Essay RES 885 Topic 1 Discussions GCU

Essay RES 885 Topic 1 Discussions GCU

Essay RES 885 Topic 1 Discussions GCU
Essay RES 885 Topic 1 Discussions GCU

RES 885 Topic 1 Discussions GCU

RES 885 Topic 1 DQ 1

Create a draft Individual Success Plan for accomplishing the final deliverables in this course, which is a completed prospectus and an outline of “The Review of Literature” section in Chapter 2. In your plan, provide a rationale for your plan and also include how you will address the iterative reviews given the feedback from your chair in this course. This plan will be submitted as an assignment in Week 2 of this course. How might the feedback given on your submitted deliverables potentially alter your Individual Success Plan (ISP)? How will you adapt to these changes as they occur?

RES 885 Topic 1 DQ 2

Identify the three members on a GCU committee and the role they play in coaching the learner to complete the dissertation. What will you need to do to become the leader/project manager for your dissertation? How can you establish a win-win relationship, particularly when setting expectations and communicating with your committee members? Explain.

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