NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Milestone 3

NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Milestone 3
NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Milestone 3
Course Project Milestone 3 Template
Prior to completing this template, carefully review Course Project Milestone 3 Guidelines paying particular attention to how to name the document and all rubric requirements. After saving the document to your computer, type your answers directly on this template, and save again. This assignment is due by Sunday end of Week 6 by 11:59 p.m. MT.
Student Name: _____________________
NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Milestone 3
Assignment Criteria | Type the statements into the boxes below. Use exact words spoken by each person. Note: See Milestone 3 Rubric for details required in each area. |
Introduction: | |
Student Introduction and Statement of Purpose30 points | I am Kimberly Morton and this project is based on a nurse that has influenced me and that I believed has influenced the nursing culture itself. She has been a nurse for years starting in public health nurse to med/surg for 30 years. She has teacher and mentored other nurses throughout the years giving them advice on what they need to know and what can help further their career. Her loving and caring personality is usually masked by her tuff exterior. But when she sees that you want to learn she opens up and teaches you everything you need to know. I always say she is a walking textbook because she has the answer to everything. She has seen everything and knows everything. I believe she is a special type of person that became a nurse to teach other nurses. What I want to get from this interview is more insight of why she became a nurse and if she regrets her decision. Nursing is hard and I believe teaching new nurses must be frustrating as they can range from receptive to know it alls. Through it all I never seen her give up on anyone, she still gives her knowledge and expert advice. And this is why I choose Ciony Hernandez as my life changing nurse. She is a modern Florence Nightingale, teaching the young how to handle all situations. |
Nurse Introduction30 points | [Name of speaker: Words speaker says] |
Nurse States Verbal Permission for Interview and Submission30 points | [Name of speaker: Words speaker says] Essay NHS FPX 6008 Assessment 3 Developing an Implementation Plan |
Questions and Answers | |
Primary Question 1 | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Follow-up a | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Follow-up b | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Primary Question 2 | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Follow-up a | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Follow-up b | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Primary Question 3 | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Follow-up a | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Follow-up b | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Primary Question 4 | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Follow-up a | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Follow-up b | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Primary Question 5 | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Follow-up a | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Follow-up b | [Name of student: Question asked][Name of nurse: Words spoken by nurse to answer question] |
Conclusion: | |
Gratitude20 points | [Name of speaker: Words speaker says] |
Learning20 points | What I learned from this experience is that Ciony was a natural born teacher and nurturer. She took care of her younger siblings and then went to take care of her patients. She was an educator which I am not surprise since she is a wonderful teacher. She has encouraged me since I met her to peruse med/surg for atleast a year to build my skills. I will take her words in too consideration because I respect her that much. She has also made me want to become a mentor nurse because even though she does not get paid to do so she has mentored me and many other nurses.This is how she changed the nursing world, by not eating her young and teaching them instead. I have encountered many of nurses who refused too help me at my time of need because they were too busy. Ciony took her own time and made it a priority to help me understand dialysis with her 19 years of expertise. She is a pioneer of nursing working when med/surg consist of everything from ICU to chemo patients. She has seen it all and has blessed us with the gift of her knowledge that we cannot find in textbooks, only with experience. |
Total Points Possible = 300 |
NR 393 Week 6 Course Project Milestone 3