ESSAY NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs

ESSAY NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
Executive Summary
NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
In the report where the situational analysis is built of the multiple locations in Jordan. The windshield survey in finding out the effective healthcare situation in Jordan has been placed and the findings are a bit on the fluctuated scale. Where the dependency of healthcare quality service is mainly on the location. Different locations have the urban and rural environment effects too, virtual survey and its results are verily started from middle-high school to the food centers. (Jordan et al., 1998)
However, performing and analyzing the environmental factors that influence medical healthcare in Jordan includes their economic conditions. Though they have not much population, yet some of the areas have lower socio-economic standards that restrain them to have an equal level of a medical healthcare facility.
NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
Safety concerns and the limitations of the survey
Although most of the areas have socio-economic make-up and they are quite apparent to look likewise, yet they have not named their neighborhoods. Which was quite a resistance and a limitation in the virtual survey, whereas, to get through this, time consumption was the consequence. (Bdour et al., 2007)
In the safety concerns, the memory care and specialized centers were not spread out equally in the whole region whereas they were centralized in the Oak Terrace Senior Living of Jordan, which is a retirement community. Though some of the regions have had the old built houses which were around 60 years old and teardowns are mostly common in those areas. With such conditions, the healthcare facility to be measured in that specific area is not for all. People around single-family holders or multifamily holders stay in one of the same areas but different defined apartments. (Al-Qudah et al., 2019)
NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
General Condition and Public Health Need plus Environmental Analysis
According to the (Murray & Graham, 1995) environmental research of the article, there is a public need that is to be considered on an immediate basis and that is the building and development of healthcare centers in almost every two areas. According to the research, very few healthcare centers can provide medical facilities to all the residents of the area. This can be approved as a fatal thing if the pandemic or viral disease hits, somehow the situation is quite dependent on the socio-economic measure and according to it Jordan has more of the lower socio-economic standards. Where the provision of medical health facilities for everyone is not completely possible.
NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
People in the subway areas are in majority and they have multiple elementary schools situated there. Which is a suitable environment for viral infections to take a spread out lead and kids can be the carriers of it. It is recommended to space out the place and establish a medical center for the emergency department.
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According to the report and windshield survey the area of Jordan and multiple small regions, have a lower standard of living and such a place is a people magnet for living. Since there is a huge number of people in one place it can be prone to viral infections. Though they get to work and stay for education in one area, it is more likely that they must have multiple healthcare centers around.
NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs
Jordan, J., Dowswell, T., Harrison, S., Lilford, R. J., & Mort, M. (1998). Does health need assessment: Whose priorities? Listening to users and the public. BMJ, 316(7145), 1668–1670.
Murray, S. A., & Graham, L. J. C. (1995). Practice-based health needs assessment: use of four methods in a small neighbourhood. BMJ, 310(6992), 1443–1448.
Al-Qudah, R. A., Tuza, O., Tawfiek, H., Chaar, B., & Basheti, I. A. (2019). Community pharmacy ethical practice in Jordan: assessing attitude, needs, and barriers. Pharmacy Practice, 17(1), 1386.
Bdour, A., Altrabsheh, B., Hadadin, N., & Al-Shareif, M. (2007). Assessment of medical wastes management practice: A case study of the northern part of Jordan. Waste Management, 27(6), 746–759.
ESSAY NURS FPX 61218 Assessing Community Health Care Needs