Module 1 Introduction to Informatics and Progress toward a Community of Health and Wellness

Module 1 Introduction to Informatics and Progress toward a Community of Health and Wellness
Module 1 Introduction to Informatics and Progress toward a Community of Health and Wellness
Introduction to Theory in Healthcare Informatics
Ruthe Arie
Aspen University
CI5450 Informatics in Healthcare
Bonny Kehm, PhD, RN
Module 6 Healthcare Informatics Applications Part I
Introduction to Theory in Healthcare Informatics
This research paper will discuss electronic health records and how they correlate between their usage and providing quality patient cares. Description of the electronic techniques used during patient interactions and the emotions patients and healthcare staff may be experiencing during these interactions will be noted. Detailing ethical standards of patient and provider usage within computer programs along with patient interactions will be debated.
Forms of healthcare data currently collected by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will be identified. These forms of healthcare data will be discussed in detail in how they are of importance to societal processes and quality management. Organizations that are accumulating sources of informatic data base sharing and how they are managed will be covered. The data collection in hospital patient discharges and how these can be tracked utilizing the three healthcare data forums along with the potential improvement to patient outcomes will be identified. The ethical relationship to using electronic healthcare tracking and analytical data exchanges and how consumers view them today.
Module 1 Introduction to Informatics and Progress toward a Community of Health and Wellness
Many healthcare organizations were mandated to choose an electronic health record keeping service. Consideration in ethical and professional standards need to be consistent with the use of private healthcare records. One field of informatic is the translational bioinformatic area that deals with how healthcare information is “stored, analyzed and how the interpretation is arranged of large volumes of data (Hebda, et al. 2019 p. 2). With the digital transformation of healthcare data housed as offsite cloud intelligence can be a convenient and cost-efficient source for organizations.
Electronic Health Records
For organizations to accomplish the instillation of electronic health records they are required to make prudent decisions around multi-functional aspects of their business. These in tale integration of a new electronic record keeping system which may replace an older system or be ca completely new investment from written to electronic means. Introducing a new electronic record tracking system should be gradually phased through each clinical area verses all at once. Staff adapt faster and easier with a slower shift from the older means of record keeping to a new unfamiliar electronic format. Informatic teams can develop workflow, order sets, and planning of patch updating with coordination of the organization staff. Integrating the paper format alongside the use of electronic health recording is usually how new systems are integrated. Staff engagement, training on the electronic hardware and programming is relevant to correct operational management. Electronic health care “implementations should drive clinical and operational changes, including improvement in clinical processes” (Priestman, et al. 2018 p.93).
Module 1 Introduction to Informatics and Progress toward a Community of Health and Wellness
Healthcare informatics has rapidly intermingled with the technology of patient care platforms. With this new age patient care technology goals are to improve healthcare costs and patient care by minimizing charting errors. But with organizations implementing new computer charting and programs healthcare staff’s attitudes and skills should be addressed. To avoid conflict and resistance of staffing, organizations need to provide simulated training sessions of all implemented electronic health record systems or programs. This can bolster staff support and confidence in the adoption of an innovative technology. In 2012, 69% of the United States nurse workforce lacked adequate training in computer skills (Topaz, et al. 2017 p. 1). The nurse population diversity of age, culture and education can impact how well technology is accepted or trusted.
Patient Care with Electronic Health
Reasoning that quality personal patient care is enduring healthcare reformation with the use of electronic healthcare programs. And that electronic healthcare data is collected by qualitative means and continues to be studied on the “risks and benefits with regard to patient safety” (Kim, et al. 2017 p. 246). Patient and provider communication is the primary portion of a medical visit. This connection being a good or bad portal can affect the patient’s follow through attitude on prescribed treatment, and adherence to clinical outcomes. Providers who present electronic health in a mutual organized fashion with their patients are more likely to receive an accepting appraisal.
Module 1 Introduction to Informatics and Progress toward a Community of Health and Wellness
Reasoning that quality personal patient care is enduring healthcare reformation with the use of electronic healthcare programs. And that electronic healthcare data is collected by qualitative means and continues to be studied on the “risks and benefits with regard to patient safety” (Kim, et al. 2017 p. 246). Patient and provider communication is the primary portion of a medical visit. This connection being a good or bad portal can affect the patient’s follow through attitude on prescribed treatment, and adherence to clinical outcomes. Providers who present electronic health in a mutual organized fashion with their patients are more likely to receive an accepting appraisal.
Reasoning that quality personal patient care is enduring healthcare reformation with the use of electronic healthcare programs. And that electronic healthcare data is collected by qualitative means and continues to be studied on the “risks and benefits with regard to patient safety” (Kim, et al. 2017 p. 246). Patient and provider communication is the primary portion of a medical visit. This connection being a good or bad portal can affect the patient’s follow through attitude on prescribed treatment, and adherence to clinical outcomes. Providers who present electronic health in a mutual organized fashion with their patients are more likely to receive an accepting appraisal.
Electronic Health Legality
Electronic health recording is more than typing or clicking boxes. The health professional using any electronic form of informatic system is dependent on accuracy with imputing detailed patient data. Some patients are reluctant to rely on computers verses human documentation. But common mistakes are made with both forms of imputing. Electronic recorded speech recognition software can miss words or misinterpret language causing medication, treatment, or discrepancies within progress notes. Templates with multiple tabs, drop down menu’s and out of date patches can lead to display errors and printed out materials missing pertinent information. When electronic healthcare data revolves “around patient care, it is imperative to design healthcare systems and devices with ethical best practices,” according to (Krishnan, et al. 2019 p. 41).
Module 1 Introduction to Informatics and Progress toward a Community of Health and Wellness
Electronic Hospital Data Tracking
Hospitals track patient data in a faster and simplified manner with the merge of electronic health recording and retrieving of data. One of these electronic methods of patient data retrieval is used for the coordination of care with discharge care of patients. Hospitals are the number one health care provider that formulates ways to prevent 30-day readmissions. Medical predetermined factors and diseases are closely monitored in relation to high-risk readmissions. A few of these factors under surveillance are acute myocardial, infarction, heart failure, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and elective orthopedic procedures (Hebda, et al. 2021 p. 46)
Importance of Data Tracking
Multi factors of discharge tracing includes length of stay, reductions in readmission rates, and improvements to patient transitions from pre and post hospitalizations. The hospitalist team can measure these factors to theorize causes of patient’s readmitted within 30 days. Formulating a hospital wide plan to overcome patient readmission rates will increase Medicaid and Medicare incentive funding. Meo, et al. (2018 p. 6) suggests that standardization of healthcare communication during patient discharge can have significant impact on length of stays.
Ethics of Data Usage
Hospitals should adopt policies in how they delivery patient data and in what ways they can share the patient data to outside agencies. With the advancing technology programing and innovations in healthcare data imputing, procedures, and recording devices it is clear that ethical data sharing move at the same pace. This “continuum of recorded information is becoming more difficult to govern, partly as a consequence of innovations in the nature and use of the different structures for producing and communicating information and data (Upward, 2019 p. 260). Healthcare workers who share patient stay information with outside organizations should be required to follow Health Information Patient Accountability Act (HIPAA) laws and maintain patient trans actionality.
Module 1 Introduction to Informatics and Progress toward a Community of Health and Wellness
Selected Project Topic
During this week’s discussion the topics cloud technology of digital medical imaging was an interest to me because hospitals use this data intensely. Learning about cloud computing and how it has diversified hospital procedures, data recording, imaging, and software. Patient data can be accessed by program users anytime and anywhere. This shared means of cloud data can lower hospital server costs and generate faster communication of patient data to the needed entities. Hospitals can minimize storage of digital images unlike ever before. With the increase of mobile workers, office locations cloud software seems a smart wat for hospitals to manage costs.
Conforming to electronic health record advancements is received by people in different terms. The young grasp technology with fervor, whereas the older population fears it as an invasion of privacy. With continued education, quality measures and Federal guidelines followed we can all benefit from sharing electronic health information to improve our health care needs. The importance of tracking electronic health data can be demonstrated in hospitals when providers caring for critical patients have the technological tools needed to share data with each other in minutes. Utilizing cloud software capabilities can turn a hospital into a higher servicing entity that can service patients into the future of technology.
Hebda, T., Hunter, K, Czar, P. (2021). Handbook of Informatics for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals 6th edition.
Kim, M, Coiera, E, Magrabi, F. (2017). Problems with health information technology and their effects on care delivery and patient outcomes: a systematic review. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Article 24(2), 2017, 246–260 doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocw154
Krishnan, S, Shashidhar, N. (2019). eDiscovery challenges in healthcare secure and effective management of data in the healthcare industry. International Journal of Information Security Science Vol.8, No.2, pp.30-43.
Meo, N., Paul, E., Wilson, C., Powers, J., Magbual, M., & Miles, K. M. (2018). Introducing an electronic tracking tool into daily multidisciplinary discharge rounds on a medicine service: a quality improvement project to reduce length of stay. BMJ Open Quality, 7(3)
Priestman, W., Sridharan, S., Vigne, H., Collins, R., Seamer, L., & Sebire, N. J. (2018). What to expect from electronic patient record system implementation: lessons learned from published evidence. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, Article 25(2), 92-104.
Topaz, M., Ronquillo, C., Peltonen, L. M., Pruinelli, L., Sarmiento, R. F., Badger, M. K., Ali, S., Lewis, A., Georgsson, M., Jeon, E., Tayaben, J. L., Kuo, C. H., Islam, T., Sommer, J., Jung, H., Eler, G. J., Alhuwail, D., & Lee, Y. L. (2017). Nurse informaticians report low satisfaction and multi-level concerns with electronic health records: Results from an international survey. Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 2016, 2016–2025.
Upward, F. (2019). The monistic diversity of continuum informatics: A method for analyzing the relationships between recordkeeping informatics, ethics, and information governance. Records Management Journal, Article 29(1), 258-271.
Module 1 Introduction to Informatics and Progress toward a Community of Health and Wellness