NURS FPX4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan PS

NURS FPX4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan PS
NURS FPX4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan PeechesHeadlam
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Villa Health Disaster Recovery Plan presented by Name
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Whenever disaster hits, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), steps in to help. Disaster is described as an uncertain event that is very unusual and that results in significant harm or death. Recovery refers to the activities that occur before, during, and after the disaster tragedy (U.S. Department of the Interior, 2020). The disaster recovery process focuses on repairing and rejuvenating communities such as the Villa Health neighborhood that have been touched by the tragedy. The ideal catastrophe recovery strategy will provide solutions rather than new issues. Disasters include fires, plagues, landslides, earthquakes, floods, thunderstorms, and accidents, to name a few. Weather related disaster had wreaked havoc on Villa Health Community, now it requires a good support and assistance to recover. It’s apparent that their disaster recovery strategy has to be modified after meeting with hospital and community leaders.
NURS FPX4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan PeechesHeadlam
Slide 3. Barriers to Safety
Health factors are known to have an influence on people’s health and how they respond to catastrophes before and after they occur. Cultural boundaries are the first. The way one responds to an approaching tragedy can be influenced by one’s beliefs, religious views, ethnic heritage, and community. Then there’s the issue of social boundaries. Mental health, long-term health concerns, and alcohol consumption and usage are all affected by disasters. Disasters are a leading source of mental health issues, affecting huge groups of individuals. As a result of the detrimental influence on mental health, mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety are predicted to rise. The third type of obstacle is the financial one. The financial impact on the organization and families is significant. The assault on September 11, 2001, claimed the lives of 3000 people and resulted in the loss of 430 000 jobs and a $30 billion economic loss. The Madrid train terror bombings in 2004 killed 192 people, wounded 1500 more, and caused billions of dollars in economic damage. Natural disasters have a major negative impact on a country’s actual gross domestic product (GDP). Then there are the physical obstacles. People with disabilities have a physical disadvantage over people who do not have impairments. When tragedy strikes, they are frequently forced to remain at home, increasing the risk of death or injury. Individuals with disabilities are disproportionately impacted by catastrophes, with a death rate two to four times that of non-disabled persons. Vulnerable people are more likely to get diseases and illnesses. When planning for catastrophes, health factors such as cultural and societal views, economic position, and physical condition must all be considered.
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Benefits of Disaster Recovery Plan
Disaster recovery planning will aid organizations in recovering quickly after a disaster by delegating tasks and roles during the recovery phase, identifying and triaging patients based on injuries sustained, identifying hospitals based on triage level, identifying community resources that are available post disaster, connecting displaced individuals with housing resources, addressing social, cultural, economic issue post disaster at months 3, 6, 9, 12 and so on.
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The availability of resources in catastrophe planning/response is determined by state and local governments. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has created regulations with local governments for emergency planning and response programmed that are accessible to persons with disabilities. For example, in the emergency preparedness process, those with disabilities should be included. It creates a strategy for evacuating people with impairments. It assists in the identification and planning of secure shelter for people with impairments and makes a strategy to get people back to their homes. The other is the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, which establishes a systemic approach to catastrophe response and collaborates with FEMA to reduce disaster effect (Robert, 2020). It locates emergency aid and disaster relief organizations, addresses unmet needs, and prepares families and communities for long-term survival.
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MAP-IT framework is being used to plan and evaluate effective strategies and public healthcare initiatives. MAP-IT framework is important for formulating and maintaining a strategy to meet the Healthy People 2020 goals. (Healthy People 2020). The phase started with the recruitment of collaborators. This strategy involves determining that what will be the goal of our rehabilitation. Helping local EMS groups to establish a campaign to achieve and serve for those who were wounded as well as need immediate health services, must be prime concern in the Villa Health community. Communication with healthcare staff must include both their screening method and premises where victims will be received. In addition, an emergency response team should be formed well with goal of being deployed into the Villa Health community. Because the disaster’s repercussions would almost surpass the resources of the Vila Health community, so it is very important to take the government and state entities as the collaborators
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The 2nd phase of MAP-IT framework’s is “to assess”. During this whole operation, you will be asked the questions like; who is affected? Which sources are necessary to meet goals? What things can help you reach your goals? These queries lead the management in determining what else we can do. Functioning together as a group is indeed an important part of this participatory process. Every leader of the community and key stakeholder must determine the most urgent issues and collaborate to solve those issues. EMS officials, clinical staff and practitioners, utility corporate execs, as well as other concerned citizens must really be engaged. Villa Health clientele is diverse, with its unique person ’s needs and the facilities. A high proportion of elderly people reside in care homes. Such people need medication and also energy to run appliances like ventilators. Many people without insurance are unable to pay their bills, making them vulnerable to illness. Furthermore, a limited number of poor persons in Villa Health settlement will have to be moved to sanctuaries and safe places before the storms come.
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It is really important to consider the healthcare variables that may affect the general public’s rehabilitation efforts throughout the evaluation stage. Disaster search and rescue operations must address preventing or worsening inequities, much as public health practitioners recognize the importance of taking these socioeconomic variables into consideration while providing the best health care. To encourage communication, individuals should be in the same location. This promotes collaboration that provides both urgent assistance and the potential for protracted resource expansion. Involvement of the community members is very important in minimizing the effects of social and as well as economic disparity. This one is achieved by creating a resident-led Community Emergency Response Team. It may be performed ahead of time to ensure that workforce is prepared to react throughout the recovery phase. In order to ensure that the community members feel enthusiastic to join, the programs and sessions must be all accessible in a centrally located building and available to everyone, even those with impairments. There ought to be interpreters on hand, and sessions dates must be kept flexible enough to accommodate those who do job. In addition, the pertinent community members who are the relatives of the vulnerable people must be included in strategic and planning meetings. This will allow the plan makers to identify the society’s weak points and requirements.
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Those people who already have financial, and medical disparities are especially susceptible in calamities. Catering to the issues of such vulnerable people in the catastrophes necessitates a focus on every impediment that could present. One of these barriers is widespread mistrust of the state or the government. Diverse groups don’t always feel valued, and they don’t always have the political clout to get resources. Another impediment might be the dilemma of a multi-layered tragedy. Disasters tend to wreak havoc on communities that were already struggling before the calamity. Institutional adaptability does have an impact on the ability of the people/population to recover. Organizations that assist vulnerable members of society could put themselves in a dangerous position following a tragedy. People could realize they’ve exhausted with all of their available possibilities and are not able to face the crisis. As a result, they will not be able to satisfy the requirements of the individuals they care on the daily basis.
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While doing the assessment, this was determined that Villa Health will require EMS & emergency access to the hospital, immediately after the threat of the weather had gone. Furthermore, it was established that disaster response teams would be needed for helping people, who are being unable to help themselves. Organizations that produce and provide energy and services must be ready to respond.
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Development part of MAP-IT framework is divided into many segments. Forming and deploying an emergency operations center (Command Centre) is important in this situation. This emergency operations center must be located centrally where everyone can reach it out, and that must include EMS and medical administration. This command center must have the best emergency preparedness professionals and also the community members like nurses, and other vital personnel. As needed, the center should be in charge of moving utility companies to the most susceptible regions. Care facilities, supportive housing centers, and certain other facilities that depend on power/energy to give care and communicate throughout catastrophes, fall into this category. They must be in command of responding to service inquiries. Workers must be prepared on backup at healthcare centers to ensure that they are ready for the response of an emergency. Storm policies are in place in most hospital systems, allowing personnel to report ahead of time and stay for the length of the storm. A second crew reports and takes over after the storm has passed.
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Several factors influence catastrophe rehabilitation, including government’s strategy and policy. The Stafford Act establishes the central gov’t’s lawful power to assist governments during the event of catastrophes. Such help is given by Stafford Act, if the catastrophe is far beyond the aggregate remedial capacities of state and municipal authorities. Federal Emergency Management Agency, is now responsible to manage the disaster relief funds allocation. Huge amounts of money from the contingency fund becomes ready when the government announces the emergency under Stafford Act (Stafford, 2020). This fund offers individuals with urgent cash help for housing or other tragedy needs. Stafford Act was amended by FEMA. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Disaster Recovery Reform Act in 2018, providing victims with impairments greater freedom and eliminating disparities among disadvantaged individuals (FEMA, 2018). This expands the assistance available to catastrophe victims, notably allowing adaptive improvements for disabled people to be subtracted off their highest disaster relief grant award. Essay JMRY 8 Module 3 Johnson Orlando and the 1950’s to 1960’s
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MAP-IT framework’s last step is tracking the improvement over the time. Following a hurricane, rescue operations should be doing good and they must be trackable. Team members of rescue operation workers must be divided into units and given localizable areas to operate inside. Just after the area has been investigated, that is important to alert command center, so the more and further efforts should not be made. In attempt to reestablish power and water, service suppliers must be considered equal. Unfortunately, communication hurdles do exist and must be addressed during calamities such as hurricanes (Fischer, Passage, & Fischbeck, 2016).
Throughout the case of a disasters, it is important that data and information should be delivered rapidly. Throughout disasters and disaster disaster response, researchers have found 3 different types of communication barriers. Due to recognized disparities among individuals participating in disaster response organizations or even the general public, societal hurdles to communication arise. Technological barriers arise due to problems resulting from using technology for disaster response. Throughout enterprises, organizational barriers develop during emergency preparedness. The first, technological challenges, stresses the critical role of technology in disaster recovery efforts, especially in today’s environment. Television and smartphone failures, network communication breakdown is caused by strong winds, rain, or mismanagement, the absence of alternative network technologies, and infrastructure maintenance interruption. Planning and backup plans are required to overcome these challenges.
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Therefore, disaster recovery plans must use the MAP-IT framework, in order to be a well-organized and well structured. MAP-IT framework explains how to mobilize partners, analyses local needs, design and deploy a strategy to fulfil identified goals, and track the program’s performance. A healthy relationship between Villa Health community employees and supervisors may be established to support rehabilitation goals and objectives. An effective recovery program utilizes government and state funds while simultaneously considering the health disparities, local needs of the community, and also the communication barriers. Well-organized design, planning, management and implementation will result in a favorable outcome for everyone.
Diedrich, M. (2020). The four phases of emergency management. Retrieved from of EmergencyManagement
Disaster recovery reform act of 2018 transforms field of emergency management . (2018). Retrieved from act-2018-transforms-field-emergency-management
Fischer, D., Possega, O., & Fischbach, K. (2016, June 15). Communication barriers in crisis management: a literature review. Association for Information Systems . Retrieved from
MAP-IT: a guide to using Healthy People 2020 in your community . (2020). Retrieved from
Robert T. Stafford disaster relief and emergency assistance act. (2020). Retrieved from
Wolkin, A. (2018). Mission possible: preparing and responding to disasters through a health equity lens. Retrieved from
NURS FPX4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan PS