NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing JJ

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing JJ
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing JJ
Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing: Telehealth
The term “telehealth” has been around for decades that have gained significant popularity in the context of patient care in the changing times. Telehealth has been defined by experts differently; there is no universal definition of telehealth. It normally refers to the use of digital technologies and tools to facilitate healthcare outcomes. According to Oliveira (2017), the evidence-based research shows that telehealth is a vital technological weapon for better diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment of patients in a hospital setting or a nursing home from a remote location. Many researchers have shown recently that telehealth helps nurses and doctors to improve patient care outcomes using viable technologies. For instance, telehealth use in the Vila Health Hospital can help to decrease hospital admissions, administration cost, and ensure better access to healthcare facilities for all patients. Therefore, the use of telehealth in American hospitals and nursing homes is increasing exponentially. This annotated bibliography explores the usefulness of telehealth technology in a hospital setting of Vila Health Hospital. The focus of choosing this topic is to discuss the patient care outcomes positively impacted by the utilization and integration of telehealth technology. It will improve patient experiences and enhance the affordability of care. This topic has been chosen because technology is the most crucial concern and topic of discussion for hospital owners and administrators to enhance the quality of remote care. As the time goes, telehealth will keep growing in importance. Since many hospitals including Vila Health Hospital aims to deploy telehealth tools amidst the global pandemic and in the post-pandemic era, this topic will provide the hospital management an opportunity to learn in-depth about this topic and make their working environment efficient (). Oxford Journals Database is used to extract the articles for the annotated bibliography. Mostly, the search terms used for finding the right sources include “telehealth patient outcomes”, “telehealth in the modern healthcare settings”, and “telehealth for patient safety”. The following sources will allow leaders to view the evidence-based resources to reduce their healthcare costs. More searches were conducting using ProQuest Dissertations and PsychInfo.
Essay NURS FPX 4040 Assessment.4 Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators JJ
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing JJ
Annotated Bibliography
Heuer, A., Hector, J. R., & Cassell, V. (2019). An update on telehealth in allied health and interprofessional care. Journal of Allied Health, 48(2), 140-147.
This chosen scholarly article published in the Journal of Allied Health aims to discuss the use of various telehealth applications in healthcare organizations. The authors define the term telehealth and consider it equal to telemonitoring or call it teleconsultaiton. Telehealth can make use of a variety of mobile applications available on the App Store and the authors highlight the use of the latest technologies such as audio-visual droids. The article also sheds light on the use of tele-ICU platform that helps to remotely monitor severally sick patients. The authors claim that telehealth integration in hospital settings significantly improves communications between healthcare professionals and patients through the use of teleconferences and remote collaboration methods. Moreover, this article also discusses the use of telehealth tools for ensuring and improving patients’ safety and security. I personally believe that this source is a crucial one to discuss the benefits and roles of telehealth to achieve improved patient safety and care outcomes in a healthcare setting. This source explains effectively why telehealth should be deployed by all modern hospitals and nursing homes to enhance their remote collaboration and treatment outcomes. I consider this source vital for completing my argument in favor of telehealth.
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing JJ
Head, B. A., Schapmire, T. J., & Yongqiang, Z. (2017). Telehealth in palliative care. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 19(2), 130-139. doi:10.1097/NJH.0000000000000319
This article was published in the Journal of Hospic and Palliative Nursing that relates to the use of telehealth in palliative care settings. Both the professors of this scholarly resource are renowned professors. I chose this resource specifically to analyze the practice of telehealth in palliative nursing settings that takes a critical approach to evaluate the usefulness of telehealth using current literature. The aim of the researchers was to provide a complete evaluation of telehealth use on patient care outcomes in palliative hospice care. The researchers used the evidence-based studies that explored population focus and interventions performed. The author used both quantitative and qualitative research methods and discussed the results. The results show that using telehealth interventions help organization to save money and help to improve the emotional symptoms of patients. However, the research also argued that it was hard to apply the same principles of telehealth in palliative settings due to conduction of the study. This resource is important for increasing the knowledge of medical health professionals, nurses, and quality enhancement experts.
Oliveira, T. C., & da Hora Sales, M. L. (2017). The Implementation of the Telehealth Program in Basic Care. Journal of Nursing UFPE / Revista De Enfermagem UFPE, 11(6), 2380-2388. doi:10.5205/reuol.10827-96111-1-ED.1106201717
This resource is selected because both the author of these articles is professional nurses holding a Master’s degree in nursing from Brazil. I preferred to choose this resource because the article explores and analyses the implementation of telehealth program in basic care settings. This topic is significantly relevant to my research area. Moreover, the researchers discussed thoroughly the use of telehealth program in the primary care setting that is located in Brazil. The researched did a quantitative study and performed an analysis of secondary data collected over a period of twelve months. This data was extracted from the implementation of telehealth program in Brazil that was based on three stages. The author suggest that setting up a telehealth system in the hospital requires three vital steps such as setting up the technical and physical structure of the system, providing tale-education to users such as doctors or nurses, and performing diagnosis using telehealth tools. The article did not focus on patients; it focused more on the implementation of telehealth tools. The results show that patients’ safety and privacy in healthcare organizations can be improved using telehealth care delivery.
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing JJ
Henry BW, Block DE, Ciesla JR, McGowan BA & Vozenilek JA. (2017). Clinician behaviors in telehealth care delivery: a systemic review. Adv in Health Sci Educ, 22:869-888.
Nowadays, telehealth is the most important topic that is discussed in this fourth article that serves as an important literature on telehealth. The resource discusses clinical costs, technology, and its impacts on a healthcare organization. The resource aims to explore the behaviors of clinicians such as communication patterns and therapeutic relationships. The systematic literature review helps to identify interpersonal health care provider (HCP). This article was searched within PsychInfo database. The researchers did an analysis of 45 articles including primary specialist care and home care topics. The articles provide great knowledge regarding perceptions of telehealth and difference in communication patterns. The results show that telehealth technology aims to build empathetic relationships with patients and by improving safety and confidentiality. There is a need to educate nurses in the use of these applications to provide safe quality care. The results also showed that the productivity of the interdisciplinary teams increased with the incorporation of telehealth.
There is a dire need of incorporating and deploying telehealth technologies in Vila Health Hospital. The analysis of various resources shows that telehealth education is necessary for nurses and practitioners to improve patient care safety and confidentiality outcomes. The knowledge provided in the chosen resources can help the chosen hospital to take the next steps to ensure patient safety and quality care. Despite lack of technical knowledge of these tools, hospitals are recommended to deploy telehealth tools to improve the collaboration and safety of patients. Telehealth not only becomes a cost-effective solution, but it also reduces the patient admission. Therefore, telehealth is essential in healthcare settings to improve medical professionals’ diagnosis, treatment, and safety of patients. Vila Health Hospital must educate nurses and accept technology as a social norm to show commitment towards training programs. This will empower practitioners to impact patient care outcomes using technology and improve patient satisfaction. Therefore, telehealth will help the management to retain the best workers in the hospital.
Head, B. A., Schapmire, T. J., & Yongqiang, Z. (2017). Telehealth in palliative care. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 19(2), 130-139. doi:10.1097/NJH.0000000000000319
Henry BW, Block DE, Ciesla JR, McGowan BA & Vozenilek JA. (2017). Clinician behaviors in telehealth care delivery: a systemic review. Adv in Health Sci Educ, 22:869-888.
Heuer, A., Hector, J. R., & Cassell, V. (2019). An update on telehealth in allied health and interprofessional care. Journal of Allied Health, 48(2), 140-147.
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing JJ
Oliveira, T. C., & da Hora Sales, M. L. (2017). The Implementation of the Telehealth Program in Basic Care. Journal of Nursing UFPE / Revista De Enfermagem UFPE, 11(6), 2380-2388. doi:10.5205/reuol.10827-96111-1-ED.1106201717
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing JJ