Essay NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change
NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

Executive Summary

Proposed Change

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

In the system where all the medical and healthcare systems are operating with technology. Miami, Florida also has healthcare systems that operate according to new policies. Kendall regional medical center is one of the all healthcare centers that have 24/7 service provision and including 447 beds they have comprehensive medical, trauma, surgical, behavioral health, and diagnostic services, along with a wide range of patient and community services. (A Guide to Facilitating Health Systems Change, 2020)

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

They have multiple excellent departments and some still are in the room for improvements. They have the lacking capacity to work on evidence-based practice. This is the proposed change that I believe will be working best if medical centers have more approaches towards this practice. In this practice, it is explained that medical or healthcare systems have to get along with the research and updated knowledge and the narrow approach of problem-solving when it comes to providing the best healthcare to patients. (Studyguide for Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice by Melnyk, Bernadette by Cram101 Textbook Reviews (2013–05-21), 2021)

Desired Outcomes

There will definitely be positive outcomes though the person working in the team of the acute care unit, they have to abruptly and more often work with the one to one scenario. Where they have to make decisions on a very quick node. Therefore, the practice of an evidence-based approach is well in a row that people in the professional field do not have the most efficient problem-solving capacity in them. In the acute care unit where the teams (professionals) have to go for the treatment in a very short period, problem-solving skills and staying up-to-date aids very casually. (Ph.D. Rn & Faan, 2012) according to research, most medical healthcare centers have to organize consistent training sessions where nurses and other professionals should learn this approach. 

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

Health Care System Comparative Analysis

In the other healthcare systems, whereas they are in the same field, they have the capacity where improvements are still present. Though it is quite not decent to state that medical fields are also lacking improvements and they even get in a state of predicament. In Miami, the Kendall regional medical center is one of the most active serving departments of the medical field since the Covid-19 hit, the magnitude of service and quality did shake and some problems erupt and have to be chased down. For this moment, and problem, complete knowledge should be provided to the professionals so that they can perform on the critical level as we.. by using an evidence-based approach. (Munten et al., 2010)

Whereas the other medical departments have raised this point, that evidence-based practice is somehow lacking the implementation’s research work and concerned questions. Though they do not fully apply this practice and tend to remain on the previous policies. This gap is quite huge to influence the medical systems.

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

The rationale for the Proposed Change

The proposed change is to implement evidence-based practice in each department of the healthcare system. The approach towards evidence-based practice is to get continuous practice and learning through the updated knowledge and the rationale behind is to give advantage in getting through the predicaments when healthcare professionals work in the intensive care unit. The EBP helps to sort out the problem and get towards the solution even though in the different departments where the problems solving approach is well required, must be implemented too.

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Financial and Health Implications

(Dougherty et al., 2010) according to some of the research, there is a very little amount of funding required to improve the basic policies whereas adding the training for nurses to get the teaching and expertise of evidence-based practice is relevantly necessary and results positively. Which is the core consequence the medical field requires while treating patients.

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change


With the element of caution, in this article, the conclusion is a result of multiple analyses between different healthcare centers. Caution is required in most cases where the implementation is relevantly new and professionals have to meet the merits before the implementation. These are important considerations for any action researcher intending to implement EBP using this approach. (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017).  This approach is quite useful but in some points where the description is not available for whole knowledge, it can not work effectively.

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NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

Table 1: Health Care System Comparative Analysis

Outcomes[Health Care System 1][Health Care System 2][THE U.S. Health Care System]
List outcome 1 here.A flap in the way of treatment that stops the backward treatment process Lack of implementation and understandingImproved and promising results in the treatment of patients in the nursing department.
List outcome 2 here.Other constraints affecting the EBP approachComplete guidance is missing towards this approachImplementation requires a good understanding of the whole team.
List outcome 3 here.Communication barrierLacking interprofessionalismCommunication restraints


Studyguide for Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice by Melnyk, Bernadette by Cram101 Textbook Reviews (2013–05-21). (2021). Cram101 (2013–05-21).

Mackey, A., & Bassendowski, S. (2017). The History of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Education and Practice. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33(1), 51–55.

PhD Rn, L. R., & Faan, R. P. H. F. R. (2012). Teaching Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing (2nd ed.). Springer Publishing Company.

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

A Guide to Facilitating Health Systems Change. (2020).

Dogherty, E. J., Harrison, M. B., & Graham, I. D. (2010). Facilitation as a Role and Process in Achieving Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: A Focused Review of Concept and Meaning. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing. Published.

Munten, G., Van Den Bogaard, J., Cox, K., Garretsen, H., & Bongers, I. (2010). Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Using Action Research: A Review. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 7(3), 135–157.

NURS FPX 6218 Assessment 1 Proposing Evidence-Based Change

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