NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem: Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations SC

NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem: Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations SC
NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem: Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations SC
Assessment 3: Community Resources and Technology Use
Impact of Healthcare Technology on Patient’s Health
Baccalaureate-prepared nurses have a greater responsibility to utilize the best technological resources in the healthcare organizations to improve the patient care outcomes. Maximizing the use of technology nowadays has been a necessity in many American hospitals; evidence shows that holistic coordination and care can be provided to patients of type 2 diabetes by leveraging community resources to achieve better care outcomes for diabetes patients. In Prime Hospital United States, organizational improvements are required for helping nurses deal with the patients of diabetes type 2 effectively. Norah is 50-year-old patient who has been admitted in the emergency ward due to severe health I sue including heart and chest problems, diabetes type 2 chronic issues for 14 years, and anxiety issues as well. The management used evidence-based practices and the examples of other hospitals which use electronic health records to rapidly improve the condition of the patient. The evidence shows that the government is quickly incentivizing the use of technology for healthcare professionals and it is the best time for the staff of Prime Hospital to reap the benefits of information technology (IT) (Sumpter, 2012).
NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem: Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations SC
According to Storer (2020), information technology use in healthcare to improve patient care outcomes is vital because technology is changing the face of life these days. For instance, nurses and physicians can enhance their ability to store and retrieve data easily and quickly using electronic health records. Moreover, several IT tools provide them the ability to rapidly communicate with the patients and provide it in a professional format to the senior physicians in the form of reports. That allows the healthcare teams to make better decisions related to patient care and treatments; it also allows nurses to use medication and drug facility more efficiently and wisely to avoid human errors; this shows that the risk of medication and drug administration errors significantly reduce when information technology tools are utilized effectively in the healthcare settings.
Many researchers have agreed that the use of information technology is advisable to enhance the safety of patients that exists due to several medication errors. For example, technology and software tools allow patients nurses to use clinical flags and reminders to better track the reporting procedures and enhance several patient care decisions. The ultimate and updated patient care data is also available at the tip of their fingers that helps them to evaluate the effectives of their therapy sessions and diagnose issues in patients (Sin sky, 2020). Moreover, utilizing technological tools and community resources in healthcare can also allow ruses to increase their adherence to evidence-based practices and guidelines. This helps them to improve the uniformity and quality assurance the results in an overall improvement of patient’s health.
Similarly, patients are also increase their chances of success and trust on the healthcare professionals and their organizations by engaging highly weight IT tools. Patients can easily access their own medical records and information and can also feel more knowledgeable about their conditions and encourages other patients to engage with healthcare professionals on a deeper level to discuss their problems and feelings. This also allows nurses to understand patients’ potential fears and emotions to help them out of their miseries and doubts and promote an environment for shared decision making. Similar, another vital benefit of using technology and tools in healthcare industry is improve the process of following-up for missed appointments and improving consultations in the healthcare organizations. Being a nurse, a professional can search for different cohorts of patients including mammograms to measure their levels of haemoglobin and glucose. Regarding patient safety with information technology, computerized physicians’ orders can also be utilized for the benefit of the hospital that lowers the chance of medical errors. Due to inflexible formats of orders, errors may occur frequently in the Prime Hospital. The use of tools and software can allow physicians to develop a total understanding of patients’ needs (Rao et al., 2020).
NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1 Health Promotion Plan JJ
NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem: Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations SC
How Care Coordination and community Resources are Used
Evidence shows that there are potential benefits of using care coordination for improving the patient care outcomes in healthcare organizations across the globe. Technology, for example, can improve the hospital’s admissions regarding type 2 diabetic patients like Norah who needs a better quality of service through technology use. Improved patient satisfaction is highly linked by scholars with community and coordination resources to effectively managing the chronic type 2 diabetes diseases (Nittari et al., 2020). Care coordination brings myriad advantages for nurses in Prime Hospital to improve the condition of Norah such as improving patient’s satisfaction. Many studies have discussed the positive impacts of using care coordination. And community-based resources to improve quality outcomes and results. For example, community-based resources have been defined by several scholars as agencies which provide case management support to enhance the medication treatment and mental health counselling of type 2 diabetes patients. These associations can also include food pantries and housing social services organizations. Optimizing the community-based approach can help professionals to utilize an infrastructure for improving the culture of knowledge sharing. Even though several scholars highlight issues in community-based approaches, community-based models and strategies are recommended by several for improvement of healthcare outcomes (Goldschmidt, 2020).
For core community teams and collaborations, what is important to have responsiveness so they can apply interventions to implement the strong evidence-based practices? Several factors and forces can impact the balance of community-based resources. One major characteristic of community-based approaches is the use of an efficient and low-cost infrastructure for ensuring innovation and knowledge. Communities are able to demonstrate strong identities between members. This shows that community resources can help to provide the infrastructure for efficient knowledge sharing for achieving quality improvement collaborative.
NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem: Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations SC
For example, the well-developed community-based models for healthcare improvement are “community of practice” models. This model was established for improving the performance of business sectors that is based on the concept of shared concern or shared interest which includes learning and practice collaboration. This model helps to improve quality of outcomes using a collaborative approach. These external entities are better able to identify several quality gaps and help physicians to improve their strategies; even though physicians can disagree with their concerns, they can encourage and maintain enthusiasm to collaborate with a motivated community of great individuals to bring the vital change in their organizations (Gill, 2020).
Nursing Practice Standards and Government Policies with Technology Use
According to the Agency for Healthcare Research, care coordination has been described as the effective management of patient care activities to enable provision of the best healthcare services in a particular healthcare organization. Organizing means that management and physicians can be in a better position to allocate the needed resources to improve patient care activities. According to Galarraga (2021), coaches and leaders can play a vital role in implementing calculated risks and also allow nurses to get good guidance regarding risk-taking. This procedure raises the confidence of individuals and a sense of control with fears and anxieties. Several uncertain events can cause ambiguity in healthcare organizations to deal with type 2 diabetic patients. Technology comes as an innovation to influence the behaviours and outcomes of professionals. This means that the aim of patient-focused healthcare is to offer cost-effective services by incorporating information technology tools that are governed and regulated by nursing best standards and government policies.
For example, the National Centre for Nursing Research and the American Association of College of Nursing in addition to the American Nursing Association (ANA) has been involved significantly in documentation standards to improve the movement and access of patient records. These organizations have been working throughout to improve the nursing practices for decades. For instance, the nurses at Prime Hospital need to promote patient demographics in education of nurses. The leaders are also benefitting from the well-known Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS) design that helps organizations in the US to tackle several environmental issues and improve their nursing care accordingly (Fortuna, 2020).
NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 1 Health Promotion Plan JJ
Governing mobile and software technology are a challenge for man organizations because some professional organizations have provided guidelines to utilize social media and communication tools with good governance and management. Nursing education depends mostly on mobile learning to ensure professional development of many people in Prime Hospital. However, through guidelines and rules, there is a more professional approach required to implement the framework to help leaders integrate mobile technologies.
Another vital regulation in the United States to improve the nursing profession is HIPPA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 that ensures the privacy and confidentiality of patients’ personal information used by software tool by nurses (). The provisions of these laws are far reaching because it allows safe transmission and maintenance of patient’s vital information to save companies millions of dollars of losses due to loss of patient information. These ethical and professional practices have positive implications to improve the care outcomes of diabetes type 2 patients such as Norah. Two practicum hours are planned to be spent with these community resources to understand the guidelines of HIPPA and other organizations (Correa et al., 2020).
Health informatics have become an indispensable part of the medical practices in the United States and many other advanced countries where technology can use utilized effectively and wisely to improve the patient care outcomes and safety of patients. IT offers several benefits to nurses and healthcare professionals in Prime Hospital to treat and manage the patients of diabetes type 2. The evidence and the analysis of these tools show that their implementation and deployment organization-wide can help to improve the patient safety and security. This allows arriving at quality outcomes.
NURS FPX 4900 Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem: Technology Care Coordination and Community Resources Considerations SC
Correa, V. C., Lugo-Agudelo, L. H., Aguirre-Acevedo, D. C., Contreras, J. A. P., Borrero, A. M. P., Patiño-Lugo, D. F., & Valencia, D. A. C. (2020). Individual, health system, and contextual barriers and facilitators for the implementation of clinical practice guidelines: a systematic metareview. Health research policy and systems, 18(1), 1-11.
Fortuna, K. L., Myers, A. L., Walsh, D., Walker, R., Mois, G., & Brooks, J. M. (2020). Strategies to increase peer support specialists’ capacity to use digital technology in the era of COVID-19: pre-post study. JMIR Mental Health, 7(7), e20429.
Galarraga, J. E., DeLia, D., Wilhite, D., Romero-Barrientos, R., O’Sullivan, K., Noccolino, D., … & Pines, J. M. (2021). Emergency department care coordination strategies and perceived impact under Maryland’s hospital payment reforms. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 45, 578-589.
Gill, E., Dykes, P. C., Rudin, R. S., Storm, M., McGrath, K., & Bates, D. W. (2020). Technology-facilitated care coordination in rural areas: What is needed?. International journal of medical informatics, 137, 104102.
Goldschmidt, K. (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic: Technology use to support the wellbeing of children. Journal of pediatric nursing, 53, 88.
Nittari, G., Khuman, R., Baldoni, S., Pallotta, G., Battineni, G., Sirignano, A., … & Ricci, G. (2020). Telemedicine practice: review of the current ethical and legal challenges. Telemedicine and e-Health, 26(12), 1427-1437.
Rao, S. S., Loeb, A. E., Amin, R. M., Golladay, G. J., Levin, A. S., & Thakkar, S. C. (2020). Establishing telemedicine in an academic total joint arthroplasty practice: needs and opportunities highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Arthroplasty today, 6(3), 617-622.
Sinsky, C., & Linzer, M. (2020). Practice And Policy Reset Post-COVID-19: Reversion, Transition, Or Transformation? Commentary examines possible policy and practice changes for health professionals, regulators, and payers after the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Affairs, 39(8), 1405-1411.
Storer, D., Rachel, B., & Matlock, S. A. M. (2020). Creating a business case template for care coordination and transition management. Nursing Economics, 38(6), 308-315.
Sumpter, S. (2021). An Evaluation of Care Coordination in Reducing Depression Symptoms and Emergency Room Visits (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nevada, Las Vegas).
Wagner, S., Rubin, I. L., & Singh, J. S. (2021). Underserved and Undermeasured: a Mixed-Method Analysis of Family-Centered Care and Care Coordination for Low-Income Minority Families of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-14.