Essay SOC-449 Topic 4 DQs GCU

SOC-449 Topic 4 DQs GCU
Topic 4 DQ 1
According to the textbook, a usual task for social workers is to assess the family impact on a client. Access and view the “Home for the Holidays” video located in the Topic 4 folder in MindTap. Explain congruency of Anna’s messages during the session. What is meant by boundaries within the family systems theories? Explain homeostasis and feedback loops apparent in the video case study. Describe the family decision making, hierarchy, and power apparent in the video case study.
Topic 4 DQ 2
Access and read the “GCU Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” document. Social workers frequently practice with groups and recommend group types. Briefly explain the following group types: Treatment Groups, Self-Help groups, and Task Groups. GCU believes that God is working to restore the broken lives and communities through the use of collective skills and resources of Christians. If a social worker has a grief-stricken client who has the Christian worldview, what are some groups that the social worker might recommend to that client? Why