Essay NU609-7C Unit 10 Discussion – Vaginal Conditions Herzing

NU609-7C Unit 10 Discussion – Vaginal Conditions Herzing
Discussion Prompt
You have a 28-year-old female in the clinic with a complaint of an offensive and fishy-smelling, abnormal vaginal discharge. She denies a history of STDs. She reports getting yeast infections on two occasions. Her last infection was a year ago. She used OTC medication and reported relief. Reports that she is married and has not had any other sex partners. Otherwise, she is healthy.
- What two diagnostic/laboratory procedures would you order to evaluate her condition?
- Discuss your rationale (document), normal findings or range for the procedures, teachings associated with the procedures (e.g., NPO, fasting, etc,).
Your response should include evidence of review of the course material, websites, and literature through proper citations using APA format.