NR500-10532 Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments LT

NR500-10532 Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments LT
NR500-10532 Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments LT
Cultivating Healthful Environments – Issue of Incivility
Workplace culture and workplace environment define how well and comfortably nurses practice in health care. The issue of incivility affects the workplace environment negatively as the nurses and health care staff don’t feel supported confident and happy (Rad & Karimi Moonaghi, 2016). In common terms, the term incivility is defined as a rude, impolite, offensive or unsociable behavior or speech. Incivility is common in the workplace and it has many different forms. It has many different negative effects on the employees (Phillips, MacKusick & Whichello, 2018). In nursing, it is a big issue as it affects nursing practice and, in turn, it affects patient safety and satisfaction level (Laschinger, 2016).The purpose of this paper is to identify incivility issues in nursing and how it affects the actual practice and covers the nursing definition of incivility, the importance of incivility to nursing, and a real-world scenario of incivility, how a healthful environment and strategies help reducing incivility, and application of the strategies in the specialty of education.
Issue of Incivility
Incivility is defined as a speech or behavior towards an individual or group which is rude, disrespected and offensive resulting in conflicts, lowered performance, lowered confidence, and a tensed workplace atmosphere (Laschinger, 2016). Incivility has different forms as the behavior of an individual or group of individuals towards others can be a result of personal interests or to cause disturbance and chaos in the work environment (Phillips, MacKusick & hichello, 2018).
Incivility can be verbal, physical, both verbal and physical and an administrative form of incivility. When it comes to verbal incivility the individuals use silent treatment or no interest in clarifying any issues within the workplace. Physical incivility is trying to influence others to stop cooperating with others. These are passive incivility issues (Laschinger, 2016). Inactive physical incivility is about bullying and attacking people and active verbal incivility is about abusing people or belittling them.
NR500-10532 Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments LT
The administrative form is where misuse of power or inappropriate or no support to the health care professionals. Incivility is present in both direct and indirect forms where it affects the individual’s psychology and performance (Laschinger, 2016). Once the negative effects increase, it leads to increased challenges in health care. The nursing profession has different specialties such as education, executive, family nurse practitioners and other fields where incivilities are bound to happen. As it poses a great threat to nursing and patient satisfaction, the risk to a patient’s safety and life of the nurses and health care staff. As a result, it is important to address the issue of incivility (Laschinger, 2016).
Importance to Nursing
The nursing profession is already facing the issue of poor turnover due to a nurse shortage. Incivility is highly important as it affects individuals, microsystem work environments, and the profession of nursing. When the person faces incivility in health care it may lead to issues as the feeling of being unwelcome, inferiority, lowered job satisfaction, burnout, stress, behavioral changes, isolation and other physical, financial, personal, and professional issues (Phillips, MacKusick, & Whichello, 2018). When the individuals don’t feel better it affects their performance resulting in the lowered performance of the health care. Incivility also has a direct negative impact on the microsystem work environments where employees cannot perform best to their abilities. Incivility generally creates hatred and fear which results in a poor work environment and atmosphere (Peters, 2015). Nurse to nurse incivility, executive to nurse incivility, and patient to nurse incivility or vice versa reduces the relationship between them. Once the relationships are bad there will be no support and incivility increases creating an unpleasant environment (Laschinger, 2016). Individuals tend to work under a work culture where there is proper support. If there is no support then it is difficult to establish interprofessional collaboration, practice advocacy, implement EBP, and increase the quality of care by providing cost-effective and equity in health care services. Essay NR500-10532 week 5 Concept of Caring LT
Scenario of Incivility
Before I started my nursing career, I thought that teaching is one of the best professionals as I can mentor and guide young novice nurses to study and practice nursing better. However, soon I understood very early that the academic work setting also has incivility. I witnessed and experienced both faculty to faculty incivility and student to faculty incivility as well. One such scenario is where I witnessed a group of students behave violently after the professor announced the grades they received. These were the same students who talked a lot in the classroom, came late to class and used to interrupt the class with inappropriate questions. When I asked the chaos creators to stop yelling, they screamed back and told me to shut up. I had to report to the professor several times that such behavior is uncivil and unacceptable. I did report the students to the administrator as they not only abused other students verbally but also showed disrespect to me. Due to their violent and abusive behavior, other students felt threatened and unsafe, and I had little control over the situation. After reporting the incident to the administration, they took disciplinary actions on the students and suspended them for a week. The student to faculty incivility is a major issue as it has negative effects on an individual’s emotions, psychology and feelings (Peters, 2015). Even after one week of punishment the classroom environment was not good as there was a little bit of tension. The professor had to assure all other students safety and confidence including punished students highlight the importance of behavior and speech in bettering the environment through assignments and motivation.
NR500-10532 Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments LT
Creating a Healthful Environment
To create a better workplace environment it is very important to provide proper support to everyone in every possible manner (Rad & Karimi Moonaghi, 2016). Increasing support increases the confidence of individuals. This further results in better interprofessional collaboration (Harold & Holtz, 2017). The second strategy is to set guidelines and rules to regulate the incivility where based on the situation actions can be taken (Peters, 2015). The third strategy is to organize recreational programs where individuals interact with each other to understand each other better, which results in a better relationship (Rad & Karimi Moonaghi, 2016). This increases job satisfaction, confidence, lowers stress, and increases the quality of care (Phillips, MacKusick & Whichello, 2018).
Practice Application
I am going to continue my education as a master’s prepared-advanced nurse focused in health informatic despite the early challlenges I have encountered in the school setting. The first strategy I want to use is group discussions where teammates work with each other in solving different clinical issues and understanding concepts in a better workplace environment (Rad & Karimi Moonaghi, 2016). For example, a presentation in a group on a topic helps in better discussions. The second strategy is to use advocacy and motivation which helps to better support teammates (Phillips, MacKusick & Whichello, 2018).
NR500-10532 Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments LT
Incivility is a major issue as it affects individuals, work environment and the profession of nursing. If the issue is not handled properly through strategies, it results in poor performance, collaboration, quality of care, and satisfaction. I will use strategies such as better support, advocacy, motivation, collaboration, rules, and regulations, to aid in future professional practice and to cultivate healthful environments. It also helps me to grow as a person and as a professional.
Harold, C. and Holtz, B. (2017). The effects of passive leadership on workplace incivility. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(1), pp.16-38.
Laschinger, H. (2016). Impact of Workplace Mistreatment on Patient Safety Risk and Nurse-Assessed Patient Outcomes. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 44(5), pp. 284-290.
Peters, A. (2015). Faculty to Faculty Incivility: Experiences of Novice Nurse Faculty in Academia. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(3), pp.213 -227.
NR500-10532 Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments LT
Phillips, G., MacKusick, C. and Whichello, R. (2018). Workplace Incivility in Nursing. Journal of Christian Nursing, 35(1), pp.E7-E12.
Rad, M. and Karimi Moonaghi, H. (2016). Strategies for Managing Nursing Students’ Incivility as Experienced by Nursing Educators: a Qualitative Study. Journal of Caring Sciences, 5(1), pp.23-32.
NR500-10532 Week 7 Cultivating Healthful Environments LT