NHS FPX 6004 Policy Paper Presentation

NHS FPX 6004 Policy Paper Presentation
NHS FPX 6004 Policy Paper Presentation POLICY PROPOSAL PRESENTATION BEATRICE SATTY CAPELLA UNIVERSITY NHS6004: HEALTH CARE LAW AND POLICY MAY, 2021 Hello, and welcome to today’s presentation on the policy proposal for current performance shortfalls. This presentation paradigm is towards the possible solutions for this problem. In this we will discuss about how we can implement the policies to overcome the errors. In this will all the information that is required to make decision on will be put forward to the stakeholders. We will also discuss the scope of the proposal, strategies and stakeholder involvement in the implementation of these policies. Presentation Outline ■ Policy on current performance shortfalls ■ Need for a Policy ■ Impact on Working Conditions ■ Issues in the Application of Strategies ■ Stakeholder Participation We will begin by understanding the features of the policy on current underperformance of benchmarks. In this presentation I will discuss the importance of policies and why we need to renew them or make some new and how will they affect. Secondly we will discuss about the affects policy will have on the different departments of Mercy Medical Center. Thirdly all the environmental factors will be on out page, what environmental factor have the affects on our policy. Policy on Current Performance Shortfalls To ensure benchmark compliance is the weekly report of basic tasks held by the health care professionals This will bound the professional to work on a merit-based policy. This policy will be working as a core catalyst. (Ettorchi-Tardy et al., 2012) Benchmarking has been considered as a tool for comparing indicators but not with the understanding of its entire concept. However, the key feature of the whole concept of benchmarking is to provide a continuous quality improvement that is CQI. Benchmarking in health care organizations is crucial with the immense momentousness. In my policy recommendation to ensure benchmark compliance is the weekly report of basic tasks held by the health care professionals. This report will have the basic merits that are necessary to follow in regard to ensure the patient’s satisfaction. This policy will bound the professional to work o a scheduled merit-based policy and all those merits will be aligned with the requirement to comply with benchmarks. This policy will be working as a core catalyst that will be indirectly leading the health care organization towards success and patient satisfaction. This is the purpose benchmarks serve with the integration of law and policies. Need for a Policy Underperformance of benchmark can be dangerous for health care centers Mercy Medical Center has few areas of concern where efficiency of work is essential. Underperformance of benchmark can lead to budget affecting results In any case, health care services are the foremost priority, benchmark underperformance can lead to havoc results. Benchmarks are set to follow in order to get the required results as quality services in a healthcare organization but if it is followed accordingly it can lead the progress and funds downward. (LT, 2000) Though progress and funds loss can be covered the most havoc result of benchmark underperformance can be the patients’ health. To not lead towards this conclusion, the organization has to make a policy-making department. Which will set the standard to lead the benchmark’s compliance. Impact on Working Conditions Better KPIs performance Hitting benchmarks completion Quality health care services Less burden on each professional individual employee This policy will be working as a core catalyst that will be indirectly leading the health care organization towards success and patient satisfaction. This is the purpose benchmarks serve with the integration of law and policies. There must be a check and balance on the report system where it is all submitted and for proactive and efficient results the reports should be measured on performance and analyzed with the KPIs. Once the system gets on its feet, the staff will become used to it when they will be progressing with the measured KPIs and hit the benchmark. (Nothacker et al., 2015). According to the health care organization, the day-to-day matters are complex and very crucial, and sensitive to deal with. The benchmarks are there to assist the quality maintenance but to ensure whether the daily operations are up to the mark-up or not, health care centers do require a policy system to get along with the benchmarks. Creating or developing a policy as a part of the regulations that staff has to follow is necessary. The need to develop the policy emerges when the crucial function and operation need attention to deal with and the progress is lacking efforts. All in all, the policy will be a guideline and an instruction that all the organization has to follow. This will be generating results when the policies will be made according to the efficiency requirement and simulation of the health care day-to-day tasks. Issues in the Application of Policies Budget allocation for policy making and implementation Administration and its effects on policy implementation Consent from all departments To analyse whether the policy is in accordance with the benchmarks or not (Murad, 2017) According to many environmental factors that are to be in the front row when the policies are under the development process. Though after the policies are made, environmental factors still can affect them with a minor change. The environment in the organization includes the financial department, operational department, management department, and administration with other small associated departments, all of these are prone to change on an unpredicted basis. The main focus in my policy recommendation is the financial department. Which is also called the budgetary department and the administration department. Any fluctuation in the organizational operations can affect the reporting policy. The administration is the core element in my policy recommendation, if it is not in the responsive state overall, the policy implementation cannot be assured. So for the administration department, the policy implementation within it must be strict since any heavy load of work can distract the whole simulation of policy implementation. Besides this department, the budgetary department must be aligned with the progress of the staff. When there is a requirement for the check and balance process, this department should be having the backup lead for this and any crisis predicted must be discussed with the organization beforehand so that they can be prepared accordingly and the work pace must not be hindered by the accidental crisis. This policy recommendation does have a way to cover before its implementation but it does have the strengths that can work in its best form to bring out the results. It can develop alignment and a strong relationship between all the departments of the health care organization. Guidelines and policies always target the quality of service or care when it comes to patients by just encouraging teamwork and removing the disparities. Stakeholder Participation f any policy is made it is to be approved by the stakeholder. having their approval in planning the policy have immense importance. Stakeholders are equal to share the burden when it comes to human life In my recommendations part, the role of the financial department is discussed which is directly linked with the stakeholders. If any policy is made or implemented it is to be approved by the stakeholder too. My policy recommendation targets the alignment and responsibility of each person of the organization. Stakeholders are equal to share the burden when it comes to human life. On the other perspective, financial stakeholders are the regulatory bodies that encounter external industry matters, which are as important as the internal matters of the organization, so having their opinion and approval in planning and making the policy have immense importance. They know what trends and policies the industry has and what will be the possible scenarios of the regarded policy. They can make the other side of the matter clear to the organization. References Wall, A. (2000). Book review Err is Human: Building a safer health system Kohn L T Corrigan J M Donaldson M S Washington DC the USA: Institute of Medicine/National Academy Press ISBN 0 309 06837 1 $34.95. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 6(9), 413. https://doi.org/10.12968/bjhc.2000.6.9.19311 Ettorchi-Tardy, A., Levif, M., & Michel, P. (2012). Benchmarking: A Method for Continuous Quality Improvement in Health. Healthcare Policy | Politiques de Santé, 7(4), E101–E119. https://doi.org/10.12927/hcpol.2012.22872 Murad, M. H. (2017). Clinical Practice Guidelines. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 92(3), 423–433. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2017.01.001 Nothacker, M., Stokes, T., Shaw, B., Lindsay, P., Sipilä, R., Follmann, M., & Kopp, I. (2015). Reporting standards for guideline-based performance measures. Implementation Science, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13012-015-0369-z
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NHS FPX 6004 Policy Paper Presentation