NR501-63233 Week 2 My Nursing Philosophy Guidelines with Scoring Rubric LT

NR501-63233 Week 2 My Nursing Philosophy Guidelines with Scoring Rubric LT
NR501-63233 Week 2 My Nursing Philosophy Guidelines with Scoring Rubric LT
My Nursing Philosophy
Ly Tran
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR 501: Theoretical Basis of Advanced Nursing Practice
Session II: Spring 2020
My Nursing Philosophy
NR501-63233 Week 2 My Nursing Philosophy Guidelines with Scoring Rubric LT
To summary in 2006, American Nurses Association (ANA) defines nursing as the optimizing of heath and abilities through health promotion and protection. Nursing is also the prevention of injury and illness in the long run. Facilitating of healing through nursing to alleviates suffering done by diagnosis and treatment. Nursing helps advocate care for each individuals, families, and communities they touch. I agree with the ANA demarcation of nursing, however, I think the definition of nursing is not explicit to this description only. To me nursing is the central concept of caring for a person as a whole. When we talk about nursing, one cannot exclude holistic care in nursing. Nurses provide care in all aspects of a person-physical well-being, environment, and beyond the physiological aspect of health and well-being. Holistic nursing also includes psychosocial, sociological development of an individual, and cultural and spiritual aspects (Adams, 2016). When it comes to healthcare, we look at a person as whole pie not just one piece of the pie, therefore all aspect must be considered for a person well being. NR501-63233 Week 4 Importance of Nursing Theory Worksheet LT
NR501-63233 Week 2 My Nursing Philosophy Guidelines with Scoring Rubric LT
Nursing is important to me because I feel that nursing is my responsibility to the public service as my way of giving back to the society. My parents brought me to this country for freedom, liberty, and better life. I would have not received free education and healthcare when I was growing up in Vietnam. Therefore, I think it is time for me to give back to the community that raises and empower me to become who I am today. In addition, I think nursing is important to me because I want to be a good nurse and a role model to the fellow nurses who I have trained, so when my family is sick I know they are in good hands. Nursing is more than a career to me it is about day-to-day work helping the community and provide good health for everyone.
There are a few nursing theorists I feel best guides my nursing practice are; nursing theorist Jean Watson focused the contended of caring is the moral ideal and essence of nursing in her book in 1990 (Petiprin, 2016). When we think back in history of how nursing started it is primary a kind act of helping the wounded soldiers. Caring is the behaviors of kindness toward the needed population, and over the past centuries, I think nursing has become an art of science that relies on evidence-based practice to deliver utmost quality of care. Caring behaviors is carrying out through attentiveness to patients, able to communicate openly and honestly to their patients. Providing a promising care with dignity and respect while connecting with patients’ families at the same time (Drahosova, L & Jarosova, D., 2016). When these positive caring relationships exist, the outcome will be positive patient, nurse, and system outcomes.
Moreover, the qualities of a good nurse is caring and compassion. I think a good nurse can be selfless; he/she would be put patient best interests first. Good nurse would be able to sympathize the lost and pain of the patient. A skill nurse must have good communication skills. I am not talking about being a good public speaker. Communication skills encompass of critical listening, critical question and thinking. Critical listening skills require nurse to listen with commitment; listening with an open mind, heart and nonjudgmental. Nurse must able to ask critical questions for assessment and think critically for patient health outcomes. Values of a nurse must include cultural diversity. We live in a country that is very diversified. Caring for someone with cultural and values that is different than mines is very common, good nurse must be able to put aside his/her belief to care for that person as their nurse.
NR501-63233 Week 2 My Nursing Philosophy Guidelines with Scoring Rubric LT
I intend to personally impact society through my nursing career with a clear and loud voice in the nursing profession. This is a well respect and philanthropy profession; I think involvement in nursing organizations helps us have a voice at the table in regards to health care and nursing. Community involvement in philanthropy are more ways we can bring out strength to the front lines of our profession and our world so that we can foster those positive patient nurse and system outcomes.
Adams, L. Y. (2016). The conundrum of caring in nursing. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 9(1), 1-8.
Drahošová, L., & Jarošová, D. (2016). Concept caring in nursing. Central European Journal of Nursing & Midwifery, 7(2), 453-461. doi:10.15452/CEJNM.2016.07.0014
Petiprin, A. (2016). Jean Watson-Nursing Theorist. In Nursing Theory. Retrieved from
What is Nursing. (2006). In American Nurses Associations Enterprise. Retrieved from
NR501-63233 Week 2 My Nursing Philosophy Guidelines with Scoring Rubric LT