Essay RES 885 Topic 3 Discussions GCU

RES 885 Topic 3 Discussions GCU
RES 885 Topic 3 DQ 1
Respond to one of the following based on the selected methodology of your dissertation study.
If doing a qualitative study:
Identify an empirical study which was conducted on the phenomenon you are researching. Identify the theories or models in that study that are relevant to the phenomenon for your proposed study. Discuss how the theory or model is relevant to the phenomenon addressed in your study. Note: Use instructor feedback to revise the Theoretical Foundation section in your prospectus.
If doing a quantitative study:
Identify the variables which you are exploring for your study. Describe each variable and the model or theory aligned to the variable. Identify and name an instrument which measures the variable or variables. Identify an empirical study which used the variable you will be researching. Find the model or theory for the variable in that article or in the validation article on the instrument used to measure it. Note: Use instructor feedback to revise the Theoretical Foundation section in your prospectus.
RES 885 Topic 3 DQ 2
Respond to one of the following based on the selected methodology of your dissertation study.
If doing a qualitative study:
Use the problem statement and the model(s) and/or theory(ies) to develop the research questions for your proposed study. Once you have instructor feedback put these research questions into the research questions section in your Prospectus deliverable.
If doing a quantitative Study:
Use the problem statement and variables to develop the research questions for your proposed study. Once you have instructor feedback put these research questions into the research questions section in your prospectus deliverable.