Essay COM 263 All Discussions GCU

COM 263 All Discussions GCU
COM 263 Topic 1 DQ 1
Why is intercultural literacy needed in today’s world? How can the definitions of communication and culture be used to foster this literacy? How is the language used to describe a culture, such as the Nacirema culture from the course readings, shaped by this literacy?
COM 263 Topic 1 DQ 2
Compare two different approaches to studying intercultural communication from Chapter 3 of your textbook. How does having a Christian worldview shape one’s motivations or methods for studying intercultural communication, if at all? Explain.
COM 263 Topic 2 DQ 1
Read the case at the end of Chapter 4 in your textbook carefully to identify elements of worldview as explained in the chapter. In what ways does this case illustrate the impact of globalization on cultural values?
COM 263 Topic 2 DQ 2
What are two issues or challenges that arise in intercultural interactions that stem from the complex relationship between language and culture? Share examples that illustrate the complex influence of language differences on intercultural understanding.
COM 263 Topic 3 DQ 1
Compare two different types of societies discussed in Chapter 6 of your textbook. What stands out to you about the similarities/differences between these types of societies?
COM 263 Topic 3 DQ 2
What roles do social institutions within a culture play in producing, maintaining, or transforming a culture? What perspectives did you gain about the importance/role of social institutions in a culture that you didn’t have before this topic? What unique impact have particular social institutions had in your culture or in the way you communicate?
COM 263 Topic 4 DQ 1
What role does nonverbal communication play in intercultural interactions? Give examples both from research on nonverbal cultural distinctiveness and from your own experience that show how nonverbal differences between cultures can influence intercultural communication.
COM 263 Topic 4 DQ 2
Read sidebar 9.1 in Chapter 9 of your textbook and answer the following questions: People from cultures who prefer direct communication methods often think that indirect communication methods are deceitful. Consider how you would respond to a colleague who asks, “Why don’t they just come out and tell the truth?” Is “contexting” relevant to Christians communicating about their faith to other Christians or non-Christians? Explain.
COM 263 Topic 5 DQ 1
What is the difference between an “honor-oriented society” and a “justice-oriented society” and how do these value differences get expressed in communication? How do different communication values in these societies influence communication about the gospel?
COM 263 Topic 5 DQ 2
What is the difference between masculine and feminine cultures? Chapter 13 in your textbook mentions that “gender differences can and often do result in painful gender disparities.” Discuss one example of this that stands out to you from the chapter.
COM 263 Topic 6 DQ 1
How does your cultural background affect how you handle conflict? How might the Christian worldview as a “cultural background” influence the way someone might handle conflict? What suggestions do you find helpful from intercultural communication researchers? Cite any sources used.
COM 263 Topic 6 DQ 2
Read sidebar 17.4 in Chapter 17 of your textbook. After reading, respond the following reflection prompts: Identify which of the above areas you would consider an area of strength for you. Do you think it would still be a strength in a cross-cultural setting? Why or why not? Choose one of the items above that you find most difficult and explain what it might take for you personally to grow in this area.
COM 263 Topic 7 DQ 1
Charles Kraft has identified several myths (some of which are outlined in sidebar 18.1 of Chapter 18 in your textbook) about the communication of the gospel (for the full list, see Kraft 1991a, 35–54; note also the critique and notations in Hesselgrave and Rommen 1989, 193–96). As you read through the list, can you identify any that you have believed? If you think it is not a myth, how would you respond?
COM 263 Topic 7 DQ 2
Chapter 18 describes different evangelistic methods based on assumptions about the conversion process as well as communicative elements of cultures that shape decision-making responses to the sharing of the gospel. What do you think about these methods? Do you think one is better than the others? Do you think they all have some merits and some drawbacks? Explain, analyzing specific elements of the methods as you compare them.