NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations JJ

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations JJ
NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations JJ
Technology and Hypertension Care Management
Despite the ongoing advancement of cardiovascular medicines, chronic hypertension remains a major public health concern across the world, with an intolerable number of fatalities increasing incidence (Thabit et al., 2015). In recent months, John had been suffering from chronic hypertension, which increased his risk of stroke and stroke-like symptoms. During the practicum hours, John stated that he used a sphygmomanometer or blood pressure cuff at home to monitor his blood pressure on a daily basis. He didn’t have any smart management apps. The hospital made no use of telehealth or technology. Pharmaceutical compliance was the sole prescription offered.
E-health and telehealth may assist in empowering hypertensive patients and promoting self-management, resulting in an improvement in the patient’s medical state. Digital interventions can assist to personalize the physician-patient connection and hence enhance blood pressure and cardiovascular risk management (McLendon, 2017). An online provider can be used to control one’s HBP. According to a report published in the journal Hypertension in September 2020, the American Heart Association recommends the use of telemedicine to control high blood pressure. AHA (AHA, 2020).
NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations JJ
My conversation with the nurse manager demonstrated the usefulness of telemedicine, which the hospital has been implementing in some circumstances. It claims to improve the efficiency of diabetes control practices. The issue of education and the usage of technological gadgets necessitates a comprehension of the technique. For them, the utilization of technology is important. They also consider the issue of privacy breach to be incompatible with the manner of telehealth communication. (Morenz et al.,2019).
Care Coordination and Community Resources for Diabetes Care
In extreme circumstances of HT repercussions and the seriousness of cardiovascular disease and stroke, hypertension may damage blood vessels giving blood to organs. In the last two months, John has had cardiovascular disease issues. He has not required any physical treatment or home care support. As John said, he occasionally requires assistance in blood pressure measurement and dose calculation, but the price of the hospital and the inconvenience of travelling to the hospital force him to pick the prescribed amount of medicine. He has been treating his hypertension on his own for the most part. The provision of coordinated care and interdisciplinary engagement might have alleviated John’s financial and travel concerns (Berkowitz, et al., 2018). The use of telemedicine in conjunction with integrated care can help to solve the transportation issue. Such an approach would offer him with the things he needs at home while avoiding the expenditures of his medical expenses (McGill et al., 2017).
Evidence-Based Approach and Technology
John has a history of hypertension. He had never used telehealth before. The issue of employing technology and privacy issues have been prompting reluctance to adopt telemedicine. Several types of studies, however, have demonstrated the benefit of telemedicine adoption in reducing hypertension problems. The usage of telehealth apps in urban hospitals provides a high rate of HBP management (Welch et al., 2015).
In the event of an emergency, the hospital’s telemedicine service might assist John in maintaining his blood pressure and guiding him through blood pressure measurement. By expanding nurse education, the introduction of telemedicine at health care centers delivers highly qualified nursing personnel. The patient’s blood pressure computerized data record will be freely accessible. Telemedicine has also enabled advanced retinal screening of individuals in the event of microvascular injury problems. This has resulted in more timely administration of health-care preventative strategies for diabetic complications. (Bouskill et al., 2018).
The deployment of telemedicine increases the burden of nurses, an extra framework may need the hiring of new employees, and the health care department may face budgetary restrictions. Technical difficulties concerning the quality and effectiveness of technology might potentially impede good treatment (L’Esperance and Perry, 2019). In telemedicine, the legal aspect of the activity, license, and the possibility of erroneous diagnosis cannot be overlooked.. The system’s technical delays, blurry images or imaging procedures, and incapacity to give actual emergency aid necessitate development. The malpractice risks, as well as the danger of a license issue, provide a barrier to effective care delivery (Mills et al., 2020).
NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations JJ
It contributes to the achievement of objectives by offering individualized population health care.. It aids in the nursing decision-making process. It also organizes appointments, issues consult with clinicians, and recommends surgical treatments. The AI system organizes clinical data and offers probable diagnoses and medications, as well as alternative therapy options. Natural language processing (NLP) is a method of gathering information from unstructured information and converting it into clinical results (Ahmed et al., 2020). This database relieves the nurse’s labor by reporting patient data and assessing it for future application. Its implementation may result in improved monitoring of pharmaceutical prescription and administration, The recent introduction of bitcoin in blockchain technology is gaining traction in the large amount of data created in health care settings. At medical care servers, data related to the health care industry, such as patient records, prescription medications, machinery, studies, and experiments, is routinely fiddled with. The ease with which attackers can gain access to data increases the possibility of data tampering. Blockchain prevents data loss by providing security (Gupta et al., 2020).
Technology providers have frequently involved the use of technology, licensure for such practice, malpractice protection rules, necessary certifications, and expenses of technology billing. The introduction of telemedicine has enormous challenges, particularly in rural areas, due to education, old population blockages, the lack of internet infrastructure, and the sluggish provision of health services.
Due to AI, these procedures are uncommon in most health-care settings. There is no criterion for measuring efficacy. The broad-based implementation poses development and assessment hurdles, as well as significant implementation costs (Scott et al., 2021The employment of technology in medical care settings poses a significant risk to the institution. Language, software handling, security, inadequate services, lacking standards, and feedback are all issues that impede progress. The expensive expense of medical devices, as well as the sophisticated usage of applications and monitoring systems, all contribute to the appropriate wide-scale deployment of diabetes treatment based on technology (Messer et al., 2020).
Care Coordination and Community Resources
The integrated telehealth and information of the community information resources can avoid John’s neglect of the insulin calculation due to a lack of mobility and cost restrictions. The center for disease control and Prevention (CDC) has a separate division for heart disease and hypertension patients known as “Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention” It is more capable of informing the public about the dangers of hypertension. The social media messaging, visuals, and resources provided below can assist networks in understanding the fundamentals of hypertension, such as how it raises the risk of cardiovascular disease and strokes, why self-measured blood pressure monitoring is crucial, and treatment alternatives. (Riordan et al., 2018).
NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations JJ
The empowerment of age groups is connected with the alleviation of hypertension symptoms. The empowerment technique may help people of all ages. With community assistance, hypertension control may be accomplished more effectively in health care facilities and after discharge. It will feature kids, instructors, parents, and other school personnel. The programme was executed based on the stakeholders’ communication, experience, parent participation, institutional context, and resource allocation training (An et al., 2021). Nurse-Led Clinics for Chronic Diseases can improve the community’s safe, high-quality, and efficient health-care practices. It will also educate the participants.
State Board/ Nursing Standards/Organizational Measures for Hypertension
The broad principles and regulatory criteria set by professional bodies were also discussed during the practicum hours meetings with John. The national government is implementing supporting programmed for chronic illness patients, especially hypertension sufferers. The United States Health Care System is creating a beneficial health care system by offering innovation, laws, new regulations, and client centred health care measures with the goal of achieving positive outcomes. Health provides both medical services and information systems.
The AHA promotes self-management in hypertension therapy by giving correct information on managemental measures as well as performance measurements (Arnold et al., 2016). Policy and regulatory guidelines that are implemented might assure the efficacy of health care programmed and enhance diabetes treatment results.The practical method with John brought to light the inadequacies and limits of the health-care systems. The nursing specialist also examined specific health conditions that can be effectively addressed by utilizing accessible technological tools. The care coordination approach can help to create an efficient working environment in primary care units, decreasing hospitalization, enhancing health, and saving the patient and organisation money.
As with telemedicine, technological tools will aid in the early diagnosis of the compilations. It will also provide safe and efficient health care delivery on schedule. Smartphones and Bluetooth enabled telemonitoring are emerging tools that are anticipated to become more essential in hypertension care. Several studies have demonstrated the value of BP self-monitoring in conjunction with co-interventions (such as telemonitoring) in improving BP management. These technical implications were frequently addressed to nurses, who are key stakeholders in providing efficient care.
NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations JJ
Harmon Still, C., Jones, L. M., Moss, K. O., Variath, M., & Wright, K. D. (2018). African American Older Adults’ Perceived Use of Technology for Hypertension Self-Management. Research in Gerontological Nursing, 11(5), 249-256.
Hong, J. C., Padula, W. V., Hollin, I. L., Hussain, T., Dietz, K. B., Halbert, J. P., … & Cooper, L. A. (2018). Care Management to Reduce Disparities and Control Hypertension in Primary Care. Medical care, 56(2), 179-185.
Kitt, J., Fox, R., Tucker, K. L., & McManus, R. J. (2019). New approaches in hypertension management: a review of current and developing technologies and their potential impact on hypertension care. Current hypertension reports, 21(6), 1-8.
Swan, B. A., Haas, S., & Jessie, A. T. (2019). Care coordination: Roles of registered nurses across the care continuum. Nursing Economics, 37(6), 317-323.
Tackling, G., & Borhade, M. B. (2021). Hypertensive heart disease. StatPearls [Internet].
Walcott-Bryant, A., Ogallo, W., Remy, S. L., Tryon, K., Shena, W., & Bosker-Kibacha, M. (2021). Addressing Care Continuity and Quality Challenges in the Management of Hypertension: Case Study of the Private Health Care Sector in Kenya. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(2), e18899.