Essay NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay

NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay

NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay
NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay

NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay on Leadership Competencies 

NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay

Leadership competencies define an individual’s capabilities, knowledge, philosophy, and skills in managing self, peers and the organization to achieve both organizational and individual goals (Alexander & Lopez, 2018). For me, leadership competencies also include moral values and behaviors that make a person an effective, open, friendly, compassionate, and authentic leader. I firmly believe from my experience that a self-assessment practice based on models and theories such as SHRM’s Competency Model and Self-determination theory (SDT) molds individual traits into leadership qualities and skills (Perlman et al., 2019). From this reflective essay, I aim to gain insights regarding the importance of leadership competencies, my current competencies, opportunities that aid in the development and growth of competencies, and the influence of these competencies in future MSN role as an MSN nurse practitioner. The essay reflects on my leadership competencies, strengths, and opportunities and the influence of my leadership competencies on the MSN role as a nurse practitioner. 

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NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay

Leadership Competencies (Knowledge, Skills, or Attitudes)

Knowledge Competencies

My philosophy in life is based on democratic and inclusive behavior where everyone and their opinions are important along with their roles, skills, and knowledge they possess. As a child always thought a leader should be autocratic but as I stepped into young life and adulthood, it made me realize that my competencies are in-accordance with a competency of a democratic leader (Aria, Jafari & Behifar, 2019).. When it comes to knowledge, it is evident that my competencies include learning facts, implementing process into action, understanding viewpoints, self-awareness, recalling information, and interpreting the information according to the current situation, concepts, trends, and patterns (Carter, 2018). Cognitive abilities help in gaining knowledge and developing skills and changing the attitude based on the situation one faces. As I prefer lifelong learning and study research papers to gain knowledge about new interventions and EBP processes, my leadership competencies are high. 

NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay

Competencies in Skills

Skills are both cognitive and physical. As cognitive skills are mainly based on knowledge, it includes decision-making abilities, understanding perspectives, application of knowledge, and observing and monitoring the process success or outcome (Below, 2018; Matarese, Lommi, De Marinis & Riegel, 2018). I learned during my research projects and practice in healthcare that I am good at decision-making and implementing knowledge. Participating in group discussions and meetings during a crisis such as COVID-19 helped gives opportunities to gain skills such as active listening, problem identification, risk assessment, and effective communication. Under physical skills speed, precision, and coordination are my competencies (Carter, 2018). 

Attitude Competencies

As my philosophy is based on democratic values and inclusiveness, empathy, values, feelings, motivation, and appreciation are my competencies (Carter, 2018). However, as a nurse, I need to have a professional attitude that is dynamic based on the situation and the people I am dealing with. A person’s attitude can determine the success level as it helps in establishing communication and bond (Below, 2018).  

NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay

Two Key Leadership Competencies and Opportunities for Growth

Effective workload and time management along with exhibiting professional conduct through communication are my two key areas of personal strength. However, I also feel that establishing interprofessional collaboration during group meetings creates an opportunity to learn more. Therefore, two leadership competencies that have opportunities for growth are administrative competencies and supervisory competencies. Administrative competencies help in managing peers and supervisory competencies aid in evaluating the performance of peers (Carter, 2018). 

Statement of the Selected MSN Track

As an MSN nurse practitioner, I aim to transform my nursing knowledge, skills, and competencies into reliable, effective, ethical, and evidence-based nursing practice to provide quality, patient-centered, culture-based, and timely care for everyone with the support of peers and organization (McCay, Lyles & Larkey, 2018). Leadership competencies affect future MSN role as complexities in health care are increasing. The first example is leadership competencies help in motivating and coordinating peers in COVID-19 like situations where there is a shortage of ventilators, PPEs, and resources, and nurses are facing issues of burnout and fatigue due to overwork. The second example is finding a solution to health care complexities such as infection prevention where leaders can establish interprofessional collaboration and group discussions to find different EBP interventions to mitigate the infection and infection-related problems (Loveday, 2019). 

NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay


Leadership competencies aids in identifying, developing, and transforming individual leadership traits in a health care setting that allows a health care professional to manage self, peers, patients, and organization with knowledge, skills, and attitude to provide high-quality care and establish better work environment. These competencies can define the MSN role an also guide to solve health care complexities efficiently through self-awareness, communication, discussion, problem identification and solving and administration. 


Alexander, C., & Lopez, R. (2018). A thematic analysis of self-described authentic leadership behaviors among experienced nurse executives. JONA: The Journal Of Nursing Administration48(1), 38-43. doi: 10.1097/nna.0000000000000568

Aria, A., Jafari, P., & Behifar, M. (2019). Authentic leadership and teachers’ intention to stay: the mediating role of perceived organizational support and psychological capital. World Journal Of Education9(3), 67. doi: 10.5430/wje.v9n3p67

Below, M. (2018). The influence of nursing leadership roles on self-care. Proquest.

Carter, K. (2018). Promoting self-concept and leadership competencies among frontline nursing staff. Nursing Management (Springhouse)49(9), 7. doi: 10.1097/01.numa.0000538922.91277.c8

NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay

Loveday, H. (2019). Future nurse: Pre-registration nurse education – are you involved?. Journal Of Infection Prevention20(4), 160-161. doi: 10.1177/1757177419863468

Matarese, M., Lommi, M., De Marinis, M., & Riegel, B. (2018). A systematic review and integration of concept analyses of self-care and related concepts. Journal Of Nursing Scholarship50(3), 296-305. doi: 10.1111/jnu.12385

McCay, R., Lyles, A., & Larkey, L. (2018). Nurse leadership style, nurse satisfaction, and patient satisfaction. Journal Of Nursing Care Quality33(4), 361-367. doi: 10.1097/ncq.0000000000000317

Perlman, D., Moxham, L., Patterson, C., Cregan, A., Alford, S., & Tapsell, A. (2019). Mental health stigma and undergraduate nursing students: A self-determination theory perspective. Collegian. doi: 10.1016/j.colegn.2019.08.001

NR 504 Week 3 Reflective Essay

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