BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection PS

BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection PS
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection PS
Personal Leadership
A leader plays a significant role in the growth of any institution. It controls and commands most of the activities. If you have a good leader who owns the leadership qualities, it is a win-win situation for your institution. However, if things go another way around, it may ruin the whole system. Here are some crucial leadership qualities. We will have a look at both strengths and weaknesses of that quality.
Five Leadership Domains
Communication skills
The first and the foremost important quality is communication and relationships. Management is one of the basic steps of leadership. This is all about their interaction with the people working with them. And along with this, they will use this interaction productively to get the best outcome from their fellow being. Incorporating this knowledge is all about communication and relationship management at the end. And one can’t get to the height of glory and success without its team being on its side. Communication and leadership management has three further off shots. The first one is relationship management which is a tricky point. Few people are not good at creating an organic bond with everyone. So, this can fall into their weakness which will impact the person’s growth at the end of the day.
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection PS
Next up is communication skills. It is an essential aspect of leadership. One is supposed to have good communication skills to have good interaction with their team members. The third off-shot is facilitation and negotiation. Every institution has to adopt this policy. They have supposed to facilities their employees, and the leader must keep this in mind. They should provide facilitation to a certain level so that a good amount of trust could be built between both parties. And the end team works is what makes to the company’s growth.
The next step is leadership. It talks about the essential qualities of a person that impress others by their behavior along with this its benefit the organization with its phenomenal work. It has some off shot that helps to assess of leadership domain. It includes leadership skills and behavior. Few people are with these qualities, and others learn them from others. There are different opinions on how much they can learn from others. There are doubts that this might help them become a good leader or not.
Next up is its communication skill, depending on the atmosphere, surroundings, and the culture of that organization. Lastly, a leader should always be ready for a change. As there is nothing so consistent in this world than change. They must be ready to incorporate change in their personalities. These are all basic of good leadership; however, few people can make a good leader, not everyone has this quality.
Next up is professionalism. It is essential to have a good environment around you where everyone can grow. It required this separation of professional and personal life. What happens when a leader tries to interact and communicate with people around them? They bring in their personal life in their professional environment, which leads to losing ground. The point is both leaders and their employees must keep their professional and personal life. This is how they can grow and bring maximum productivity.
Growth in the health care environment
Next up is knowledge about the health care environment. They must think of how one can grow by leaps and bounds in the healthcare environment. Their growth includes the system of health care, the health care organization in which they are working. Moreover, they can’t do it without considering the perspective of their patients as they are the pivot of a health care system
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection PS
Knowledge and skill development
Last is the knowledge of business and the skills to further excel in the business. This is equally important as the other four points. It requires the leader to have a better and updated knowledge about the business activities. Moreover, they should work on developing skills to make their work effective. Some people have good knowledge about the world.
Moreover, they cannot use that knowledge in their practical life because they largely lack their skill. They have not gone through a skill development process that will help them make the best use of their knowledge. In this way, every step is significant to reach the top. Some of these points are weaknesses of one person whereas there are strengths of work. One should work to get better each day. This is the only way to excel and grow.
Strategies to develop strengths and weaknesses.
First of all, to grow, one should have the courage to come forward and accept their weakness and relish on their liability. With this, any leader requires continuous hard work to keep it going (Zhu et al., 2021). The first domain that has been discussed is about your communication skill with is then followed by management of interaction. Communication is a skill. There are few people who donations skill. They don’t know how to communicate and put forward their point. Listen to others carefully to have a logical answer to what they ask (Hunt & Fedynich, 2019).
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection PS
Along with this, you are supposed to be brief and specific. So that you don’t lose the attention of those listening to you; also, you can write down the point make a short handout before any meeting so that you don’t miss anything. And most importantly, think people you speak to in your every word will have a long last impact on you. Above all, a positive attitude is required. Only a positive attitude can make your way towards growth and homework on these points. Besides this, those who have better communication skills should use them and make the best. They should treat a good bond between their employee so that they are willing to work with them most productively (Ismail et al., 2018).
Up next is leadership. As mentioned above, few people are blessed with good leadership qualities. Moreover, this has been witnessed that leadership can be learned as well. One can make this weakness its strength and excel in their career. The first step is that they should follow disciplines. Once they make themselves well-disciplined, these are the initial stages of developing a good leader. They should learn to follow their team leader to reach the point of becoming a team leader one day. They should make the best out of any situation. They should learn it and develop this skill (Kosharna et al., 2019).
Qualities to become a good leader
The following domain of developing a good leadership personality is professional in their behavior. As decided above, some people mix up their personal and professional life. They make them lose their productivity. They have to stick themselves to their daily task. They should try to complete their homework on time. They should enter into fruitful discussions that will help their organization to grow. They have to learn this if they keep discussing personal life at the professional platform, they can grow.
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection PS
Some people are pretty professional there, making their growth in the best way. That will help them explore new work horizons, leading to their growth as an employee (Nazir et al., 2018). They should work on a better health care environment and grow in this field. They have to focus on every little thing. They should count on their patients as well. Patients are the pivot of the health care system. Such policies should be designed to help both you and your patient positively. Lastly, developing skills and having the best-updated knowledge is significant. Some people know business; moreover, they don’t have the skills to practice it in their growth process. And few people have skills but no knowledge. To make the best of it, they should develop skills and attend productive workshops to make out of it. They should go the objective-based projects so that their skills can be polished (Sejera, 2018).
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection PS
This point is essential, and one should work on it to make one a better leader. Following are some essential qualities that the leader needs. The first point is that they should have innovative thinking to bring positivity and revolution (Palamar et al., 2019). They should have a strong vision; for example, leaders like Obama wanted to change the world most positively. Next are p is the must-have interpersonal communication skills that will help them communicate worldwide.
World leader has good communication skills as they can interact with the different heads of state. They must have a broad mind and an openness to creativity to reach out to the maximum staff in this world. The Chinese leader is an excellent example of a leader who has chosen a positive attitude and openness towards creativity and growth. These are a few essential qualities to acquire to become a good leader (Novitasari et al., 2020).
Personal leadership qualities
As mentioned above, the qualities of a leader and the basic five domains required by someone to make a good leader. First, I will focus on my communication skills as I do not have good communication skills. I am very introverted, and I don’t interact with people. So, I have to develop better communication skills, and I have to learn my relationship management. Moreover, I have to develop a strong interaction with people.
Professionalism is another important this which is required. I could adopt this habit that I should keep in my personal and professional life. That is how I can acquire professionalism in my life. That will be a win-win situation for me. Lastly, I need to learn and practice my knowledge to use my bookish knowledge in a better way. These are very important to develop leadership skills in my personal life.
Personal development plan
Here is a personal development plan that I would like to follow to work on the weak area of my personality to become a successful leader in my life.
During studies
Pressley, I will spotlight a few areas of my personality that negates the first step of five dominant that I am reticent. I’m not particularly eager to talk to others; I work on my own the nullify my one step to become a good leader who needs to be catered to before I enter in professional or practical life. Moreover, I have professionalism in myself as I keep my studies and my personal life on to ends, making me feel that I will have professionalism in myself. Moreover, I have always been my class representative, but I am contrary to this; I don’t talk much. So, to polish my leadership skill, I have to be interactive.
I should learn this skill, and I will work on it. With this, I am getting knowledge about excelling in life, and my university is helping me to develop different skills which will help me in the future to make the best out of other opportunities. The bottom line is that I need to be more interactive to reach t good number of people. I can share my ideas and take them to make maximum out of them to execute each plan in the best possible manner.
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection PS
Plans for my professional growth
I have briefly explained my strength and weakness above, and I will be working on each of them to make my professional life a success. I need to focus on my communication skill to use my strength and overcome these weaknesses to become a successful individual. In the future, I should develop a behavior that will help me separate my professional life from my personal life and aim to become a good leader. Lastly, I should make the best out of current time by getting updated knowledge and working on my skill development so that every situation comes my way as a success. To sum up, a leader acquires all the qualities. And if one doesn’t have these qualities, they should work on these and learn from their surroundings.
Timeline for Leadership Development Plan
Goals | Steps | Measure | Deadline |
Achieving professionalism | Be focused on work during office hours | I will follow my deadline to focus on my work more than sharing my personal life. | Till the end of my degree |
Better communication skills | Put forward my points in any discussion or meeting | Put up my point when and where it is required. | Till the end of this course |
Hunt, T., & Fedynich, L. (2019). Leadership: Past, Present, and Future: An Evolution of an Idea. v8i2.1582
Ismail, S. N., Don, Y., Husin, F., & Khalid, R. (2018). Instructional Leadership and Teachers’ Functional Competency across the 21st Century Learning. International Journal of Instruction, 11(3), 135–152.
Kosharna, N., Sytnyk, O., & Labunets, Y. (2019, May 1). Formation of future teachers’ leadership qualities through learning a foreign language.; Atlantis Press.
Nazir, S., Qun, W., Hui, L., & Shafi, A. (2018). Influence of Social Exchange Relationships on Affective Commitment and Innovative Behavior: Role of Perceived Organizational Support. Sustainability, 10(12), 4418.
Novitasari, D., Siswanto, E., Purwanto, A., & Fahmi, K. (2020). Authentic Leadership and Innovation: What is the Role of Psychological Capital? International Journal of Social and Management Studies, 1(1), 1–21. v1i1.1
BHA FPX 4102 Assessment 1 Personal Leadership Reflection PS
Palamar, S., Golota, N., & Mashovets, M. (2019, October 1). Formation of leadership qualities of future teachers of primary school in professional preparation.; Atlantis Press.
Sejera, S. G. (2018, April 18). Culturally Derived Leadership Qualities: Dispositional Resilience Among Societies.
Zhu, X., Shek, D. T. L., & Chan, C. H. M. (2021). Promoting Service Leadership Qualities and Well-Being among University Students through an Online Course during COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 8162.