NR 500 Week 2 Artistic Expression Caring Concept Assignment

NR 500 Week 2 Artistic Expression Caring Concept Assignment
NR 500 Week 2 Artistic Expression Caring Concept Assignment -Caring as a nursing concept is important since it remains the inner core of nursing practice. Caring and nursing is unanimous to each other. It incorporates the ability to show attentiveness, sensitivity to patient’s values and having the skill to communicate and attend to meet the physical, social and spiritual needs of the patient. A study conducted about nurses’ concept about caring, showed that caring occurs when there is patient collaboration involved. It describes letting patient participate in their care, allowing freedom of choice, and showing interest on what’s best for the patient’s overall health (Andersson, Willman, Sjöström-Strand, & Borglin, 2015). In addition, a holistic approach plays an important part on caring because it gives value to individuality and gives versatility to include alternative treatments in conjunction to modern or conventional medicine (Papathanasiou, Sklavou, & Kourkouta, 2013).
NR 500 Week 2 Artistic Expression Caring Concept Assignment
Definition of Caring
Caring to me means providing patient’s needs with compassion and taking into account the aspect of body, mind and spirit. Caring in nursing is providing the best way possible for optimal health. Our entity as humans, are not just categorized biologically, but also comprised of mind and spirit (Papathanasiou, Sklavou, & Kourkouta, 2013). Nursing and caring goes hand in hand. Being sensitive to a patient’s individuality will build trusting interpersonal relationship and a healing process that celebrates a patient centered nursing care.
NR 500 Week 2 Artistic Expression Caring Concept Assignment
Expression of Caring
I selected a short story as an expression of caring. A nurse showing sensitivity and sincerity to patient’s physical and emotional needs. Caring was depicted when a patient suffering from anxiety from repeated hospitalization and depression due to development of bodily surgical scars, found comfort from a healing touch practitioner. According to Drahošová and Jarošová (2016), nurses are the guardians and capable of putting the best interest for the patient. Nurses are the voice and the instrument to protect and support the patient in all aspects, not just treating bodily symptoms but also being sensitive to their emotional and spiritual needs.
NR 621 Education Practicum Project Ideas
Nurses have the unique position to care for others. They are the top patient advocate, that can give care not just the physical needs of a patient but also their emotion and spiritual needs. Even though caring does not have a definitive description and mean differently between the nurses and patients interactions (Drahošová and Jarošová, 2016), caring paves way to nursing by creating a trusting environment and supporting relationship with patients.
NR 500 Week 2 Artistic Expression Caring Concept Assignment
Andersson, E. K., Willman, A., Sjöström-Strand, A., & Borglin, G. (2015). Registered nurses’ descriptions of caring: A phenomenographic interview study. BMC Nursing, 14(1). doi: 10.1186/s12912-015-0067
Drahošová, L., & Jarošová, D. (2016). Concept caring in nursing. Central European Journal of Nursing & Midwifery, 7(2), 453-461. doi:10.15452/CEJNM.2016.07.0014
Papathanasiou, I., Sklavou, M., & Kourkouta, L. (2013). Holistic nursing care: Theories and perspectives. American Journal of Nursing Science, 2(1), 1-5. doi:10.11648/j.ajns. 20130201.11 ,
NR 500 Week 2 Artistic Expression Caring Concept Assignment