NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 1 Nursing Informatics in Health Care

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 1 Nursing Informatics in Health Care
Nursing Informatics in Health Care
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 1 Nursing Informatics in Health Care MC
Patients’ well-being may be enhanced via communication technology and other words associated with nursing informatics (Monsen et al., 2019). Including electronic health-related information focuses on developing successful techniques for using technical capabilities. By working together, shareholders in the nursing informatics well-organized structure help reduce the time between disciplines and technical areas focused on mediation and are always ready to assist inpatients of multidisciplinary groups.
Role of Nurse Informaticist
Information technologists’ duties reflect their degree of specialization in knowledge and skills, allowing them to detect analytical abilities for decoding the structure of technical data (Kleib & Nagle, 2018). E-healthcare information preferences necessitate that reliable data and knowledge be obtained to support nursing practice in all healthcare settings. Nursing informaticists, for example, are expected to adhere to Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) based systematic recordkeeping. Nursing informaticists have a disproportionately large share of the responsibility for determining the critical preferences of nursing specialties to improve the level of care provided to patients.
Essay NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 1 Nursing Informatics in Health Care
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 1 Nursing Informatics in Health Care MC
The areas of responsibilities of nursing informaticists make them able to keep clinical records of the patients with the help of digital access; they also formulate a proposal to know about the level of performance offered by the healthcare facilitators to the inpatients. They remain passionate about striving hard for access to clinical therapies, especially for those patients who bear the suffering of chronic diseases (Siena et al., 2019). They also remain available to let the healthcare facilitators study the backgrounds of the patients’ conditions, which will help them negate the adverse impacts arising from the clinical errors. The applicability of technology made the occurrences of the infection happen with low intensity with the support of computer-aided technology. Nursing informatics strives hard to employ the strategies of Evidence Based Practice (EBP) to ensure the availability of proper healthcare treatment.
The areas of responsibility that fall within the purview of nursing informatics make available access to the most reliable and authentic data sources because they devise efficient strategies for the advancement of communication (Vehko et al., 2019). The nursing informatics team has put in a lot of effort to overcome the challenges posed by cultural shifts. The work done by nursing informatics ensures that influential healthcare diagnoses will be provided to inpatients without contributing to any bias regarding healthcare treatments.
Collaborations of Nurses with Interdisciplinary Team
The nursing faculty persistently remain available to serve their patients without showing them any discrimination. They always stay active in bringing changes to the healthcare proposals to benefit the patients (O’Reilly et al., 2017). The nursing faculty receives feedback from all staff members to formulate the healthcare proposals that procure the system with progressive trends. They remain ready to expose the roots of diseases of the patients with the support of the member’s patients. They render their services to know about the best patterns of a healthcare structure to evaluate the best solutions to enable them to experience the quality of health throughout their life span.
The provision of quality of health depends upon the requirement of competent and healthy environments to make sure the access of support to those patients who come up with rectified disease history and the healthcare facilitators with the help of nursing informatics to diagnose the disease properly for the access of proper healthcare treatment (Uris man et al., 2018). Over four decades have passed since the term “nursing informatics” was first used to describe a nursing resource expert. New subfields have emerged in recent years, such as data archiving and retrieval; ethical issues in patient care; human-computer interaction; information systems; imaging informatics; computer science; information science; and security. As a nurse educator, administrator, and practitioner, Hana has characterized Nursing Informatics throughout the years as the use of Information Technology (IT) in all three of these positions simultaneously. Clinical nursing information systems, decision support systems, and medical diagnostics systems are now primarily focused on patients’ medical data. The use of technology in health care and the development of hospital information systems has led to an increase in the quality of care (Wu, 2021). Patients with COVID-19 have been treated via telemedicine as well. COVID-19 early consultations were performed remotely, either by telephone or video, to reduce the risk of the virus spreading in certain countries. The BMJ has released an article outlining the stages and strategies for selecting and implementing effective telehealth solutions. In this study, medical and nursing professionals were advised to conduct remote consultations, such as obtaining patient histories or conducting physical examinations through the Internet.
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Need for a Nurse Informaticist in Health Care Settings
The provision of contemporary technology enables nursing informatics to take those steps to help patients experience a quality, healthy lifestyle (Birkland et al., 2017). The nursing faculty render their services to those patients who need the support of clinical skills from the healthcare staff. For example, nursing informatics deals with maintaining the healthcare recovery structure by the availability 24/7. Still, all these efforts depend upon the access to the availability of an effective healthcare structure with the support of computer-aided technology.
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 1 Nursing Informatics in Health Care MC
The nursing faculty tends to offer telecommunication services to the patients, which provides them with access to proper facilities of self-management, which hampers the modes of threats of life borne by the patients (Hill et al., 2018). The feasibility of nursing informatics comprises three categories, including usage of computer-aided technology, access to authentic information, and required skillset. The requirements of nursing faculty enable the healthcare agents to devise the best strategies, which bring the collaboration of multidisciplinary groups to select the correct doses of the prescriptions.
According to a study, 60 million Americans suffer from different chronic conditions. Electronic health records that can move patient information between practitioners in a safe and secure way will help coordinate care for them (Burton et al., 2004). A typical year for Medicare patients with five or more chronic conditions includes 48 prescriptions, visits to 15 different doctors, and an average of 16 home health care visits per patient (Burton et al., 2004). Unnecessary hospitalization, duplicate testing, contradictory medical advice, and bad pharmaceutical reactions have been related to poor care coordination. These problems may stem from a lack of clear communication between doctors and other medical professionals. According to one study, there was a 99-fold increase in the likelihood of an unnecessary hospitalization for Medicare participants with four or more chronic illnesses compared to those without such conditions (Monica, 2017). Doctors must be able to share information about their patients with one another so that patients with many chronic conditions may get the care they need. As a result, many doctors cannot interact effectively with their colleagues in the current healthcare system, which is a significant problem. Studies show that people with several chronic illnesses are more likely to need hospitalization, many physicians’ appointments and multiple prescriptions. They are also more likely to get home calls from health care experts.
Evidence-based Strategies to Protect Health Information
The nursing faculty use secure digital mediums to secure the records of the patients through the computerized system available in healthcare settings; for example, the nursing faculty also remain conscious of keeping the criteria of confidentiality high regarding the personal information of the patients. The nursing faculty remains mindful to stop discussing patients’ personal information sitting in any restaurant, in any public place, or through access to social media groups (Finney Rutten et al., 2021). It is prohibited to discuss the case of any patient in the open areas, including the wards of healthcare settings. It is recommended to access the EBP strategies that support the interventions for promoting the quality of a healthy lifestyle through the technological system automaton.
The areas of responsibility of nursing informatics are more comprehensive as they promote the reduction of clinical errors, which increases the capacity building of immunity in the patients (Santa Maria et al., 2017). For example, nursing informatics use their proficiency to retrieve the records of patients through the system of clinical records by accessing the digital modules. They remain determined to keep the clinical records of patients safe by the healthcare departments operated through the support of nursing informatics. The healthcare facilitators conduct different training sessions to improve the skillset of nursing informatics and inform them to adopt codes of ethics to secure patients’ personal information to prohibit the exchange of information with irrelevant. It makes them more determined and passionate about following the rules of their professionalism in healthcare settings.
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 1 Nursing Informatics in Health Care MC
Protecting patient privacy and confidentiality regarding electronic health records adoption is a significant roadblock to their widespread use in the healthcare industry. There are legal limits that will be included in the study. Additional research on patient safety in healthcare facilities was a secondary goal of the study’s creators. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) designed a three-tiered architecture that provides for physical, technical, and administrative protections since technology security has so many different aspects. For healthcare companies interested in implementing a secure electronic health records system, this study aims to explore and discuss significant security measures (Kruse et al., 2017). According to research, Intentional or accidental-looking intrusions can be prevented by a variety of security measures. Still, none of these measures can be relied upon to control all of these other types of breaches.
The Computer Technology Industry Association, SANS, Microsoft, and other organizations provide technology security officer training. SANS hosted a Healthcare Cybersecurity Summit and Training session in Houston, Texas, in November 2016. At this seminar, guests learned about the most critical security threats in the healthcare business and how to improve their server room cyber hygiene (Kruse et al., 2017). SANS regularly offers these courses because of the ever-changing nature of the cybersecurity landscape and the reality that there is no one combination of security controls and behaviours that will keep all hackers from accessing sensitive corporate data. As a result of this, there is no way to compare the effectiveness of one technology to another: A more balanced approach is used by security experts who include physical, technological, and administrative security measures into their programs. For this reason, they are always aware of what other organizations have gone through, so they may create extra safeguards to prevent the same thing from happening in their facilities.
Birkland, A., Puntland, H., Førland, O., Jakobsen, F. F., & Langland, E. (2017). Interdisciplinary collaboration in rabblement – a qualitative study. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, Volume 10, 195–203. s133417
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 1 Nursing Informatics in Health Care MC
Burton, L. C., Anderson, G. F., & Kues, I. W. (2004). Using Electronic Health Records to Help Coordinate Care. The Milbank Quarterly, 82(3), 457–481.
Finney Rutten, L. J., Zhu, X., Lepping, A. L., Ridgeway, J. L., Swift, M. D., Griffin, J. M., St Sauve, J. L., Virk, A., & Jacobson, R. M. (2021). Evidence-Based Strategies for Clinical Organizations to Address COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 96(3), 699–707.
Hill, D. L., Walter, J. K., Casas, J. A., DiDomenico, C., Skymark, J. E., & Feudtner, C. (2018). The codesign of an interdisciplinary team-based intervention regarding initiating palliative care in pediatric oncology. Supportive Care in Cancer, 26(9), 3249–3256.
Kleib, M., & Nagle, L. (2018). Factors Associated with Canadian Nursesʼ Informatics Competency. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 1.
Kruse, C. S., Smith, B., Vanderlinden, H., & Nealand, A. (2017). Security Techniques for the Electronic Health Records. Journal of Medical Systems, 41(8).
Monica, K. (2017, August 15). 3 Ways EHR Use, Access Boost Care Coordination Across Settings. EHRIntelligence.
Monsen, K. A., Bush, R. A., Jones, J., Manos, E. L., Skiba, D. J., & Johnson, S. B. (2019). Alignment of American Association of Colleges of Nursing Graduate-Level Nursing Informatics Competencies with American Medical Informatics Association Health Informatics Core Competencies. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 37(8), 396–404.
O’Reilly, P., Lee, S. H., O’Sullivan, M., Cullen, W., Kennedy, C., & MacFarlane, A. (2017). Assessing the facilitators and barriers of interdisciplinary team working in primary care using normalization process theory: An integrative review. PLOS ONE, 12(5), e0177026.
Santa Maria, D., Guillermo-Ramos, V., Emmott, L. S., Drouin, A., & Villareal, A. (2017). Nurses on the Front Lines. AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 117(1), 42–51.
Siena, A., Markley, K., Pell, J., Gonzalez, C., Redigo, B., Kneeland, P., & Lin, C.-T. (2019). Optimization Sprints: Improving Clinician Satisfaction and Teamwork by Rapidly Reducing Electronic Health Record Burden. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 94(5), 793–802.
NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 1 Nursing Informatics in Health Care MC
Uris man, T., Garcia, A., & Harris, H. W. (2018). Impact of surgical intensive care unit interdisciplinary rounds on interprofessional collaboration and quality of care: Mixed qualitative–quantitative study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 44, 18–23.
Vehko, T., Hyppönen, H., Puttonen, S., Kujala, S., Ketola, E., Tuukkanen, J., Aalto, A.-M., & Heponiemi, T. (2019). Experienced time pressure and stress: electronic health records usability and information technology competence play a role. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19(1).
Wu, Y. (2021). Utilization of telehealth and the advancement of nursing informatics during COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Nursing Sciences.
Essay NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 1 Nursing Informatics in Health Care