Masters Research Project Proposal

Masters Research Project Proposal
Assessment Schedule
Masters Research Project Proposal | |
Length | 1,000-1,500 words |
Format | Double electronic submission via Turnitin and Blackboard/Grade Centre in the MRP module site . |
Submission | By noon on Wednesday 16 November 2022 (week 8) |
Weighting | 20% |
Feedback | Wednesday 7 December 2022 (week 11) |
Support | Seminar Tutor and drop in with Module Leader |
Resubmission | August 2022 depending on student status and progress |
Master Research Project | |
Length | 12,000 words (+/-10%) |
Format | Double electronic version via Turnitin and Blackboard/Grade Centre in the MPR module site. |
Submission | By noon on Wednesday 19 April 2023 |
Weighting | 80% |
Feedback | Marks released after all the Progression and Awards Boards involved in MRP have met in June 2023 |
Support | Supervisor and drop in with Module Leader |
Resubmission | August 2023 depending on student status and progress |
10.1 Proposal Marking Criteria and Content
The Proposal should be 1,000 -1,500 words. Marking criteria as follows:
- Introduction 20%
- Literature Review 30%
- Methodological Framework 30%
- Planning and Critical Analysis 10%
- Structure, Presentation and Writing Style 10%
The Proposal Rubric is located in Appendix A. The following sections provide further guidelines concerning the structure and content of individual elements of the Proposal.
Proposal Introduction 20%
The purpose of the Proposal and outline of Proposal structure should be succinctly set out. In this opening section you should detail the underlying rationale for the project. Think about this as the reasons that explain your choice of topic and its importance. Provide background to the subject area and the focus of the Project. The discussion should lead to the development of one clear, overall aim.
Include a list of objectives which you are proposing to achieve with the research There should be between 3 and 6 objectives, although more or less is acceptable depending on the nature of the Project. Remember this is the plan for the rest of the work you will do towards producing your Project. The objectives should relate to what you are going to do.
The reader should have no doubt or uncertainty about the boundaries of the final Project. If the scope is restricted to a particular country, region, industry, time period then this should be made explicit. If you need to carry out further analysis to establish the scope of the research, then this should be highlighted here.
Proposal Literature Review 30%
The literature review demonstrates the main theories which are relevant to the topic of research. This is done by identifying the main texts and authors in the area (in books and journals) and discussing the key issues. The review of the existing literature should compare and contrast the relevant writers in the field of interest and link these to your proposed area of research. You should be able to show that you have undertaken sufficient reading on the respective topic to be able to justify the choice of topic and to demonstrate where the contribution will be located within the main body of theory and current knowledge, incorporating relevant core concepts, frameworks and theory. This section should reflect:
- Expertise of the body of theory including the implications of recent developments
- Engagement with and critical exploration of core concepts
- Progressive argument/idea development
Although textbooks are a valuable resource when doing research, contemporary issues are more likely to be discussed in the academic journals relating to the field. It is expected that recent developments, theories, or studies will be contained in journal articles and you should evidence that you have accessed these.
Proposal Methodological Framework 30%
Ensure theoretically underpinned presentation, discussion and justification of the proposed methodological framework to be adopted in the study. Each design choice must be identified, discussed and defended regarding suitability for study. Overall, the methodological framework should demonstrate appropriateness to the study aim and objectives and be capable of practical implementation.
This section presents, discusses and justifies the proposed methodological framework and the design choices made (e.g. research philosophy; approach; strategy; time horizon; data collection tools, sampling and data analysis, ethical considerations). Robust theoretical underpinning is essential.
Proposal Planning and Critical Analysis 10%
Firstly, based on a Gantt chart (or similar) there should be a detailed timetabled research plan scheduling all aspects of the research. This should include time anticipated to conduct background research, data gathering tool design, data collection, data analysis and Project writing. This is best achieved by working backwards from the final submission of the Project. Remember the proposal provides the plan for the research you will conduct so the Gantt chart should provide detail of the activities you will conduct during the course of the research.
You should include consideration of ethical issues and ethics consent.
Finally, a discussion of any anticipated challenges in the conduct of the study and potential limitations of the study is required to show that the researcher is aware and informed and thus better able to manage the research process. A good proposal will not only show awareness but also highlight potential options to overcome challenges and minimise limitations.
Proposal Structure, Presentation and Writing Style 10%
Formal, academic and mature style with good grammar which is free from spelling errors and carelessness. Use of academic sources should be evident throughout with careful use of Harvard referencing conventions.
The Proposal word count is between 1,000 and 1,500 words. Submitting a Proposal that is below the word count is considered to be self-limiting. Submitting a Proposal that is above the word count runs the risk that markers will only read to the upper word limit of the submission. Therefore, the penalty for too many words is that the later parts of your Proposal (e.g. limitations) may not be included in the mark.