Essay COMP 220 Week 4 Lab Composition
COMP 220 Week 4 Lab Composition
This lab requires you to use C++ class composition to implement a single pole-filter design program. The program will allow the user to specify resistor and capacitor values and filter type. Once all the user parameters are specified, the program will return the cutoff frequency values for the filter.
Composition may be thought of as a has-a relationship for objects, as compared to inheritance, which may be described as an is-a relationship for objects.
You are required to use two component classes: one for a resistor object and one for a capacitor object. You are then to define and implement a filter class that will contain one object of each the resistor and the capacitor classes in order to create the filter and its characteristics.
The Resistor class created in the Week 2 iLab may be used both as the class definition for the resistor object and as a template or a guide for the capacitor-class definition.
The lab also requires you to implement your program in a multiple-file project and create both cpp and h files for each class defined. In addition, the program will have the capacity to save all filter parameters to a text file and read previously designed filter parameters from a text file.
- Submit a single .zip file containing the source code for all the files of the lab to the Dropbox for Week 4. Your source code should use proper indentation and be error free. Be sure that your last name and the lab number are part of the file name: for example,
Each program should include a comment section that includes, at a minimum, your name, the lab and exercise number, and a description of what the program accomplishes. - Submit a lab report (a Word document) containing the following information to the Dropbox for Week 4.
- Include your name and the lab or lab-exercise number.
- Specification: Include a brief description of what the program accomplishes, including its input, key processes, and output.
- Test Plan: Include a brief description of the method you used to confirm that your program worked properly. If necessary, include a clearly labeled table with test cases, predicted results, and actual results.
- Summary and Conclusions: Write a statement summarizing your predicted and actual output, and identify and explain any differences. For conclusions, write at least one nontrivial paragraph that explains, in detail, either a significant problem you had and how you solved it or, if you had no significant problems, something you learned by doing the exercise.
- A UML diagram:
- Answers to Lab Questions:
Each lab exercise should have a separate section in the lab-report document.
Your lab grade will be based upon
- the formatting of your source code;
- the use of meaningful identifiers;
- the extent of internal documentation;
- the degree to which an exercises’ specifications are met; and
- the completeness of your lab report.
STEP 1: Create a Multifile Project for the Composition Lab
- Add three classes to the project: a Filter class, a Capacitor class, and a Resistor class.
- You may use the Resistor class files from the Week 2 lab for this lab.
- The Capacitor class should be modeled after the Resistor class for class members and operation.
STEP 2: Filter-Class Definition
The Filter class should have, at a minimum, the following capabilities.
- a resistor-object data member
- a capacitor-object data member
- a cutoff frequency (in Hertz) of the RC filter
- maximum and minimum cutoff frequencies, based on the maximum and minimum in-tolerance values of the capacitor and the resistor object
- a filter type, either low pass or high pass
- allow the user to enter new values for the filter, including
6.1. resistor tolerance and nominal resistance;
6.2. capacitor tolerance and nominal capacitance; and
6.3. filter type - provides the ability to write all capacitor, resistor, and filter data members to a formatted text file and allows the user to name the file
- provides the ability to read all capacitor, resistor, and filter data members from a formatted text file and allows the user to enter the file name and correctly handles a file-not-found error
STEP 3: Test-Program Operation
- All data-input and data-display operations (cin and cout) should be done in the function main() test program.
- The test program should instantiate at least one object of the class Filter.
- The user should enter values for all the data members of the Filter, Resistor, and Capacitor classes.
- The Filter class should then calculate and display the correct maximum and minimum cutoff frequencies.
- The test program should then display all Filter, Resistor, and Capacitor data members.