Essay NR 535 Week 6 Teaching Plan

NR 535 Week 6 Teaching Plan

NR 535 Week 6 Teaching Plan
NR 535 Week 6 Teaching Plan

NR 535 Week 6 Teaching Plan

Teaching Plan Template

Title of Presentation: Wound care and wound healing

NR 535 Week 6 Teaching Plan –Target Audience: Nursing undergraduate students in third year or fifth semester of BSN program are the target audience. The students will learn wound care and management in detail for the first time, but briefing on wound care was already completed in the two-hour infection prevention class or chapter of the course. 

Program Description: Wound care and wound healing is a three-hour class in six-hour program including one-hour clinical in the infection and wound management program. The unit of Wound care and wound healing aims at educating nursing students to promote and practice effective, advanced, and evidence-based wound management. The unit includes introduction to wounds, types of wounds, anatomy and physiology human skin, wound assessment, physiology of different wound healing process, evidence-based wound management, environmental conditions, infection prevention, decision-making, and techniques of wound management. Further, the unit explores issues in clinical practice to encourage students to choose best possible solution based on literature research. Essay NR 536 Week 3 Developing Critical Thinking Questions

NR 535 Week 6 Teaching Plan

Overall Course Objective(s):

a)Course objectives  

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Define infection terminologies
  • Classify different infections
  • Analyze hospital acquired infection prevention and ventilator acquired infection techniques
  • Demonstrate implementation of infection prevention techniques
  • Describe different types of wounds
  • Describe normal wound healing process
  • Discuss the ability to assess wounds with different etiology
  • Discuss the ability to manage wounds with different etiology
  • Describe different evidence-based wound care and wound management strategies
  • Identify key factors that influence wound management
  • Develop interprofessional collaboration for wound management
  • Apply evidence-based practice in contemporary wound care

NR 535 Week 6 Teaching Plan

b) Unit objectives  

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Explain normal wound healing process
  • Identify signs and symptoms of infections in wound
  • Identify EBP wound care strategy for different wounds
  • Identify equipment and resources needed in the EBP practice
  • Demonstrate wound management including wound cleansing, bandaging, and protecting the wound from external environment

NR 535 Week 6 Teaching Plan

Unit Objective(s)Topical OutlineInstructional Method with Rationale for SelectionLearning Resources/MaterialsMethod of Evaluation
Instructional MethodRationaleStudent AssignmentInstructor Preparation
Explain normal wound healing processTypes of wounds, physiological response to injury, normal wound healing process, and time required to healDescribe the topics by using pictures and animated videos in lecture in a PowerPoint presentationAs wound looks different and they age differently, it is important to describe the process and time through pictures, videos, and animation. Two online discussionGroups will be created to discuss different aspects of wound, types of wound, and process of healing. Uniform topic and rubric will be assigned to all the students. Identify at least 2 different types of wounds and discuss cause, healing process, and its severity. 
Identify signs and symptoms of infections in woundAcute and chronic wounds, infections, signs and symptoms including roughness, deformity, misalignment, wound drainage, and fever.Handouts will be provided along with an audiovisual ppt lecture to explain wound appearance, infection formation, and identification.Handouts will help in observing wounds closely along with detailed information and lecture with audiovisual ppt aids in explaining different signs and symptoms of infections. Two online discussionsRubric will be created and it will include identifying chronic and acute wounds, and explaining signs and symptoms of any surgical wound infection. One discussion on acute or chronic wound based on recent nursing research.One discussion on infection prevention mechanism. 
Identify EBP wound care strategy for different woundscontemporary EBP strategies for wound management, steps of wound management in external environment, and comparing and contrasting techniques.Describe the topics by using pictures and audiovisual videos in lecture in a PowerPoint presentation. It also includes case analysis. Case study helps in understanding different strategies in wound management and complication faced. A paper to identify EBP wound care strategy. Rubric with expected outcomes and paper guidelines in APA format will be given to the students. Evaluate the EBP wound care paper against rubrics. 
Identify equipment and resources needed in the EBP practiceSpecific surgical equipment for specific wound types, guidelines for wound management, use of cleansing solutions, and bandaging materials.Group interactive discussion to identify different types of tools, solutions, and bandages. As this part includes identifying equipment, discussion helps in comparing and contrasting between different solutions, bandages, and equipment. Online quiz Information on online quiz and reattempt limit will be givenTotal 10 questions on equipment identification with each question carrying 5 points
Demonstrate wound managementComplications in wound management, and wound cleansing and bandaging. Demonstrate the wound management on a mannequin or an actual human if available through video conference or recorded video. As it is a part of clinical practice, demonstrating the process helps in reducing risks, errors, and complication in implementing wound care strategies. Case analysis of 1000 wordsRubric along with a case will be given to the studentsThe case study report will be evaluated based on identification of wound, normal wound healing process, identification of EBP technique and tools, and using recent scholarly articles along with APA referencing. 

NR 535 Week 6 Teaching Plan

Learning Resources/Materials (List the complete references here using correct APA format.)

Baranoski, S., & Ayello, E. (2011). Wound care essentials: practice principles (3rd ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Bryant, R., & Nix, D. (2010). Acute & chronic wounds (4th ed.). Mosby.

Dealey, C. (2012). The care of wounds (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

Hess, C. (2012). Clinical guide to skin and wound care (6th ed.). Springhouse.

Reddy, M., & Cottrill, R. (2011). Healing wounds, healthy skin (4th ed.). Yale University Press.

NR 535 Week 6 Teaching Plan

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