Essay SOC 449 Week 2 Discussion Latest-GCU

SOC 449 Week 2 Discussion Latest-GCU
SOC 449 Week 2 Discussion Latest-GCU
SOC 449 Week 2 Discussions Latest-GCU
Please answer each question and an in text citation must be used for each question. Please make sure every question is covered in the answer for each number.
1. Establishing a therapeutic relationship (rapport) with a client requires specific skills to move the process forward (Hepworth, et al, 2017). How would you work to avoid any barriers to communication? What role does culture play in this step of the therapeutic process? Explain some effective physical attending behaviors that will help the process move toward positive responses or interventions with the client?
2. How would you rate your level of knowledge on a 1-10 scale in regards to the building a therapeutic relationship with a client? Post the number and any comments you would like to make.
3. View the “Diversity/Multicultural: Ferguson” case study video located in the Topic 2 folder in MindTap and reflect on your own possible cultural biases. Consider the following in your response:
Why is it important for a social worker to take into account a client’s cultural background?
How could cultural bias affect a social worker’s interviewing techniques?
Why is it important for a social worker to know their own cultural biases?
For the “Diversity/Multicultural: Ferguson” video, propose some culturally informed interview techniques that will help the process move forward.
200 words for each discussion S