NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care NR

NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care NR
Remote Collaborations and Evidence-Based Care
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care NR
My name is Navinthran Ramasamy, and I am recording the current video to promote the aim of evidence-based care proposals (EBP) to conduct distant cooperation to bring improvements in the quality of life of patient’s health and welfare using telehealth models. I will present an evidence-based proposal that recognizes the advantages and provides practical strategies to alleviate the upcoming challenges associated with telehealth. The COVID-19, pandemic revealed the incompetency of healthcare settings for the provision of on-time interventions that could have saved lives.
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care NR
The biggest problem is related simply to distant locations and zip codes which is a significant reason for failure by the staff of healthcare settings to intervene on time. By the statements of various authors, a well-structured proposal has the power to influence strategies based on collaborative and versatile methods to alleviate these challenges in an organized way. The availability of healthcare professionals for immediate measures can enhance the quality of life for patients (Albahri et al., 2021).
The Remote Collaboration Scenario provided in the Vila Health Settings
The patient, Caitlynn, was admitted to the ER of the healthcare setting after a pneumonia attack. Caitlynn was placed under the care of the pediatrician, the pediatric nurse, and the continuous cooperation of the respiratory therapist. The discussion between the overall care team including Caitlynn’s primary care provider expounded on the history of the disease as it relates to Caitlynn. They discovered that Caitlynn had gotten admitted once, six months earlier to the same healthcare facility. She has been suffering from bowel obstructions due to meconium ileus since birth. She has had aerosolized treatments and chest physiotherapy to remove thick secretions from her lungs.
After getting the sweat chloride test results, the pediatrician knew that she was suffering from cystic fibrosis. The care team reached the conclusion that the clinical issue which Caitlynn is facing was severe. It is a matter of high priority to give Caitlynn access to a healthy life after proposing effective healthcare planning. The residence of Caitlynn is at a distant place from the location of the healthcare organization, which suggests Caitlynn should not travel back and forth to attend clinical sessions, especially in the winter months. The pediatrician recommended liver and pancreas enzymes and a cystic fibrosis diet comprising of high-protein and extra calories. Huff-breathing and aerosols treatments were long term suggestions to help Caitlynn live a healthy life (Fowler et al., 2020).
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care NR
It is a critical concern for Caitlynn to learn huff breathing to improve gas exchange in bouts of anxiety and distress. It is important to have strong communication among both pediatricians and Caitlynn’s parents to maintain positive health. The ability to use skype, texting, and video conferences to have consultations was a game changer. The addition of the social services teams to help facilitate and smooth operations was a good call (Sokolov et al., 2019).
Evidence-based Care proposal to Improve the Safety of Patients
The first key to success is to get authentic literature, audiovisual content, and journals related to the disease. Caitlynn’s parents can read related content through the internet, which can help increase their knowledge. It is critical for the pediatricians and the nurse to recommend literature and share knowledge with the family. Due to the parents’ long work hours, the availability of effective telemedicine and telehealth allow for significant collaboration that can improve Caitlynn’s outcomes remotely (Klingbeil & Gibson, 2018).
The service through the mobile system helps monitor the patient reducing the time requirement. It helps to monitor the pulse rate case of saturated oxygen to track the modified structure in breathing patterns. The mobile device tracking system soothes the way to monitor patients’ current situation. It becomes a relieving system for the busy family members of patients to get in touch with pediatricians at any time in an emergency. The effective tracking system of patients by using technology lowers the risks and it improves the quality of life of patients (Sharma et al., 2018).
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care NR
The availability of telecommunications systems among pediatricians, pediatric nurses, respiratory therapists, and family members of patients increases the collaboration and cooperation in the society for the provision of health in real terms. It also involves strengthening the services of social service workers to advocate for patients. In the case of Caitlynn, she was worn down by pneumonia twice in just six months hampering her health conditions (Melnyk et al., 2017).
The collaboration of pediatricians, pediatric nurses, respiratory therapists, and members of the family through the mode of telecommunication make it possible to catch exacerbations in early stages and stop the progression of the disease. By the experts’ statements, it came to light that the efforts of personnel of healthcare settings make it possible to deal with symptoms of the disease at early stages by having online sessions using remotely to increase the well-being in patients’ lives. The availability of the tele medicine assures quicker discovery and treatment. It leads to a decrease in the emergency cases encountered by patients in the absence of the proper prescriptions of pediatricians according to the modification of the patient’s requirement. Indeed, it decreases the cost faced by patients or their family members in case of sudden visits to healthcare settings by having care teams remotely available. The telecommunication facility assures access to curable disease solutions with an instant response from remote locations (McCarthy et al., 2018).
Essay NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care NR
EBP and Care proposals by Useful Evidence-based Decision Making
The proper implementation of safety plans helped to identify the correct prescriptions in the case of Caitlynn. The scenario based on telecommunication among nurses and family members of patients improves the safety assurance for the patient at the right time. Still, it tends to decrease stress on the burdensome lives of busy parents by allowing for remote collaboration. Moreover, it recognizes the rising challenges related to disease like travel in the days of winter and distance. Successful implantation is possible by critically analyzing the effectiveness of EBP to adopt a suitable plan of action for effective results. Some experts state that the maintenance of patients’ health is achievable by the cooperation of family members to maintain the quality of life for the patients at home by increasing safety and care at their own homes (Paez, 2018).
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care NR
For instance, after providing adequate safety and care proposals, it is highly recommended to get in touch regularly with the health personnel of healthcare settings to monitor ongoing conduct of recovery and post-recovery sessions. The relevant model of EBP leads to identifying the need for solutions to mitigate future healthcare issues. The experts’ statements suggest that the inculcation of telecommunication increased the ratio of quality of healthcare and lowered the cost of healthcare systems (Stewart et al., 2018). Moreover, it gives Caitlynn a fighting chance when dealing with acute attacks increasing chances of recovery.
Benefits and Strategies of Mitigate Challenges of Interdisciplinary Collaborations
We now understand that the care plan is advantageous since it aids inpatient observation, improves teamwork, lowers care costs, lowers stress because nursing staff can observe the patient electronically, and prevents other unfortunate outcomes (Chu et al., 2021). Yet, there are difficulties, such as revealing medical records, failure to maintain safe & secure communication, including obtaining licensing in using telehealth & operating efficiently. The limitations can be overcome by employing strategies including faster and high bandwidth broadband connections (Paez et al., 2019), usage of encrypted video calling and conferencing technologies and software like Microsoft Teams and Google Meet, organizing the meetings through Notes and Calendar apps like Calendly with reminders, and adhering to occupational regulatory guidelines (Holmes et al., 2020), and also selecting a dependable telehealth framework (McCarthy et al., 2018).
NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care NR
Effective care planning for the patients leads to increasing the medium of collaboration and cooperation, decreasing the reduction of healthcare costs, and reducing sudden attacks faced by the patients by keeping them under control by the pediatricians, pediatric nurses, and respiratory therapists from remote locations. Moreover, there is a rising trend in challenges like exposing confidential information related to patients, facing failure in case of reliable and authenticated connection with health personnel by the incorporations of telehealth communication ineffective mode. The related challenges can meet with the connection of social media like skype meetings, google meet, and many more (Holmes et al., 2020).
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NURS FPX 4030 Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care NR
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