NR512-11470 Week 3 E-Portfolio Project LT

NR512-11470 Week 3 E-Portfolio Project LT
NR512-11470 Week 3 E-Portfolio Project LT
Define E-Portfolio
Significant of E-Portfolio
Items in the E-Portfolio
Examples of items to be included
Challenges and/or Issues
Recommendations for the future
What is E-Portfolio?
Rising electronic source
Reflection of an individual
Exhibit professional and personal growth
Performance highlights
(Roberts et al., 2016)
What is an E-Portfolio? An E-Portfolio is a rising electronic source of authentic and various collection of evidence pulled from files which represents what a Graduate and/or APN has learned or experienced. The e-portfolio not only acts to record, store and collect items learned but is a reflection for an individual learner. It has the potential to exhibit professional and personal growth, illustrate evidence-base practice and provides a planning space for future professional growth and experiences (Roberts, Maor, & Herrington, 2016). For the Graduate it represents a collection of evidence that shows a learning journey over a time span. For the APN it represents a collection of evidence-base artifacts that highlights their performance abilities, growth and professional development in a specialty track
Significant of an E-Portfolio
Detailed Competencies
Experiences highlight
(Birks et al., 2016)
Why do we need an E-Portfolio? The importance of an e-portfolio for the APN is that it’s an opportunity to display to potential employers accomplishments, education, detailed competencies, and evidence-base practice pertaining to their career specialty track. This allows them to selectively record achievements, events, short and long-term career plans and display credentialing. The e-portfolio provides the ability to display various forms of evidences and to build a personal web-linked storehouse (Birks, Hartin, Woods, Emmanuel, & Hitchins, 2016).
Significant of an E-Portfolio
Education assessment tool
Collection of their work
(Miller & Morgaine, 2015)
NR512-11470 Week 3 E-Portfolio Project LT
A well-executed e-portfolio program is an incredible tool for higher education. They provide institutions with authentic assessments of student learning and promote the deeper learning for the APN. Students generally use e-portfolios to collect their work, reflect upon strengths and weaknesses, and strive to improve. Equally beneficial are the data that faculty, departments, and institutions derive when they assess the work in portfolios, reflect upon it in curricular contexts, and use the data and reflections to plan for improvement. E-portfolios provide a rich resource for both students and faculty to learn about achievement of important outcomes over time, make connections among disparate parts of the curriculum, gain insights leading to improvement, and develop identities as learners or as facilitators of learning (Miller & Morgaine, 2015)
Items in the E-Portfolio
Educational Background
Professional Experience
(Hovis, 2017)
What items are included in the graduate student portfolio and APN portfolio? An e-portfolio should provide a full detailed picture of who you are as a nursing professional. The items in your e-portfolio should contain basic information- name, contact information, email address, and educational background. Use this section to expand on any educational information mentioned in the bio, with qualifications listed in reverse chronological order. Educational background- this section will focus on how experiences and skills are well suited to the e-Portfolio owner’s professional goals, along with the careers he/she is seeking. Professional experience section would display evidence of performance and skills will help make an e-Portfolio really stand out (Hovis, 2017).
NR512-11470 Week 3 E-Portfolio Project LT
Items in the E-Portfolio
Performance and Skills
Evidences of Competencies
Awards and Honors
(Hovis, 2017)
Performance and skills would list skills area, followed by the knowledge or personal traits that contribute to the individual’s success in that skill area. Last section of the e-portfolio includes evidence of competence in the areas of expertise being highlighted. This allows anyone viewing the e-Portfolio to understand the range of skills, knowledge, and abilities of the creator. It’s important to show any honors and kudos received, awards and accolades won, certificates and training taken, and promotions or performance. Appraisals. Memberships in professional or educational organizations should also be highlighted (Hovis.2017)
Example of my e-portfolio
Biography- Ly Tran, phone #, E-mail
Education- BSN in Chamberlain, BA in Health Administration in GSU
Work Experience- ED RN in Metro South and Rush Hospital
Skills- Technical skills, communication skills, and foreign language
Evidences of Competencies- research paper from my BA and BSN degree
Awards and Honors- member of ANA and ENA
NR512-11470 Week 3 E-Portfolio Project LT
In an example of my e-portfolio as a graduate student, I would like to incorporate a personal introduction of myself such as personal information name, contact information and personal background. An education background would include my highest educational achievements such as BSN degree and BA in health administrations. Third would be the professional experience such as my workplace and duration of employment. A minimum of three work experiences would be preferred; I have only worked in only two hospitals so I would have to include one other job before I become a registered nurse. The skills area would be voluntary work, internships, technical skills, writing skills, communication skills, study abroad, foreign languages skills, sports participation, military service, clubs involvement, leadership positions, and professional affiliations/memberships that I have been involved. An Examples of artifacts included publications, electronic presentations, audio and video projects, assignments, research papers, writing samples, and or a copy of your resume would be included. Last would be memberships in professional or educational organizations would also be highlighted. I am in the Fall Committee in my current hospital and I am a member of ANA and ENA professional organizations.
Challenges and/or Issues
Unnecessary material
Storage problem
(Abd-Wahab et al., 2016)
Very tech Savvy
Time consuming
(Haggerty, 2017)
Implementing an e-Portfolio in learning has several advantages and challenges. E-Portfolio is the latest technology that can enhance the technology skills of a student, aid in future job-hunting, and evaluate skill performance and self-confidence. All of the contents in the e-Portfolio can be a source of evidence to improve a student’s future career development. According to the survey by Hart Research Associate, 95% of employers prefer to hire candidates that have skills that can contribute to the innovation of the company. Thus, the e-Portfolio must be interactive and filled with exciting knowledge to be shared in the future. However, the challenges of creating and implementing a good Portfolio are several. Accessibility is not limited, and thus students need to be careful in selecting materials to be uploaded in their e-Portfolio. An unnecessary material can reduce the marketability of a student if uploaded. Thus, students are responsible for their own e-Portfolio and the information it contains. In addition, another challenge is uploading large files into an e-Portfolio is difficult and time consuming (Abd-Wahab, Che-Ani, Johar, Ismail, & Abd-Razak, 2016).
Having no previous experience of using an e-Portfolio is one of the main challenges as it is a completely new process.
Not everyone is ‘tech-savvy’. Technology can prove difficult for many people to use and often requires having Wi-Fi to do anything with it. I get easily frustrated with the process is my webpage won’t load or I am having difficulty with uploading information onto it (Haggerty, 2017).
More detailed and consistent support classes
Earlier introduction of the e-portfolio
Exploration of different e-portfolio platforms
(Uí Choistealbha, J., 2018)
NR512-11470 Week 3 E-Portfolio Project LT
There are some suggestions and recommendations for improving the way in which the institute approaches e-Portfolios. These suggestions include more detailed and consistent support classes. More classes and workshops should be in place especially since they are going to be included in our grades. Earlier introduction of the e-Portfolio such as pushing for a professional e-portfolio mandatory for BSN program or senior year in high school will benefit the students in long run. Exploration of different e-Portfolio platforms and it might be better if we could use a different platform i.e. a personal blog — less restrictions, more choice, and more creative control in design (Uí Choistealbha, J., 2018).
Abd-Wahab, S. R. H., Che-Ani, A. I., Johar, S., Ismail, K., & Abd-Razak, M. Z. (2016). E-Portfolio: A Descriptive Survey for Contents and Challenges. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 11(1), 4–10.
Birks, M., Hartin, P., Woods, C., Emmanuel, E., & Hitchins, M. (2016). Students’ perceptions of the use of e-portfolios in nursing and midwifery education. Nurse Education in Practice, 18, 46–51.
Haggerty, C. (2017). The challenges of incorporating e-Portfolio into an undergraduate nursing program. Whitireia Community Polytechnic & Wellington Institute of Technology, 9(2). doi:
Hovis, S. (2017, July 12). 6 Essential Components Every e-Portfolio Needs. In Instructure. Retrieved from
Roberts, P., Maor, D., & Herrington, J. (2016). E-Portfolio-Based Learning Environments: Recommendations for Effective Scaffolding of Reflective Thinking in Higher Education. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 19(4), 22–33. Retrieved from
Uí Choistealbha, J. (2018, January 31). The benefits and challenges of using e-Portfolios. HAMK Unlimited Journal. 18(5). 33-43.
NR512-11470 Week 3 E-Portfolio Project LT