Essay SOC-372-O500 Topic 6 Discussion GCU

SOC-372-O500 Topic 6 Discussion GCU
Topic 6 DQ 1
The family unit is at the core of our society. They provide the foundation for our future behaviors, experiences
and relationships. For that reason, much attention has been focused on how to better support struggling
families. Conduct your own research to determine what you feel are the most significant issues U.S. families
are currently facing. As a social worker, how might you work with families to address these? Keep in mind that
a social workers role is to not only help those in need, but to fight for social justice as well.
This discussion question is informed by the following EPAS Standards:
2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Topic 6 DQ 2
Research child welfare services in states across the country. Find one that is particularly more successful at
meeting children’s needs than others. In what ways does their child welfare system differ from the state where
you live? Which practices would you like to see implemented in your state?
This discussion question is informed by the following EPAS Standards:
2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities