Essay NU580-7B Unit 7 Discussion – Health Related Cultural Elements

Essay NU580-7B Unit 7 Discussion – Health Related Cultural Elements

Essay NU580-7B Unit 7 Discussion – Health Related Cultural Elements
Essay NU580-7B Unit 7 Discussion – Health Related Cultural Elements

NU580-7B Unit 7 Discussion – Health Related Cultural Elements

Discussion Question/Prompt

  • After reading this unit’s assigned chapters, identify a minority population in your community.
  • Describe health related cultural elements that affect health promotion and planning for this group.
  • What are some considerations to ensure cultural communication is effective and interventions will be successful?

Discussion Peer/Participation Prompt

  • Respond to at least two other student’s postings with substantive comments.
  • Substantive comments add to the discussion and provide your fellow students with information that will enhance the learning environment.
  • References and citations should conform to the APA 6th edition.
  • Remember: Please respect the opinions of others, even if their views differ. In other words, disagree professionally and respectfully.
  • Plagiarism is never acceptable – give credit when credit is due – cite your sources.

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