Essay NU621-8 Unit 6 Discussion – Neurologic Disorders Herzing

Essay NU621-8 Unit 6 Discussion – Neurologic Disorders Herzing

Essay NU621-8 Unit 6 Discussion – Neurologic Disorders Herzing
Essay NU621-8 Unit 6 Discussion – Neurologic Disorders Herzing

NU621-8 Unit 6 Discussion – Neurologic Disorders Herzing

Discussion Question/Prompt

Read the following case study and answer the posed questions

Case #1: For over 15 years, James, aged 64, has had severe, intermittent headaches. These headaches are characterized by an intense burning pain on one side of his head, accompanied by tearing in his eye and a runny nose. When they strike, the attacks typically occur several times a day and usually last about an hour. James can be headache free for months at a time, but the attacks always return.

  1. Describe the pathology of a headache.
  2. Based on the different etiologies for headaches which of those fit this patients situation?
  3. What additional aspects of the history and physical examination could provide relevant information to help in the diagnosis?
  4. Based on the history provided and using the following diagnostic tool (Links to an external site.) as a quick reference of the guideline, you diagnose migraine without aura. List the evidence that supports your diagnosis.

Case #2: Mr. Smith is a new patient with a history of recent stroke approximately 3 months ago.  He was hospitalized in another state, but you don’t have his records now. The patient’s wife is extremely anxious and worried about him because he hasn’t been “acting right”.  She wants him checked out.  She does not think he had hypertension but adds “he does not like to go to doctors.”

  1. Regarding the patient’s available history, create a detailed plan of care for this patient.
  2. In recognition of the morbidity of recurrent brain ischemia, the evidence-based recommendations for the prevention of future stroke among survivors of ischemic stroke or TIA can be found in the current AHA/ASA Recommendations for Antithrombotic Therapy for Noncardioembolic Stroke or TIA (Links to an external site.). Based on these current guidelines what goals would you recommend for this patient to insure prevention of another brain ischemic event?

Cite current research findings, national guidelines, and expert opinions and controversies found in the medical and nursing literature to support your position.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Please review the rubric to ensure that your response meets the criteria.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

Discussion Peer/Participation Prompt

Please respond to at least 2 of your peer’s posts.  To ensure that your responses are substantive, use at least three of these prompts:

Look at your course colleagues’ responses.

Post a response individually to each of them that expresses your advanced practice nursing role perspective of the data represented in their schemata.

Use scholarly resources relevant to your advanced practice nursing role to support the key elements of the peer discussions you construct. [For example – if you are a nurse educator (clinical or academic) what are your thoughts about their ability to follow task instructions for constructing the assignment, etc.?; if you a nurse leader what are your thoughts about the success of their application of a process improvement model, etc.?; if you are a nurse practitioner what are your observations about the non-conventional modality presented in the schemata, can you locate any evidence or the foundational basic sciences that support the modality, etc.?

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

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