultivation, and retention of graduate clinical preceptors to meet the demand of increasing enrollments of graduate nursing students and emerging new graduate programs like Master of Science in Nursing, and Doctor of Nursing Practice (Donley, Flaherty, Sarsfield, Burkhard, O’Brien, & Anderson, 2014).
In addition, clinical preceptors lacks the opportunities to share experiences, have no means to network with other preceptors. These interaction among other preceptors help support one another, have a way to share experiences, reduce stress, boost confidence, and be able to improve professional practices (Goldman & Cojocaru, 2017).
Influencing Change
Internal Factors
Use of preceptor training modules and developing specific preceptor classes
Effective communication abilities
External Factors
Collaboration with the advanced practice nurses within health agencies, nursing faculty, administrators, and clinicians
Support though benefits, rewards, support and role commitment.
I will be providing factors that might influence the recommended change and Identify two internal factors and two external factors that have the potential to influence the change.
The use of preceptorship is widely used and the in the clinical education is important in developing an effective teaching-learning environment. The use of online preceptor training program modules is studied in an article by Easton, O’Donnell, Morrison, & Lutz, (2017). It was used as an adjunct for continuing professional development including giving importance in debriefing and communication between preceptors and students.
NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation
Developing class to enhance the preceptor role. Education for preceptors in a classroom setting, presented by a clinical educator, to explain to role the role of the preceptor, go over learning styles, endorse growth and development of new staff, learn to evaluate competency assessment, and critical thinking (Sanford, Tipton, 2016).
The need for collaboration not only with the Schools of nursing but also with health agencies to encouraged an organized formal preceptor orientation. Also to develop support by recognition programs, improve opportunities for promotion or advancement within their organization (Donley, Flaherty, Sarsfield, Burkhard, O’Brien, & Anderson, 2014).
AACN Master’s Education in Nursing Essential III
Implement evidence-based plans on trend analysis and quantify the impact on quality and safety.
Promote a professional environment that includes accountability and high-level communication skills when involved in peer review, advocacy for patients and families, reporting of errors, and professional writing.
Direct quality improvement methods to promote culturally responsive, safe, timely, effective, equitable, and patient-centered care.
(AACN, 2011)
I will discuss how the ACCN Master’s Essentials III and IX apply to the nurse educator role. Obtaining a Master’s education, “equips nurses with valuable knowledge and skills to lead change, promote health, and elevate care in various roles and settings” (AACN, 2011)”
NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation
AACN Master’s Education in Nursing Essential IX
Use of information and communication technologies to advance patient education, enhance accessibility of care and improve over all health care outcomes.
Use leadership skills to teach, coach, and mentor other members of the healthcare team.
Apply learning, and teaching principles to the design, implementation, and evaluation of health education programs in a variety of settings
(AACN, 2011)
EBP is important in obtaining the best practice to solve problems using research studies.
Education specialty track to provide education to future and current nurses using clinical and academic strategies.
A nurse clinical preceptor, valuable teaching and learning experiences and to role model safe patient care using evidence-based practice can be achieved.
There are some hurdles that can be presented as a clinical preceptor.
Using EBP, learning and change in practice can occur.
The Essentials of master’s education in nursing practice provides guidelines for the nurse educator to incorporate into practice.
NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation
Adelman-Mullally, T., Mulder, C. K., McCarter-Spalding, D. E., Hagler, D. A., Gaberson, K. B., Hanner, M. B., & Young, P. K. (2013). The clinical nurse educator as leader. Nurse Education In Practice, 13(1), 29-34. doi:10.1016/j.nepr.2012.07.006
Conley, S. R., Flaherty, S. M. J., Sarsfield, E., Burkhard, A., O’Brien, S., & Anderson, K. M. (2014). Graduate Clinical Nurse Preceptors: Implications for Improved Intra-Professional Collaboration. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(3), 1.
Dang, D., & Dearholt, S. (2017). Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice: model and guidelines. 3rd ed. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.
Easton, A., O’Donnell, J. M., Morrison, S., & Lutz, C. (2017). Development of an Online, Evidence-Based CRNA Preceptor Training Tutorial (CPiTT): A Quality Improvement Project. AANA Journal, 85(5), 331–339. Retrieved from
Farokhzadian, J., Khajouei, R., & Ahmadian, L. (2015). Evaluating factors associated with implementing evidence-based practice in nursing. Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice, 21(6), 1107-1113. doi:10.1111/jep.12480
Goldman, I., & Cojocaru, S. (2017). The Need for Social Support among Nursing Preceptors. Social Research Reports, 9(1), 7–21. Retrieved from
Sanford, P. G., & Tipton, P. H. (2016). Is nursing preceptor behavior changed by attending a preceptor class? Proceedings (Baylor University. Medical Center), 29(3), 277–279. Retrieved from
Lim, F., Weiss, K. A., & Herrera-Capoziello, I. (2016). Preceptor education: Focusing on quality and safety education for nurses. American Nurse Today, 11(1), 44–47. Retrieved from
Limoges, J., Acorn, S., & Osborne, M. (2015). The scholarship of application: Recognizing and promoting nurses ’ contribution to knoledge development, 46(2).
Loversidge, J. M. (2016). An evidence-informed health policy model: Adapting evidence-based practice for nursing education and regulation. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 7(2), 27–33.
NR 500 Week 5 Area of Interest PowerPoint Presentation