NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan JJ

NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan JJ
NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan JJ
Disaster Recovery Plan
Hello My name is Julian Nkem and I am here to discuss about Disaster Recovery Plan. The recovery of health and access to vital healthcare facilities is important after a disaster in the area. Nurses often play a major role in restoring heath of individuals trapped in a disaster event and make vital decisions to apply the ethical standards for their wellbeing. Disaster preparedness is important to learn because nurses have to help those in trouble as their caring advocates. People suffer deaths, injuries, and sustain infections due to disasters; since community members must be protected, disaster recovery plan helps members of healthcare community to mobilize and implement a plan to ensure the safety of every individual. The following disaster recovery framework helps to identify the unique needs of individuals affected by disasters and sees the impact of policies on disaster recovery process.
Determinants of Health, Cultural, Social, and Economic Barriers that Impact Disaster Recovery Efforts
Cultural, social, and economic barriers play a vital role in disaster recovery management. Almost 55% of individuals in the world live in urban cities. There are potential long-term impacts on the wellbeing of effected people. Culture is the base of any society on which populations are built; which is why incorporating culture into disaster recovery plans can help to make cities more liveable. Disaster recovery managers and nurses must realize the importance of incorporating cultural needs of people. A lot of factors involve in preparing people for disaster recovery efforts including cultural aspects. Culture factors such as local knowledge, gender types and roles, people’s norms, values, and rituals cohesion, and lack of trust in societies can adversely impact the disaster recovery efforts and management plans (Naser, 2018). These cultural factors must be understood to enhance disaster preparedness that requires people to be prepared for the events of an event. This may include involving people in a range of training activities and preparing a cultural toolkit for all the stakeholders of disaster recovery efforts.
NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan JJ
The principle of social justice comes into play while helping people with a plan to mitigate disasters. Because resources are often unequally distributed during many such incidents, using Social Availability Modelling can help to grow awareness of creating more social equity of resources to help everyone (Mohammadian, 2017). Such people belong to poor families; therefore, creating a disaster recovery plan must include mapping social vulnerability and must be considered as a measure of equitable distribution of resources. This will ensure equal and full access to healthcare resources for people affected.
According to Marceron (2019), the sad part of disaster management is that many recovery plans have been made but not evolved without considering social barriers to improve disaster management. The research reveals that the members of communities have been dying in the past due to not having enough knowledge of managing the disaster incidents. Moreover, the social barriers include extreme lack of resources and lack of preparedness for facing a disaster. Moreover, the communication process between the citizens and authorities and mobilization of resources has been poor. The research suggests that national researchers must create effective models to enhance effective disaster management activities. Moreover, improving the resilience of community is also vital that lacks to promote the disaster recovery efforts in a society. Complex environment needs many management strategies to collectively make decisions. More social barriers include lack of coordination between planning agencies, difference of interest between nurses and planners, weak interaction, low shared responsibility, neglecting complaints, and difficult to follow the norms (Lozupone, 2017). This results in difficulty to handle the available information to make a great plan for disaster recovery. All these factors are inter-related because without coordination and social equity, the development of a great plan is highly unlikely.
How a Proposed Disaster Recovery Plan Will Lessen Health Disparities and Improve Access to Community Services.
Since nurses and managers play a crucial role in disaster management and recovery after an unfortunate event, there are several things to consider such as balancing human rights and equal access to facilities and medical services to ensure that no citizen or hurt person is left out of the process of rehabilitation. However, this goal is not always easy to achieve. During natural disasters, many ethical issues can complicate the disaster recovery planning process including the rights and desires of people managing conflicts. For instance, during COVID-19, many people in America were forced to stay at homes and adopt a lifestyle of social isolation. Nurses had to check the patients’ temperature daily; therefore, all the patients were not able to get the attention they desired during the pandemic and financial crisis. Since a good plan can make the recovery efforts really successful and fruitful, it is vital to understand its importance in lessening the health disparities and improving overall wellbeing of citizens suffering from disaster (Khankeh, 2018).
The nurses of Vila Health Facility prepare a disaster recovery plan that includes all the preventative actions to minimizing the impact of damages to health of people. This plan can be crucial to get things running smoothly and preventing the disasters in the future to help people. The plan includes all the mitigation strategies of risks before, during, and after the disaster occur that will allow stopping of disasters that are not avoidable. Several benefits of this DRP include lessening the recovery time of people and delay in their treatment and rehab. Moreover, the recovery plan prepared by nurses and responsible team members will also prevent legal liabilities and improve security of people. It will also help them avoid making wrong decisions at the last minute during the disaster days. The plan will greatly help the hospital to safeguard and backup data of patients and present them to avoid any frustrations or loss of health. This will help to improve access to community services more efficiently and has implications for community members and vulnerable people to access these resources well. The plan will also ensure that the access and identification of medication is also seamless and error-free for nurses using an automated system such as an EHR and medical record keeping software. (Hefni, n.d).
NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan JJ
How Health and Governmental Policy Impact Disaster Recovery Efforts
Over the past few decades, the many pieces of legislation and policy regulations have given focus to disaster recovery efforts to improve the national and governmental approach to help people. For example, the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act as well as the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 are the foremost examples of government policy efforts to impact the disaster management activities. These and other legislations play an important role for Vila Health Hospital to create a robust disaster recovery plan because nurses can understand the disaster recovery declarations and understand procedures to plan funding for the rehabilitation of patients. For instance, the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 provides a set of requirements that suggest the collaboration of local and state entities to mitigate disaster planning together. Enhance coordination allows hospitals and several researchers and nurses to improve their mitigation planning and plan costs and findings effectively (El Sayed, 2018). Moreover, legislation also provides an understanding of how planners should consider complexity, size, and location of the disaster incident. Management of domestic incidents is different. Legislation allows creating a systematic approach to create a scalable and comprehensive disaster management plan that includes the key concepts of organizational process of different hazards.
Moreover, Healthy People 2030 goal emphasize the needs of individuals and communities to prepare them for disasters. The 2030 goal suggests that communities must prepare for natural disasters in advance using proper planning and provide education to communities to respond well to emergencies (Eid, 2018). This will ensure that citizens are more prepared for disease outbreaks and use accurate information to take preventative steps during disasters. Similarly, the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) formed in 2018 is another most important and effective legislation that impacts citizen’s ability to mitigate disasters and plan ahead. It provides a better methodology for disaster recovery funding and offers great tools for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to improve their outcomes of helping affected people and planners. Moreover, Healthy People 2030 goal emphasize the needs of individuals and communities to prepare them for disasters. The 2030 goal suggests that communities must prepare for natural disasters in advance using proper planning and provide education to communities to respond well to emergencies (Eid, 2018). This will ensure that citizens are more prepared for disease outbreaks and use accurate information to take preventative steps during disasters.
Healthy People 2020 goals for cancer patients suggest increasing volume of cancer supervisors, increase interventions, and reducing collateral cancer-related deaths. This means that the number of supervisors and people who are able to plan more interventions for cancer patients must be increased to mitigate the disease.
NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan JJ
Strategies to Overcome Communication Barriers and Enhance Inter-professional Collaboration
During disaster planning, sharing of information between stakeholders is crucial. Patients may feel emotional turmoil during the disaster. The hospital staff must ensure that communication between patients and planners must be one topic discussed at a time. Moreover, everyone should respect each other’s intent to communicate at a deeper level and observe that the other party has understood the meanings clearly. Using the clear and concise language is vital for people to have listening during distractions. Moreover, another strategy to improve communication plan is to acknowledge the emotional response of people involved in planning and rehabilitation process. The implications of these strategies are going to enhance the effectiveness of the proposed communication enhancement plan. For example, everyone will be able to understand each other better and know what the other person means. This will result in more collaboration efforts to deal with a difficult situation (Dhanujati, 2018).
Disaster Recovery Framework
MAP-IT Approach
MAP-IT (Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, and Track) is a framework for evaluating public health interventions. It helps to bring a greater change in the community. Mobilizing involves getting help from people and convincing them to participate in the social change process. For example, many government organization and NGOs are willing to come together to discuss specific issues related to natural disasters. The approaches start by creating a vision about what population members will do and where and when will they meet the planners.
Assessing the community needs is the second step. This includes answering the question who is affected and which resources are available to help coalition members work together. The resources may include technology, communication, expertise, service organizations, and data. The organization will evaluate health data and obtain expert opinions to decrease risks of disaster to health.
NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan JJ
The third step includes planning after data and resources are collected. This includes an action plan with firm deadlines and clear objectives to help the community. This step involves assigning responsibilities It will also help coalition members feel like important members of the team.
In the light of 2020 objectives and gaols, Vila Health Hospital had seriously focused on building a health promotion plan to prevent diseases like cancer in adult patients.
As soon as the action plan is implemented, collation members can start implementing their action plan to complete the tasks in a given deadline. The action requires making weekly reports on the disaster recover topic and issue and ensure that the strategies are implemented as desired. This step also involves publicity of actionable interventions to mitigate disaster risks with the help of organizational and community meetings. Vila health Hospital does an assessment of needs and then implements its disaster recovery plan stated below.
The last step of this framework is tracking the progress of the plan over time to ensure its long-term success. That goal is achieved by collaboration of Vila Health Hospital’planning staff with a local university or a State Centre to help track the data. The staff can analyse the progress of the plan and measure its strength to achieve the objectives. It also assesses the goals that are not possible or difficult to achieve. This provides a logical way to solve the community health problems.
Assessment of Needs
This step is a part of strategic planning of disaster recovery plan by considering unique circumstances of communities. Different health factors such as housing, obesity rates, age factor, and mental health of patients are considered. The questions are asked as to what resources are required to completely create a disaster recovery plan and how plan can be monitored to impact community’s health. This will include both current and previous status of developments of plans and socioeconomic needs. Decided what should be arranged for better outcomes are vital for saving the hospital from possible damages and disasters. This will empower the whole community by performing disaster management functions resiliently. Since the current plan of Vila Hospital is over ten years old, a revised plan is needed immediately. Moreover, patient triage will help to discover the needs of injured people in the Vila Hospital and allocating resources to them based on need. There are 147 disabled people. Nurses are too focused on patient care and have no time for disaster recovery planning as well. Hence, the first-come-first-serve basis will not work (Curnin, 2019).
Disaster Management Plan
NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 3 Disaster Recovery Plan JJ
In the light of governmental policies and guidelines, the FEMA provides help to Vila Hospital’s planners to plan resilient infrastructure and ensuring health recovery of people during a natural disaster. The effective plan will help the staff to restore their vital medical information and continue normal operations without much time wasting.
Data backup and Mission Critical Data
This involves not keeping data on physical systems and stores it on virtual servers. Moreover, to disaster recovery researchers agree that hospitals must use Ransom ware to restore entire sites and recover systems in few minutes. That includes restoring databases and VM applications and perform failover tests (Beyramijam, 2019). The hospital should identify mission critical data and do a proper data backup process. Moreover, the data backup plan must require backup of all medical data. That requires determining the type of information and the capacity of secondary storage sites.
HIPPA Compliance for Disaster Recovery
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) safeguards patients’ information that damages in a disaster. The healthcare organization must restore any data loss by applying backups and virtualization strategies (Alshammari, 2018). Therefore, the administrators must comply with the HIPPA rules and ensure privacy of patients to avoid any financial penalties. That involves provide encryption of data at all levels.
Physical Data Centres and Virtual Servers
The virtual services are often provided by cloud operators. The secondary storage data centres are also not near the location of the hospital. Hence, these are the best disaster recovery options to improve security and proper functioning of hospital.
Mitigation from Paper Files to Electronic Records
These of the Electronic Health Records (EHR) will help to migrate quickly from a paper-based environment towards a fully automated electronic storage solution to improve the experience of patients. These service levels will provide a zero virtual replication that does not require any hardware dependencies (Al-Hajj, 2020). NURS FPX 4060 Assessment 4 HEALTH PROMOTION PLAN PRESENTATION JJ
Al-Hajj, S., Abou-El-Hassan, H., Khalil, L., Kaafarani, H., & El Sayed, M. (2020). Hospital disaster and emergency preparedness (HDEP) in Lebanon: a national comprehensive assessment. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 101889.
Alshammari, M. M., Alwan, A. A., Nordin, A., & Abualkishik, A. Z. (2018). Disaster recovery with minimum replica plan for reliability checking in multi-cloud. Procedia computer science, 130, 247-254.
Beyramijam, M., Rasouli-Ghahfarokhi, S. M., Fathollahzadeh, A., Rahimzadeh, A., Shahabirabori, M. A., & Aminizadeh, M. (2019). The effect of education and implementation of “National Hospital Disaster Preparedness Plan” on an Iranian hospital preparedness: An interventional study. Journal of education and health promotion, 8.
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Dhanujati, N., & Girsang, A. S. (2018, September). Data center-disaster recovery center (DC-DRC) for high availability IT service. In 2018 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech) (pp. 55-60). IEEE.
Eid, M. S., & El-Adaway, I. H. (2018). Decision-making framework for holistic sustainable disaster recovery: Agent-based approach for decreasing vulnerabilities of the associated communities. Journal of infrastructure systems, 24(3), 04018009.
El Sayed, M., Chami, A. F., & Hitti, E. (2018). Developing a hospital disaster preparedness plan for mass casualty incidents: Lessons learned from the downtown Beirut bombing. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 12(3), 379-385.
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Hefni, S. M. S. Designing and Validating a Disaster Plan For Zagazig University Emergency Hospital (Doctoral dissertation, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University).
Khankeh, H. R., Lotfolahbeygi, M., Dalvandi, A., & Amanat, N. (2018). Effects hospital incident command system establishment on disaster preparedness of tehran hospitals affiliated to law enforcement staff under simulated conditions. Health in Emergencies and Disasters, 3(4), 207-214.
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