NR 621 Education Practicum Project Project

NR 621 Education Practicum Project Project
Disruptive student behaviors
Disruptive behaviors are fundamentally actions that tend to impede teaching and learning within a classroom, and they can spread if they are overlooked. There are various types of disruptive behaviors some of which if they are identified early enough, can be resolved. Some of the typical disruptive behaviors are incivility which is basically student being aggressive towards his or her fellow students, threats of violence, and regular unfruitful arguments. Disruptive behaviors are characterized by those referred to as, lateral/horizontal violence, incivilities, and bullying. Regardless of the terminology, disruptive behaviors result in two serious consequences: they compromise respectful relationships and ultimately decrease quality of patient care. Targeted individuals can experience symptoms of psychological distress, anxiety, depression, and even physical symptoms. In addition, increase numbers of classroom incivility such as tardiness, sleepers, excessive use of cell phones, and discourteous behaviors to other students are seen by faculty. Statistically, there are more students suffering from disruptive behavior disorder, particularly attention-deficit hyperactivity disorders, and the recent data revealed that there are roughly 40% of the teenagers with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (Thompson et al., 2020). Evidently, a study conducted revealed that behaviors problems particularly in classrooms tend to cause distress for both the teacher and the students, affect the flow of lessons and collide with the learning objectives and process of learning. Typically, disruptive student behaviors change the dynamics of the classroom as the focus changes from academic tasks to the distractions that result from the student’s behaviors. Disruptive behavior disorder among students results from several occurrences. One and the most common one is boredom. Students need to be actively involved in their learning because when a student is bored, this usually happens because they are not interested in what their teacher is teaching or if they already learned what the teacher is teaching. The other cause of this educational issue is confusion. This often occurs when a student fails to apprehend a concept or an explanation made by the tutors. They often end up confused and consequently, adopt other disruptive activities to get over the confusion. Lastly, being resentful is believed to result in disruptive behaviors (Latif et al., 2016). Although this is not quite common when a student is annoyed he or she may become disruptive, as they feel devalued by their teachers or other students.
NR 621 Education Practicum Project Project
The PICOT question for this study is, “Should cognitive rehearsal intervention be considered for the students with uncivil(misbehavior) behaviors, among nursing educators, to improve their learning and helping them prevent failure?” For nurses, cognitive rehearsal is an effective intervention for addressing incivility and workplace bullying. The cognitive rehearsal process typically consists of three parts: Participating in didactic instruction. Learning and rehearsing specific phrases to use during uncivil encounters. Incivility clearly is a deleterious problem in nursing education hence the need for interventions that nurse education can execute to help curb the incivility in nursing academic institution. The intervention approaches that ought to be used are: proper acknowledgement is an essential element of combating incivility. The term psychosocial refers to an individual’s psychological development in and interaction with their social environment. Disruptive behaviors are an unfortunate but prevalent aspect of the nursing work environment. The negative consequences extend beyond individuals who experience and witness them to the patients they care for, and entire organizations. The ability to manage disruptive behaviors through effective response strategies can mitigate the negative effects, particularly among NLNs who are unlikely to have well-developed coping mechanisms in place. Psychosocial treatments (interventions) include structured counseling, motivational enhancement, case management, care-coordination, psychotherapy and relapse prevention. One ought to have the ability to recognize incivility in classroom as one can be both a victim and a perpetrator of incivility, hence imperative for one to acknowledge when one is being uncivil; the other intervention is communication strategies which are developed based on the outcome of implement classroom incivility surveys. This may suggest relaying uncivil acts to the deans or educators and encouraging freedom of expression. Supervising; and lastly is zero tolerance policy with consistency with the learning institution. This means that institution ought to consider screening incivility, and immediately and justly addressing any reports made regarding incivility (Khasinah, 2017). That being said, this paper seeks to discuss in detail incivility which has been a major educational issue especially in nursing education and discuss incivility and various ways to manage negative student behaviors.
Khasinah, S. (2017). Managing disruptive behavior of students in language classroom. Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities, 4(2), 79-89. (
Latif, M., Khan, U. A., & Khan, A. N. (2016). CAUSES OF STUDENTS’DISRUPTIVE CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: A COMPARATIVE STUDY. Gomal University Journal of Research, 32(1), 44-52. (
Thompson, A. M., Stinson, A. E., Sinclair, J., Stormont, M., Prewitt, S., & Hammons, J. (2020). Changes in Disruptive Behavior Mediated by Social Competency: Testing the STARS Theory of Change in a Randomized Sample of Elementary Students. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research, 11(4), 591-614. (