NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs

Assesses, via a windshield survey, the general condition and needs of a community from a public health perspective. Specifies applicable safety concerns and the limitations of the survey.
Executive Summary
NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
A windshield survey’s goal is to examine the community’s surroundings and establish what resources are available, as well as how they will assist or impede the community. It focuses on the community’s long-term sustainability and growth. It establishes how to bridge the gap in resources required from those who are not easily accessible. It also displays indicators of poverty and financial depression. When examining the environment, nursing leadership can see how the surrounding resources, or lack thereof, affect the population’s overall demands. It considers whether or not adding resources into the community is a good idea.
We must be mindful of what impedes the success of wellness in a certain demographic as we meet the needs of our patients and align with patient-centered care. To urge a community to improve, we must first address what is preventing them from having a positive mindset. While conducting the windshield survey, rural communities came to our list. (Leach et al., 2021) The population of the village is estimated to be around 6.5 thousand people. There is an increasing number of discrepancies that can have an impact on health-care provision and physician care in this society. The primary hospital facilities, as well as a superstore with healthier fresh food options, are located on the outskirts of town. These supplies are not located near downtown, where the underprivileged and most people are in need.
NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
General Condition and Public Health Needs
Poverty levels are highest in the downtown sector, according to observations. Medical facilities that are not located in these locations are unable to provide prolonged care. They do, however, have religious institutions in the area that are commonly used. They also feature outdoor resource areas that are popular with the locals. Baseball, basketball, a skate park, and soccer are some of the ways the town makes use of its outdoor resources. (Leach et al., 2021) For people of all ages, there are additional spaces dedicated to walking and keeping good exercise. The outdoor facilities are strategically positioned near residential sections in the community. These outdoor recreation places are well-maintained and well-used.
The downtown region, on the other hand, is suffering from rising neglect (ignorance) and a scarcity of resources. There is no medical care available. Safe physical activity is difficult to come by due to a lack of stores, groceries, and/or outside services.(Fino, 2020) This is a low-income neighborhood that lacks many of the resources available on the other sides of town. Community health services and other resources are needed in this area to attract enterprises and provide a safe environment. (Oyewole, 2019)
Analyzes the environmental factors affecting population health in a community. Clearly articulates key health issues, opportunities, and threats.
NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
Environmental Analysis
The absence of medical facilities, educational programs, and processed foods alternatives are the key challenges in Jordan that affect the outcomes of the underprivileged regions in the downtown core. (Fino, 2020) When access to capital for improvement is limited, the economy cannot flourish. With a scarcity of community outreach centers and healthcare institutions, information on preventive medicine for long-term results is even more scarce. Capella University (n.d.) Because the area is underserved and resources are scarce, obtaining government help for resource development and enhancement becomes increasingly difficult.
Because Jordan has a low population and income brackets are low in some locations, many people live in poverty in terms of education and income. In times of crisis, inadequate resources entail limited access to care. (Hermansyah et al., 2020) Because many people in underprivileged communities rarely travel beyond their town for specialty treatment, preventative steps are often overlooked. According to the SWOT analysis, there is a lack of natural resources across the underprivileged community in Jordan’s downtown sector, which has an impact on their physical, mental, and socioeconomic status. (Oyewole, 2019)
Irrespective of the age or population density in some sections, the downtown district continues to lack the necessary resources to preserve financial stability, educational excellence, and health and wellness. If the community is not educated on how to develop or given the tools to do so, they will stay underserved and population growth will slow. (Al-Qudah et al., 2019) The state and major hospitals are responsible for engaging and reaching out to communities on a regular basis. Financial support is being implemented to identify ways and bring resources to the community to facilitate transformation. Windshield analysis is critical for determining what materials are necessary and who is responsible for them.(Fino, 2020)
NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
Health literacy is essential for patient-centered care and long and healthy life. They recognize that their existing way of life is limiting their achievement and undermining their very existence in order for a community to grow. They have a higher chance of enhancing their lives for a healthy future if they are educated on the opportunities of their area and nearby resources. (Al-Qudah et al., 2019) It is critical to search out resources and provide them to communities in need. We must have the ability to empower with knowledge and awareness to adopt health literacy in their communities. (Pritchard et al., 2017)
Health literacy is essential for patient-centered care and long and healthy life. They recognize that their existing way of life is limiting their achievement and weakening their very existence for a community to grow. They have a higher chance of enhancing their lives for a healthy future if they are educated on the opportunities of their area and nearby resources. (Oyewole, 2019) It is critical to search out resources and provide them to communities in need. We must empower communities with knowledge and awareness to adopt health literacy in their communities. This establishes a foundation for effective health management, as well as the motivation to do so. (Pritchard et al., 2017)
Al-Qudah, R. A., Tuza, O., Tawfiek, H., Chaar, B., & Basheti, I. A. (2019). Community pharmacy ethical practice in Jordan: assessing attitude, needs, and barriers. Pharmacy Practice, 17(1), 1386.
Capella University (n.d.) Environmental Analysis and Windshield Survey. Retrieved from shield survey/wrapper.asp
Leach, M. J., Nichols, S., Trenholm, S., & Jones, M. (2021). Health Literacy of Parents and Carers in a Regional Community: A Cross-Sectional Study. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 0272684X2110225.×211022572
NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
Oyewole, E. O. (2019). Blueprint for Health Literacy: Population education, community health innovation | African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. Blueprint for Health Literacy: Population Education, Community Health Innovation.
Pritchard, D. E., Moeckel, F., Villa, M. S., Housman, L. T., McCarty, C. A., & McLeod, H. L. (2017). Strategies for integrating personalized medicine into healthcare practice. Personalized Medicine, 14(2), 141–152.
Table 1: Windshield Survey and Environmental Analysis
Category | Questions | Observations and Impressions | SWOT Category | References(See note 1.) |
Community Size | What’s Community growth size? | similar | Threat | (Capella University, n.d.) |
Population | What’s Diversity in the population? | Increased 1.6% | Opportunity | (Capella University, n.d.) |
Age | The average age for growth? | under 30 | Strength | (Capella University, n.d.) |
Ethnicity | What is the population minority? | 88% white, 9.1% Hispanic, and 1.73% Black | Strength | (Capella University, n.d.) |
Health Issues | What are some health disparities? | government-funded health insurance | threat | (Capella University, n.d.) |
Health Care Services | Are healthcare resources available? | St. Francis Health Center and Park Nicollet Health Services | threat | (Capella University, Vila health n.d.) |
Churches | What are outreach services in the community? | No facility | opportunity | (Capella University, Vila health n.d.) |
Schools | What schools are doing for educational growth? | Lack of education institutions | opportunity | (Capella University, Vila health n.d.) |
Businesses | How are small businesses thriving? | No curb appeal | weakness | (Capella University, n.d.) |
Buildings | Increasing buildings used for the community’s benefit? | Abandoned buildings-old built | weakness | (Capella University, n.d.) |
Restaurants | What edible options are in the community? | Volunteer food stores | strength | (Capella University, Vila health, n.d.) |
Other |
NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs