Essay NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives

NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives

NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives
NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives

NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives

Capstone Change Project Objectives


NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives – Evidence-based practice requires effective implementation of changes after identifying different interventions and strategies that will result in better quality care and outcomes (Cañadas-De la et al., 2018). The purpose of the change project is to reduce burnout in nurses by adopting strategies and interventions and identify its four key objectives. The objectives are further discussed in detail and rationale for each objective is provided along with its advocacy for social justice and autonomy.  

Objective 1: Increasing nurse to patient ratio

The objective is critical as one of the major reasons for burnout in nurses is the increased burden on nurses due to high patient count and lower nurse-to-patient ratio (Guixia & Hui, 2020). The burden and stress increase on nurses when they have to care for multiple patients every day and it increases the chances of errors and adverse events (Yao et al., 2018).

NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives

Objective 2: Creating a supportive interprofessional collaboration

In health care settings, communication is an important part of the process where nurses, physicians, pharmacists, informatics nurses, and other health care professionals coordinate and collaborate to provide care (Ang et al., 2016). A better and supportive interprofessional collaboration increases burden sharing, knowledge sharing, ethical decision making, and aid in solving complex health care issues. Thus, it will reduce stress and burnout in nurses (Rees et al., 2019). 

Objective 3: Implementing mindfulness, self-efficacy, and stress management strategies to support nurses to manage stress

Self-efficacy is essential in nursing practice as nursing is a dynamic field with an increased workload. Practicing self-efficacy will enable nurses to adapt to demanding situations and implement stress management strategies to reduce burnout (Nowrouzi et al., 2015). Further, support during situations such as COVID-19 or similar situations will reduce stress on nurses (Guixia & Hui, 2020).

Objective 4: Organizational support through incentives, work schedules, and a better work environment

Lower job satisfaction is common in nurses who are subjected to poor work scheduling, hostile or not inclusive work environment, and low wages or incentives. Also, better scheduling will result in better time and nurse management, which is essential in reducing burnout and stress in nurses.

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NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives

Objective 5: Training and educating nurses to increase work-life management skills

Burnout is one of the major factors that will affect personal life and professional practice. Also, individual aspects and work environment conditions affect the way nurses practice in health care settings. Thus, training and educating nurses will result in better skills in managing themselves and the demands in the workplace (Guixia & Hui, 2020). 

Autonomy and social justice

The proposed change project and objectives advocate for autonomy as nurses will adopt and practice self-efficacy and stress management to adapt to the work environment and improve themselves by concentrating on individual characteristics, needs, and aspects that affect them. Also, nurses will be responsible for their work and managing is burden after the training, education, and implementation of Organizational strategies. Further, the change project also advocates for social justice as it includes better treatment of nurses and health care professionals by increasing nurse to patient ratio to reduce burnout (Nowrouzi et al., 2015). Organizational support, incentives, and a better work environment promote justice for nurses where better-quality life is expected. The project also aims to reduce nursing errors and adverse events during practice, which is essential in increasing safety, quality care, and satisfaction levels in patients and nurses (Magtibay et al., 2017).

NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives


Ang, S., Dhaliwal, S., Ayre, T., Uthaman, T., Fong, K., & Tien, C. et al. (2016). Demographics and personality factors associated with burnout among nurses in a Singapore tertiary hospital. Biomed Research International2016, 1-12.

Cañadas-De la, G., Ortega, E., Ramirez-Baena, L., De la Fuente-Solana, E., Vargas, C., & Gómez-Urquiza, J. (2018). Gender, marital status, and children as risk factors for burnout in nurses: a meta-analytic study. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health15(10), 2102.

Guixia, L., & Hui, Z. (2020). A Study on burnout of nurses in the period of COVID-19. Psychology And Behavioral Sciences9(3), 31.

NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives

Lahana, E., Papadopoulou, K., Roumeliotou, O., Tsounis, A., Sarafis, P., & Niakas, D. (2017). Burnout among nurses working in social welfare centers for the disabled. BMC Nursing16(1).

Magtibay, D., Chesak, S., Coughlin, K., & Sood, A. (2017). Decreasing stress and burnout in nurses. JONA: The Journal Of Nursing Administration47(7/8), 391-395.

Nowrouzi, B., Lightfoot, N., Larivière, M., Carter, L., Rukholm, E., Schinke, R., & Belanger-Gardner, D. (2015). Occupational stress management and burnout interventions in nursing and their implications for healthy work environments. Workplace Health & Safety63(7), 308-315.

Rees, C., Eley, R., Osseiran-Moisson, R., Francis, K., Cusack, L., Heritage, B., & Hegney, D. (2019). Individual and environmental determinants of burnout among nurses. Journal Of Health Services Research & Policy24(3), 191-200.

Rezaei, S., Karami Matin, B., Hajizadeh, M., Soroush, A., & Nouri, B. (2018). Prevalence of burnout among nurses in Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Nursing Review65(3), 361-369.

Yao, Y., Zhao, S., Gao, X., An, Z., Wang, S., & Li, H. et al. (2018). General self-efficacy modifies the effect of stress on burnout in nurses with different personality types. BMC Health Services Research18(1).

NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Change Project Objectives

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