Essay NU625-7 Unit 7 Assignment – Opioid Paper Herzing

NU625-7 Unit 7 Assignment – Opioid Paper Herzing
“The United States is in the throes of an opioid epidemic, as more than 2 million Americans have become dependent on or abused prescription pain pills and street drugs” (CNN, 2018). This is a health crisis that APN’s are a part of.
Research and write a 3-page paper (not counting the cover and reference page) on the use of Opioids in the US.
- Define the problem including statistics related to the national impact as well as statistics related to your particular state.
- Include any personal experience with this national crisis.
- How is the role of the Nurse Practitioner impacted by this issue?
- What alternatives does the literature suggest for providers in lieu of prescribing Opioids for pain management?
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