NR500-10532 week 5 Concept of Caring LT

NR500-10532 week 5 Concept of Caring LT
NR500-10532 week 5 Concept of Caring LT
Poem in Caring
There was once a wonderful nurse
Who put up shouting and worsening scream
But She remained stoic
And somewhat heroic
She sat and listens to me every night
Despite the silent night
She never let me sit alone
While smiling and never once tense.
Listening is first concept of caring. It starts with listening with empathy and compassion. We do not listen efficiently because of our faulty listening habits. Listening is something more than the physical process of hearing. It is a matter of attitude and also an intellectual and emotional process (Jahromi, V. K., Tabatabaee, S. S., Abdar, Z. E., & Rajabi, M., 2016). Active listening promotes caring. Being active listening open door the concepts of caring. Have you seen a good nurse with poor listening skill?
The Caring Concepts
Caring is a nursing concept of individual expression. One typically expresses care through more physical help, emotional support, mental, spiritual sensitiveness, and social aspects. Holistic care is the comprehensive care that emphasizes the human interactions based on their knowledge, skills and attitudes formed through lifelong learning and experiences. According to the American Holistic Nurse Association, Holistic Nursing aim to improve or promote integrity and dignity of a person overall health from birth to death (Rajabpour, S., Rayyani, M., Shahrbabaki., P.M., 2019).
Caring is important in nursing practice and profession because when you think about the nurse’s trait and quality, the first word come to mind to describe this selfless profession is caring. Nursing is a caring and compassion profession. Understanding caring from nurse’s perspective included caring as person centered, caring is a nursing interventions, and caring as safeguarding the patient’s best interests (Andersson, E. K., Willman, A., Sjöström-Strand, A., & Borglin, G., 2015). Now, we should break it down what those means in context of caring and holistic caring.
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NR500-10532 week 5 Concept of Caring LT
Caring as person-centeredness, the nurses conceive caring s creating the use of the holistic perspective as point of departure. Caring as person-centeredness is when you truly present, ready to convey the sense of comfort through focus listening; listen to the person’s feelings, expression and preferences. The patient is the expert of his or her body. We can holistically treat the person if we are clueless and to able to empathized one’s feelings.
Caring is a nursing interventions. What does that mean when you hear this? Personal cues; body language, subjective and objective information, vital signs and subjective information such as pain description is a nursing intervention. When someone tell you they are in pain even though they may not have classic body languages such as grimacing, uncomfortable, coil themselves into fetal position
Caring is safeguarding the patient’s best interests. Caring is be a patient’s advocate. Nurses interact and communicate with patient more than other health care providers. For instance If a nurse think discharging a patient home is not beneficial for the patient well-being and safety, He/she should advocate for the patient to the interdisciplinary team.
In conclusion, I have learned caring and holistic care go hand in hand. I have learned caring come in different dimensions. Person centered caring comes with listening and empathy. Nursing interventions is also part of caring. Subjective and objective information collectively provide a better understating of a person’s needs. Patient’s best interest comes first is another concept of caring. When advocate for a patent’ health their health and benefits come above all.
NR500-10532 week 5 Concept of Caring LT
Andersson, E. K., Willman, A., Sjöström-Strand, A., & Borglin, G. (2015). Registered nurses’ descriptions of caring: a phenomenographic interview study. BMC nursing, 14, 16. doi:10.1186/s12912-015-0067-9.
Jahromi, V. K., Tabatabaee, S. S., Abdar, Z. E., & Rajabi, M. (2016). Active listening: The key of successful communication in hospital managers. Electronic physician, 8(3), 2123–2128. doi:10.19082/2123.
Rajabpour, S., Rayyani, M., & Shahrbabaki, P. M. (2019). The Relationship between Iranian Patients’ Percepion of Holistic Care and Satisfaction in Nursing Care. BMC Nursing, 18(1), 1-7. Retrieved from
NR500-10532 week 5 Concept of Caring LT