Essay NRS 493 Capstone Change Project Resources

NRS 493 Capstone Change Project Resources

Essay NRS 493 Capstone Change Project Resources
Essay NRS 493 Capstone Change Project Resources

NRS 493 Capstone Change Project Resources

Capstone Change Project Resources

NRS 493 Capstone Change Project Resources

As the project plan is to reduce burnout in nurses to increase quality of care, nurse satisfaction, and self-efficacy, and reduce health care errors, depersonalization, and low job satisfaction, the first resource needed is financial support and planning where experts and specialists will be hired to increase self-efficacy and implement stress management strategies (ALmutairi & El.Mahalli, 2020). Also, organizational support is important. For example, cost associated with increasing nurse to patient ratio, Yoga instructors, paid leave, incentives for workers, tours to relieve stress, community events, and other stuff. 

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The second key resource is web-based and in-person based education and training for nurses in heath care facilities where the intervention will be applied to test the effectiveness of the multi-modal intervention in reducing stress. Even the use of telehealth resources will be beneficial as nurses can care for a person from remote location (Alotaibi & Federico, 2017).

The third key resource that might be needed is quick nap or power nap beds for nurses along with refreshment unit in health care where nurses can relax and cope up with the increased stress levels in health care (Magtibay et al., 2017). These resources are beneficial in reducing immediate stress levels. The fourth key resource that will be beneficial is psychiatric support unit for nurses who are facing depersonalization and suffering from anxiety and depression (ALmutairi & El.Mahalli, 2020). The resource will be highly beneficial as it allows the nurses to get immediate psychiatric support during crisis or even during day-to-day nursing practice (Wei et al., 2017). 


ALmutairi, M., & El.Mahalli, A. (2020). Burnout and coping methods among emergency medical services professionals. Journal Of Multidisciplinary HealthcareVolume 13, 271-279. 

Alotaibi, Y., & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient safety. Saudi Medical Journal38(12), 1173-1180.

Magtibay, D., Chesak, S., Coughlin, K., & Sood, A. (2017). Decreasing stress and burnout in nurses. JONA: The Journal Of Nursing Administration47(7/8), 391-395. 

Wei, R., Ji, H., Li, J., & Zhang, L. (2017). Active intervention can decrease burnout in ED nurses. Journal Of Emergency Nursing43(2), 145-149.

NRS 493 Capstone Change Project Resources

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