Essay SOC 220 Topic 7 Discussions GCU

SOC 220 Topic 7 Discussions GCU
SOC 220 Topic 7 DQ 1
There are various forms of collective violence. These include:
-War, terrorism, political conflicts
-Genocide, disappearances, torture, human rights abuses
-Organized violent crime (gangs, etc.)
In order to apply the sociological imagination to this problem, select one of the forms of collective violence and describe the consequences of that type of collective violence on the macro and micro levels. What might it be like to experience the type of collective violence you selected? Give specifics of how your current life would be affected by this type of violence. What global social problems might be perpetuated by this type of collective violence? Next, propose a possible solution to the global social problems you presented.
SOC 220 Topic 7 DQ 2
Migration and immigration is an age-old process of people moving across borders. Some argue it is detrimental to a country’s stability and others say that it brings benefits. Historically, what were some effective solutions to this social phenomenon? Develop a list of pros and cons to U.S. as well as Global migration. Describe the impact on individuals, countries, and the larger world context. What are some effective modern day solutions that are being proposed?