ESSAY NR439 Week 3 Problem : PICOT :Evidence Search (PPE)

NR439 Week 3 Problem : PICOT :Evidence Search (PPE)

NR439 Week 3 Problem : PICOT :Evidence Search (PPE)
NR439 Week 3 Problem : PICOT :Evidence Search (PPE)

NR439 Week 3 Problem : PICOT :Evidence Search (PPE)

NR439 Week 3 Problem : PICOT :Evidence Search (PPE)

Problem/PICOT/Evidence Search (PPE) Worksheet Name: Kimberly MortonDate:   1/27/2020“This assignment was originally submitted in NR439-0 during the 7/2019 session with Professor Charrier”
Criteria The quality priority I have chosen is patient satisfaction in the dialysis unit population.   I selected this topic because there seems to be some dissatisfaction in my unit from patients with their daily treatments.  They feel that we are always short of staff and that the staff is always changing due to a turnover rate with staff.  They also complain that the T.V’s are always broke and the chairs are uncomfortable to sit in for 3-4 hours.  I feel that it is our responsibility to not only provide great dialysis care so they can live their lives but the treatment itself should not be such a horrible experience since they are there 3 days a week. 
Clinical Nursing Practice Problem  Select and identify ONLY one quality or safety clinical priority area from the assignment guidelines practice scenario. Summarize why youbelieve the nursing practice problem/issue is the most important.  Summarize your rationale (why) for choosing the problem.  
Clinical Nursing  PICOT Question  Using the NR439 Guide for Writing PICOT Questions and Examples located in the assignment guidelines, write out your PICOT question. Include the PICOT letters in your question.  In dialysis patients (P), would better staffing, comfortable chairs,  better TV ‘s, and providing snacks (I) improve patient satisfaction compared to the dialysis clinic now(O) over 6 months(T)? 
Define PICOT Elements  Define each of the      PICOT elements from your question above.  P– (patient population/patients of interest):   Dialysis patients                              I– (Intervention): Proper Staffing,  more comfortable chairs,  working personal televisions, and provide snacks. C– (Comparison): Dialysis settings nowO– (Measurable outcome): Positive patient satisfaction interviews and surveys T– (Time frame in months): 6 months to observe patient satisfaction to changes in facility.
Evidence Retrieval Process and Summary   Using only the Chamberlain College of Nursing library:   “Satisfaction with a healthcare service has been defined as the quality  of an    
offered service as perceived by the patient,  and is a performance indicator of healthcare organizations.  Such satisfaction is a top consideration when measuring healthcare and services to fulfill  patients expectations and values” (Sanabria  2017).  Patient satisfaction is an important part of healthcare.  If the
Locate evidence that is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem.  Explain how you believe the evidence is relevant to your chosen nursing practice problem.  Explain why you chose the evidence (3) Provides a complete APA reference to the evidence (must include authors, year, title of the evidence, title of the resource)  (4) Evidence must be published within the last 10 years (5) Provides the permalinkpatient is happy with the services their facility provides, it may help make a       – 
positive impact on their health.  Its of good service to ensure that the patients are happy, just providing them with dialysis and medication is only half of or jobs.  We must use a holistic approach when caring for dialysis patients because it’s a life long disease that requires positive encouragement and a welcoming environment.  The article describes the positive impact of patient satisfaction using quantitative and qualitative research factors.  It explains how it is the entire staff’s responsibility to ensure the patients are well taken care of and are happy with the unit. Sanabria-Arenas, M., Tobón Marín, J., Certuche-Quintana, M. C., SánchezPedraza, R., & Marín, J. T.-. (2017). Validation of an instrument for measuringsatisfaction of patients undergoing hemodialysis. BMC Health ServicesResearch, 17, 1–13. 
Implications of the Evidence Summarize what you learned from the evidence. Summarize why you believe the nursing evidence-based practice committee should focus their next research project on the nursing practice problem.  

Essay NRS 493 Capstone Change Project Evaluation Plan
The nursing evidence-based committee should choose my project because it has been proven to be beneficial to ensure patient satisfaction.  Patients are happier and do better with their dialysis treatments. They are more compliant and tend to participate more in their healthcare.  When we base our unit environment on both staff satisfaction and patient satisfaction everyone tends to benefit because they are usually asking for the same  things like better staffing and a nice unit that has working TV’s and comfortable chairs. Not only would the patients  be happy but the staff would have less stress on them because patients would not complain every treatment about these issues leading to a more calmer environment for all. 
Evidence Search Terms Identify 4 (or more) relevant searchable terms you used for your search for evidence.   Hemodialysis unit Patient satisfaction  Patient satisfaction questions  Hemodialysis survey 
Evidence Search  Strategies  Select 4 (or more) relevant search strategies you used to narrow/limit your search for  evidence.    _X___   Full text ____   Boolean Operators/Phrase ____   Selected publication dates        within last 10 years __X__   Subject, title, or author search box ____   Truncation (used an asterisk * at            the beginning or end of a word)     __X_   Academic or scholarly (Peer             Reviewed) journals ____   Quotation marks for key words __X__   Selected key terms from             PICOT question ____   Others: (list below)  _______________________________ _______________________________   

NR439 Week 3 Problem : PICOT :Evidence Search (PPE)

Essay NRS 493 capstone change project outcomes

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