NR 524 Week 4 Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper

NR 524 Week 4 Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper
Identification of Framework Concepts
Nursing Metaparadigm
NR 524 Week 4 Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper
Nursing metaparadigm concepts are a combination of theories and ideas that provide base and structure to develop a functional framework (Bender, 2018). The purpose of this paper is to develop a nursing framework by integrating nursing metaparadigm concepts and program outcomes based on NLN core competencies in an associate nursing degree program. There are four nursing metaparadigm concepts and they are person, nursing, environment, and health. All these concepts were selected to develop the framework and program outcomes in this course.
NR 524 Week 4 Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper
Nursing Metaparadigm Concepts
The metaparadigm concept of a person is nothing but care recipients or human beings. The concept includes physical aspects, emotional aspects, and the psychological aspects of an individual (Lindahl, 2018). Further, other aspects include aura, energy, empathy, spirituality, language, and behavior (Kalogirou, Olson & Davidson, 2020). The concept of a person is considered an open system with physical, intellectual, sociocultural, spiritual, and psychological dimensions. This system undergoes continuous changes with time and age by the influence environment (Bender, 2018). As a result, it is directly connected to the environment (Lindahl, 2018). Also, the continuous changes determine the well-being of the person and it indicates health concept. It also indicates the quality of care provided and this is nothing but a nursing concept. As a result, it is related to all other nursing concepts. The concept of a person can be considered as a central concept and other concepts surrounding it in patient-centered care (Bender, 2018).
In nursing, the concept of environment can be defined as surroundings, situations, and geography where an individual behaves and interacts to get social experiences, intrinsic and extrinsic changes to evolve and growth (Deliktas, Korukcu, Aydin & Kabukcuoglu, 2019). The environment deals with both internal and external aspects. It includes beliefs, customs, mores, expectations, and changes in the environment (Bender, 2018). An environment is nothing but an energy field where a person encounters different processes that affect the person, care provided, and well-being of the individual (Kalogirou, Olson & Davidson, 2020). This indicates that the environment is connected directly with all other concepts as it influences them directly.
NR 524 Week 4 Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper
The concept of health is the well-being of the individual and it includes dynamic processes in a person (Thet & Akbar, 2019). The wellbeing of a person continuously changes due to changing physiological, psychological, environmental, and social conditions. The dynamic process indicates the degree to which the care is needed. Also, it highlights the impact of care provided (Kalogirou, Olson & Davidson, 2020). For example, the response of the human body to COVID-19 can be considered as a dynamic change where health changes due to the influence of foreign viruses in an environment. The research and care provided to prevent the infections and cure the individuals exhibit integration of nursing, environment, health, and person as interconnected concepts (Bender, 2018).
Essay NR 501 Week 3 Concept Analysis
The nursing concept is a branch of science and medicine that deals with actions and services provided to increase the holistic well-being of a person with respect to changing health, environment, and practice (Lindahl, 2018). As health is a dynamic concept, nursing is also a dynamic field of academics (Kalogirou, Olson & Davidson, 2020). The nursing concept includes care with responsibility, professional behavior, ethical practice, and serve the public (Lindahl, 2018). Thus, it includes research and study of health, human, and the environment to integrate new practices to increase the quality of care provided (Thet & Akbar, 2019). As the concept aims towards provided care to a person to increase health by considering the environment, all the concepts are interconnected.
NR 524 Week 4 Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper
Program Outcomes for School or The Staff Development Department
NLN Competencies for graduates of Associate Degree is used to develop program outcomes for staff development in my department. As the core competencies include four key aspects, the program outcomes were developed based on them. The four competencies are human Flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry (Fitzgerald, McNelis & Billings, 2020). The program outcomes are as follows:
- Demonstrate advanced understanding of nursing, humanities, health sciences, and community to improve nursing across the department (NLN Competency -1).
- Promote, improve, and exhibit quality care through advocacy, collaboration, and shared decision-making (NLN Competency -1).
- Implement evidence-based practice and translate research into sustainable practice (NLN Competency -3).
- Understand the nursing concept and demonstrate teaching effectiveness through lifelong learning (NLN Competency -4)
- Empower patients and their decision-making abilities through advocacy, communication, and support (NLN Competency -1).
- Demonstrate the ability of self-management and self-reflection to stay competent (NLN Competency -1)
- Resolve education, practice, and nursing problems by incorporating research and knowledge (NLN Competency -1, 3).
- Demonstrate effective inter and intra-professional collaborative relationships in the department to develop policies, influence the health care process, and adopt innovative education practices (NLN Competency -4).
- Utilize technology to better the learning-teaching process to deliver high-quality care (NLN Competency -2, 4) (Skemp & Wyman, 2019).
- Promote and demonstrate a high level of ethical practices, fulfill responsibilities, and reflect integrity in nursing (NLN Competency -1, 3)
- Demonstrate community-based and patient-centered caring ability to improve quality of care, patient safety, and increase health (NLN Competency -2, 3, & 4) (Stamps, Cockerell & Opton, 2020).
- Create integrated and lifelong learning experiences through cognitive, psychomotor, affective, and professional development (NLN Competency – 2).
- Approach nursing with innovation, critique, and evaluating the process to bring in better changes (NLN Competency -4) (NLN, 2020).
NR 524 Week 4 Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper
Influence of peer Collaboration
Peer collaboration was highly helpful in developing the framework and understanding the nursing metaparadigm concepts. The first influence of peer collaboration was, it helped me to identify a person as an open system where spiritual and cultural aspects also play an important role. The second influence was, discussions highlighted how health and nursing can be considered as central concepts under different conditions. However, after the research, it was more feasible to consider the person as a central concept as all other concepts influence a person regularly and directly. The third important contribution was from constructive feedback to include only nursing peer-reviewed journals that helped in defining the concepts accurately. The fourth contribution was to differentiate between different competencies and select the competency that suits the framework. As a result, all these inputs were considered and changes were made.
The first change was to consider the person as an open system where changes are inevitable. This aided in considering both internal and external aspects that influence the health of a person. The second change was to integrate only nursing peer-reviewed journals to increase the credibility of the work. The third change was I integrated four NLN Core competencies in developing program outcomes. For example, some of the outcomes include an integrated approach where NLN Core Competencies were merged in the same outcome. Another contribution was I considered measurable and action-oriented outcomes for the program developed for the institution. Also, all the outcomes were aimed to reflect the characteristics of the graduate nursing students, which will aid in improving skills and knowledge to exhibit them in nursing practice (Stamps, Cockerell & Opton, 2020).
NR 524 Week 4 Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper
Nursing metaparadigm concepts provide a base and structure to develop a framework for a nursing institution. The concept of a person deals with the individuals who receive care and the person acts as an open system with physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, and social dimensions. The concept of environment includes external and internal aspects where a person goes through changes with time. The concept of health indicates the holistic wellbeing of the person. The nursing concept is the field of science and medicine that work towards bettering health by providing care to the patients. All these concepts are interrelated as they influence each other even when a person is considered as a central aspect. The NLN core competencies for the associate degree was selected to develop the program outcomes where human flourishing, nursing judgment, professional identity, and spirit of inquiry were integrated to develop program outcomes by considering constructive feedback from peer collaboration and discussions. Peer collaboration was effective and helpful in developing the framework for the institution, which reflects the characteristics of graduates. Different competencies from NLN Core Competencies were integrated to develop program outcomes, which is aimed to increase the skills, knowledge, and competencies of the graduates. All the outcomes developed are measurable, action-oriented, and effective.
NR 524 Week 4 Framework Concepts and Program Outcomes Paper
Bender, M. (2018). Re-conceptualizing the nursing metaparadigm: Articulating the philosophical ontology of the nursing discipline that orients inquiry and practice. Nursing Inquiry, 25(3), e12243. doi: 10.1111/nin.12243
Deliktas, A., Korukcu, O., Aydin, R., & Kabukcuoglu, K. (2019). nursing studentsʼ perceptions of nursing metaparadigms. Journal Of Nursing Research, 27(5), e45. doi: 10.1097/jnr.0000000000000311
Fitzgerald, A., McNelis, A., & Billings, D. (2020). NLN core competencies for nurse educators. Nursing Education Perspectives, 41(1), 4-9. doi: 10.1097/01.nep.0000000000000530
Kalogirou, M., Olson, J., & Davidson, S. (2020). Nursing’s metaparadigm, climate change and planetary health. Nursing Inquiry, 27(3). doi: 10.1111/nin.12356
Lindahl, B. (2018). On locating the metaparadigm concept environment within caring science. Scandinavian Journal Of Caring Sciences, 32(3), 997-998. doi: 10.1111/scs.12620
NLN. (2020). NLN competencies for graduates of nursing programs. Retrieved 20 September 2020, from
Skemp, L., & Wyman, J. (2019). Promoting quality instruction in the care of older adults: core competencies for gerontological nurse educators. Journal Of Gerontological Nursing, 45(10), 3-5. doi: 10.3928/00989134-20190912-01
Stamps, A., Cockerell, K., & Opton, L. (2020). A modern take on facilitating transition into the academic nurse educator role. Teaching And Learning In Nursing. doi: 10.1016/j.teln.2020.04.002
Thet, E., & Akbar, A. (2019). The philosophies of science in developing nursing science. International Journal Of Nursing And Midwifery Science (IJNMS), 3(1), 43-49. doi: 10.29082/ijnms/2019/vol3.iss1.212