BSN 425 Summer 2022 Hallmark Assignment

BSN 425 Summer 2022 Hallmark Assignment

BSN 425 Summer 2022 Hallmark Assignment

BSN 425 Summer 2022 Hallmark Assignment

BSN 425 Summer 2022 Hallmark Assignment Guidelines from Hallmark instructions.

  • Write an 8-10 page paper (number of pages, excluding title and reference pages).
  • Identify how you met the eight outcomes in this course (see below). Directions for each objective.
    • Provide two (2) examples for each of the eight objectives and explain what you learned supported with evidence-based practice information. Compares/contrasts perspectives, and/or considers counter arguments or opposing positions, and evaluates original and thoughtful conclusions with future implications. Write a reflection on your takeaways by providing a paragraph how meeting the objectives will improve your nursing practice.


  1. There should be at least three (3) paragraphs or more under each objective heading.
  2. Two of those paragraphs are written in third person, focus on information on the concepts within the object as it relates to the older adult population. Include in-text citations that match a reference.
  3. The third paragraph in each objective should be a reflection on what you learned and how you incorporated it into your nursing practice. Personal experiences add to your reflection.  Write in first person.
  • Use proper APA formatting
    • In-text citations – in each objective discussion supporting what is written and giving credit to your resources of information
    • References – minimum of (4) research sources with at least 2 sources from a periodical database (peer reviewed), are relevant, accurate, recent (less than 5 years old) and reliable and add to the

strength of the content.

  • Write in third person (except for reflection portion may be in first person) The reflection paragraph can be written in first person.
  • Format of Paper – arranged logically, flows smoothly, includes all components of a formal paper, and addresses all objectives.
    • Cover (title) page
    • Introduction paragraph (use title of paper for heading) – explain what you are going to address in your paper
    • Headings – Level 1 headings (refer APA 7th edition for Level 1 Headings) – one for each of the eight objectives
    • Conclusion – paragraph or more summarizing your paper
    • Reference page(s)

Note: A zero will be given for all Hallmark assignments submitted late.

Eight (8) objectives: (Bullet points)

Patient Centered Care Of The Older Adult Population

Objective – Analyze issues and scenarios related to gerontological nursing, demonstrating leadership and caring while providing culturally competent, client-centered care to the older adult population.


  1. Use the heading given above (from Hallmark Assignment instructions)
  2. Write two or more paragraphs about the concept(s) listed in the objective.  This objective has three concepts.  Write about all three objectives. Include in-text citations.  Write in third person.
  3. In this object you will write information about:
    1. Objective’s Concept – client centered care of the older adult population.
    1. Objective’s Concept – culturally competent care of the older adult population
    1. Objective’s Concept – leadership to direct or promote such care of the older adult population
    1.  Use textbooks and peer reviewed articles. 
  4. Reflect on how you have incorporated the concepts into your nursing practice.  Share experiences.

Intentional Learning In Caring For The Older Adult Client

Objective – Demonstrate intentional learning with reflection as it relates to caring for the older adult client.

Tips: Essay SOC 449 Week 1 Benchmark Social Phenomena-GCU

  1. Use the heading given above (from Hallmark Assignment instructions)
  2. Write two or more paragraphs about the concept(s) listed in the objective.  This objective has one concept. Include in-text citations.  Write in third person.
  3. In this object you will write information about:
    1. Objective’s Concept – Intentional Learning related to the older adult population.
    1. Use textbooks and peer reviewed articles. 
  4. Reflect on how you have incorporated the concept into your nursing practice.  Share experiences.

Evidence Based Gerontological Nursing Concepts

Objective – Understand and apply the integration of evidence in supporting concepts and processes which relate to gerontological nursing concepts.


  1. Use the heading given above (from Hallmark Assignment instructions)
  2. Write two or more paragraphs about the concept(s) listed in the objective.  This objective has one concept. Include in-text citations.  Write in third person.
  3. In this object you will write information about:
    1. Objective’s Concept – Evidence Based Practice related to the older adult population.
    1. Use textbooks and peer reviewed articles. 
  4. Reflect on how you have incorporated the concept into your nursing practice.  Share experiences.

Assessment of the Older Adult Clients

Objective – Demonstrate clinical reasoning and decision-making skills while assessing the older adult clients’ health care needs and interventions.


Leadership In Older Adult Client Assessments And Interventions

Objective – Demonstrate leadership in organizational, local, and global environments as it relates to client assessment and intervention with older adult clients. 


Therapeutic Communication With The Older Adult Clients

Objective – Communicate effectively and therapeutically with older adult clients, documenting as is appropriate. 


Culturally Competent Safe Practices In Caring For The Older Adult Population

Objective – Propose culturally competent nursing care which promotes standard safe practices along with error and hazard prevention and quality improvement practices as it relates to clients in the older adult population.  

Tips: Essay SOC 449 Week 1 Benchmark Social Phenomena-GCU

Team Approach To Collaborative Client Care In Promoting Health In The Older Adult Population

Objective – Participate as a collaborative team member in understanding and implementing client care and in promoting the health of clients in the older adult population.

BSN 425 Summer 2022 Hallmark Assignment

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