Essay NU636-7E Unit 8 Assignment – Case Study: Antidepressants Assignment and Discussion Response

Essay NU636-7E Unit 8 Assignment – Case Study: Antidepressants Assignment and Discussion Response

Essay NU636-7E Unit 8 Assignment – Case Study: Antidepressants Assignment and Discussion Response
Essay NU636-7E Unit 8 Assignment – Case Study: Antidepressants Assignment and Discussion Response

NU636-7E Unit 8 Assignment – Case Study: Antidepressants Assignment and Discussion Response

Case Study

A 40 year old woman presents with fatigue. She reports feeling ‘very run down’ for the past three months. She has no interest in participating in her usual activities and sporting events. She reports sleeping problems and low appetite. She is constantly feeling low and has frequent crying spells.

Her physical examination is normal and thyroid function is normal.

She is diagnosed with major depression and is referred for counseling and started on fluoxetine.

Assignment Questions

  1. What is the mechanism of action of fluoxetine?
  2. Why is fluoxetine the drug of choice?
  3. What are the side effects of fluoxetine? (include both the side effects and the potential adverse effects of excessive doses of SSRIs.)
  4. What are the risks of abruptly discontinuing fluoxetine?


  • Prepare and submit a 3-4 page paper [total] in length (not including APA format).
  • Answer all the questions above.
  • Support your position with examples.
  • Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.
  • Submit the following documents to this assignment area:
    • Case Study: Antidepressants

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